Monday, November 13, 2006
What is Profit?
Life is all about taking risks, and the rewards may be positive or negative.
With cooperation, shunning the false pride, from all, if each person tries to contribute the best of what he/she can, there would be profit.
In a wider perceptive it could be understood as:
Fred I. Kent -Letter to grandson….
How there can be a profit which is not taken from the work of someone else…
Profit is the result of enterprise, which builds for others as well as for the enterpriser. Let us consider the operation of this fact in a primitive community, say of a hundred persons who are non-intelligent beyond the point of obtaining the mere necessities of living by working hard all day long.
Our primitive community, dwelling at the foot of a mountain, must have water. There is no water except at a spring near the top of the mountain; therefore, everyday all the hundred persons climb to the top of the mountain. It takes them one hour to go up and back. They do this day in and day out, until at last one of them notices that the water from the spring runs down inside the mountain in the same direction that he goes when he comes down. He conceives the idea of digging a trough in the mountainside all the way down to the place where he has his habitation. He goes to work to build a through. The other ninety-nine people are not even curious as to what he is doing.
Then one day this hundredth man turns a small part of the water from the spring into his trough and it runs down the mountain into a basin he has fashioned at the bottom. Whereupon he says to the ninety-nine others, who each spend an hour a day fetching their water, that if they will each give him the daily production of ten minutes of their time, he will give them water from his basin. He will then receive nine hundred and ninety minutes of the time of the other men each day, which will make it unnecessary for him to work some sixteen hours a day in order to provide for his necessities. He is making a tremendous profit- but his enterprise has given each of the ninety-nine other people fifty additional minutes each day for himself.
The enterpriser, now having sixteen hours a day at this disposal and being naturally curious, spends part of his time watching the water run down the mountain. He sees that it pushes along stones and pieces of wood. So he develops a water wheel; then he notices that it has power and, finally, after many hours of contemplation and work, makes the waterwheel run a mill to grind his corn.
This hundredth man then realizes that he has sufficient power to grind corn for the other ninety-nine. He says to them, “I will allow you to grind your corn in my mill if you will give me one-tenth of the time you save.” They agree, and so the enterpriser now makes an additional profit. He uses the time paid him by ninety- nine others to build a better house for himself, to increase his conveniences of living through new benches, openings in his house for light, and better protection from the cold. So it goes on, as this hundredth man constantly finds ways to save the ninety-nine the total expenditure of their time- one-tenth of which he asks of them in payment for his enterprising.
This hundredth man’s time finally becomes all his own to use as he sees fit. He does not have to work unless he chooses to. His food and shelter and clothing are provided by others. His mind, however, is ever working and the other ninety-nine are constantly having more time to themselves because of this thinking and planning.
For instance, he notices that one of the ninety-nine makes better shoes than the others. He arranges for this man to spend all his time making shoes, because he can feed him and clothe him and arrage for his shelter from profits. The other ninety-eight do not now have to make their own shoes. They are charged one-tenth the time they save. The ninety-ninety man is also able to work shorter hours because some of the time that is paid by each of the ninety-eight is allowed to him by the hundredth man.
As the days pass, another individual is seen by the hundredth man to be making better clothes than any of the others, and it is arranged that his time shall be given entirely to his speciality. And so on.
Due to the foresight of the hundredth man, a division of labour is created that results in more and more of those in the community doing the things for which they are best fitted. Everyone has a greater amount of time at this disposal. Each becomes interested, except the dullest, in what others are doing and wonders how he can better his own position. The final result is that each person begins to find his proper place in an intelligent community.
But suppose that, when the hundredth man had completed his trough down the mountain put forth his proposal, to the other ninety-nine, and they had turned on him and said, “We are ninety-nine and you are only one. We will take what water we want. You cannot prevent us and we will give you nothing.” What would have happened then? The incentive of the most curious mind to build upon his enterprising thoughts would have been taken away. He would have seen that he could gain nothing by solving problems if he still had to use every waking hour to provide his living. There could have been no advancement in the community. The same stupidity that first existed would have remained. Life would have continued to be a drudge to everyone, with opportunity to do no more than work all day long just for a bare living.
But we will say the ninety-nine did not prevent the hundredth man from gong on with his thinking, and the community prospered. And we will suppose that there were soon a hundred families. As the children grew up, it was realized that they should be taught the ways of life. There was now sufficient production so that it was possible to take others away from the work of providing for themselves, pay them, and set them to teaching the young.
Similarly, as intelligence grew the beauties of Nature became apparent. Men tried to fix scenery and animals in drawings and art was born. From the sounds heard in Natures studio and in the voices of the people, music was developed. And it became possible for those who were proficient in drawing and music to spend all their time at their art, giving of their creations to others in return for a portion of the community’s production.
As these developments continued, each member of the community, while giving something from his own accomplishments, became more and more dependent upon the efforts of others. And unless envy and jealousy and unfair laws intervened to restrict honest enterprisers who benefited all, progress promised to be constant.
Need we say more to prove that there can be profit from enterprise without taking anything from others, that such enterprise adds to the ease of living for everyone?
These principles are as active in a great nation such as the United States as in our imaginary community. Laws that kill incentive and cripple the honest enterpriser hold back progress. True Profit is not something to be feared, because it works to the benefit of all.
Guess this is how the present form of society too would have emerged.
We must endeavour to build instead of tearing down what others have built. We must be fair to other men, or the world cannot be fair to us.
Life is beautiful, if we keep it simple, and dont make it complex, also it is all about taking risk and cooperative endeavour.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Each person probably feels that he is different from the rest of humanity. We are moulded by our experiences and our reactions to those experiences.
Most people though not all, could have had the fortune of having supportive parents by their side, but few still have the blessings of such truly wonderful and also rather remarkable grandparents. But there are some in the present generation, who cannot understand the compassion and understanding of our earlier generations, or of some.
Since childhood, I have been surrounded by people, this has given me somewhat unusual attitude. Though not a joint family, there were always relatives with us, and ours was not a nuclear family too…
The circumstances in which I passed my girlhood, I had the opportunity of not only seeing but observing many things, some, were not easy, not happy ones. The world is a cruel place, for the best of us and especially so for the sensitive. We are apt to guard ourselves with whatever armour we can lay our minds on. I began discovering the world and people and above all myself…..
Always had one fallacy and wish. I should be fully independent, never have a time such that I will have to stretch my hands for favours…This was from the time in 11th our hindi teacher told us to write an essay on ‘Paradeen Swapanehu Sukh Nahi’. Now I realize its like ‘Kismath khya hey janatha hey wahi, Jinki Kismath Hotha hey Buri…’ Though some say, ‘man makes his own fortune and calls it fate’
Life indeed is rich and I have got to go miles…before I sleep…I owe a debt to so many…..Life is not limited to this place, or this activities….But before I live my own life, What will it be? I don’t know at all…., I need to complete the unfinished tasks, which were started,…………..
For this guess the next choosen task is the visit to Mecca, indeed, Chennai, is Mecca for CA students…..
The experience this long has been exhilarating at times, depressing at times, but certainly worthwhile…….
Indeed ‘The most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched, They must be felt within the heart…..’ and ‘Be nice to people on your way up, because you will need them on your way down.’
Here is another blog for different purpose:
Thought 4 the day: Talents differ, all is well and wisely put.
I asked the wind that howls around my window every hour...Why do you make so much noise..You scare me- It said "I am sorry , but I only want to dare you!" ...Go out and face the world....I survived, it may not be so hard for you either!
Thank you for your support, your kind words and your prayers.
I am still in a very contemplative mood. I guess a personal loss makes us question a lot of things. It makes us question what we are doing here on Earth? What is the essence of life? What is important to us? What are our priorities?
And I am not sure that we ever get the answers.
Indeed Health is the first of life....and Peace is the best in life....
My glorious past beholds my present. " I am a commoner with some uncommon interests pursued in the fashion that interested many. For you to think I seek no affection today, as I fought the pain of my past with valor, sinks my heart in deep grief. Oh I need the love of this world, the attention and light, so m...y life be able to Sing again in the Rain"
I live my life as if it was my only passion, my life loves me back as if I were its only dream..........a perfect give and take relation!
Knocking at my door the the angels from heaven left me a package that said your life is enclosed in the box...I feared- what if it had wings? It would fly if I opened the lid. The after many years, one night an angel held my hands and walked me along a river bank. It whispered into my ears, "For the fear of loosing on...e you may be loosing it all- open your box and let it fly if it wants to."
Diwali The Festival of Lights......
But in most other states be in North or South India, these festival is celebrated for 4-5 days, or even a month.
The significance or message of this festival is:
Know the major Indic cultural, historical aspects that make this great festival.
1. Sri Mahalakshmi emerges from the cosmic ocean.
2. Sri Rama returns to Ayodhya, after vanquishing Ravana.
3. Sri Krishna & Satyabhama destroy the evil Narakasura.
4. Sri Kali Puja on the dark night of Diwali Amavasya.
5. Sri Mahavira attains the state of liberation, Pari Nirvana.
6. Sri Bhai Mani Singh resists Islamic tyranny and becomes a martyr for Diwali (1737 CE).
The Festival of Light
The Festival of Liberation
The Festival of Pluralism
The Festival of Sacrifice
The Festival of Freedom.
Celebrate this great festival.
#Deepavali #Diwali
It's also the day Pandavas reach heaven. They start 14 days before dussera and kandils are kept to bid farewell to the departed souls.We should keep them as high as possible
Happy Diwali!!!
Changing rules in the career market
Would you like to take a sneak peak at the kind of organization that you will be working in? Well it would not be the conventional kind of structure which most people are conversant of. Like, it would neither be an Indian company or a foreign company. Does this surprise you? It should not.
In tomorrow’s world there is every likelihood that you would work in a company which is headquartered in India, whose row- material is sourced from Australia, whose finished product is marketed in North America, money is raised in Europe, the design and development is undertaken in south America and the finished goods are manufactured in China, Asia. So you are likely to have the sourcing function in Australia-New Zealand, marketing in America, finance in Europe, R&D in South America, manufacturing in China and strategizing in India. Now what do you call such a company? An Indian company or an American company or a plain and simple transnational organization?
We are not shooting in the dark. Such organizations are already in existence with business process outsourcing being a trailer or a precursor for the shape of things to come. In such a world your colleagues, peer, mentors, leaders are not going to have the same socio, economic, cultural backgrounds. They would come from differing backgrounds with different work place ethics that would lead to culture shocks. To succeed in such place you need to understand the changing rules of the career market.
Rule 1: Uni Vs. Multi functional.
Knowledge is Power
If you are a specialist, that’s great. Suppose you are the big boy of a corporate finance or of the fussy world ofmanagement accounting. Or, suppose that you are hopelessly in love with the debits and credits of financial accounting or with the loopholes of tax and law. Well, in that case you could graduate to become the CFO of the organization. But you will stop there. You may never graduate to become the CEO. If you want to run an organization, say a manufacturing outfit, whilst you could be a specialist in finance and accounting, you will also have to have a significant appreciation of manufacturing, marketing, research, design, development and strategizing not to speak of HR and technology. All of this was true once upon a time. Today, if you want to be a CFO you will have to know all those things that a CEO of youre needed to know. Yes, you need to have a multi-functional appreciation of the happenings in your organization even to become a CFO, leave alone becoming a CEO. This is a world where knowledge like never before is power.
Rule 2: 9 to 5 Vs. 24 X 7
Career first
If you ask your grandparents they would tell you how simple the world over was. They went to office at 9 in the morning and returned home at 5 in the evening so much so that there was branded dress ware called 9 to 5 which sold like hot cakes among office goers.
Working on weekends and holidays was strict no –no. It was called the British culture, at its very best. At office time you did office work, at other times you did other work. Today you cannot be a clock watcherToday it is not just enough to show up; you have to deliver. There is nothing like 9 to 5 office timing. Its flexi timing. You work 24 hours day.7 days a week, 365 days a year. That's like a doctor on duty.
You are given a task to be performed in say 5 days. You could sleep for 4 days and crack it on the 5th.Or you could work all 5days. Boy, it's your choice. We are not suggesting that this is the wisest way to work, but that's the reality, The arrival of mobile and the internet has meant the death of privacy. Today, career comes first. Everything else, the family included, is second .The pressure to succeed is immense. Little wonder that there are early burn outs, stained relationships and greater career crisis But if you want to succeed you need to play the game by the new rules of the game.
Rule 3; Gray hairs Vs. Gray cells
Age no bar
Ask your grandparents and they will tell you that you need to be 50plus to be a CEO. Look at any of the public sector organizations and you will see that. Also many a private
sector player too has that proclivity. There was a time when ambitious youngsters shaded
their hair a shade white (yes white or black) to look more mature when they were seeking for higher jobs. Today things are changing. At 30 something you can become a CEO: at 40 plus you should be definitely the head of a global organization. The days when promotions were based on seniority, yes sir syndrome and age zones are gone. Today
they are merit-based, there is greater objectivity in appraisal: what companies look for is transferable skill set, you can ask why you are being rated lower and there is a healthy competition.
Rule 4: Hard skills vs. Soft skills
Beyond Knowledge
Ten or so years ago, you could get to climb the corporate ladder if you were strong in your subject, smart and current in your area of work. Hard skill(a k a knowledge) was important. Like, if you knew the income tax law inside out including judgments and how to deal with the officers you could become the big boss of taxation in office. Like, if you knew corporate and other laws cover to cover you could become the big boss of secretarial practice.
Even today knowledge is important: but knowledge alone won't do. You need to have the ability to carry people along with you. And that calls for people skills. Your ability to communicate, get along be a team player, contribute as a team member, lead small groups, generate and take through ideas, motivate others are all crucial. These are what are referred to as soft skills. The irony is that you will have to work with, lead or report to folks who might IQ wise not measure up to you. But the world is made up of all kinds of people. Remember, great effort was never achieved by outstanding individuals but by ordinary mortals who went on to do extraordinary things. Today like never before, soft skills are far more important than hard skills.
Rule 5 : Loyalty vs Job Hopping
Who is the boss?
Old timers will tell you that they thought many a time before taking up their first jobs. They swore by the Japanese philosophy, "One employer for life." Ask your grandpa and he is likely to say that didn't work in more than 3 companies all his life. Those days, If you switched jobs you were thought to be disloyal. Today the scene isn't that way. Today, job hopping is quite on. No one things twice before switching jobs. The loyalty is longer to the company; the loyalty is to the self and to one's career. Now this is not to suggest that you should do a hop, step and jump every other year. It is only to indicate that hopping 3 jobs in 10 years isn't all that bad. Every hop should give you a better and wider appreciation of organizational working, widen your horizon, improve your skill set and take you closer to your big goal. Hop jobs by all means but hop with a purpose.
Rule 6; One time Vs Life long
Run boy, run
If you think your education ends the moment you qualify from the Institute of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)or from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) or whatever your almamater is, you are wrong. May be once upon a time the availability of knowledge in the world doubled every 50 years. Later it started doubling every 15 years. Today it doubles every 3 years. This means that if for three years on the trot you don't update yourself, you will become a museum piece. Today learning is life long. The moment you stop learning your career is over. And often what you have learn you might not have studies a jot in your classrooms. The name of the game therefore is to learn the art of "learning to learn". That will put an enormous pressure on your in your job. But this is a welcome pressure.
Rule 7; Adam Vs. Eve
It's a woman's world also
Years ago man ruled the world. No, we aren't being chauvinistic. Not many women ventured to be engineers or CAs. They chose the more exciting profession of medicine. Today a very good number are cracking into what was for many years regarded a male bastion. They are also populating the corporate world, left, right and centre, There is no such thing as glass ceiling for woman to climb. If you have the knowledge, skill and expertise you can go places.
This puts up a stiffer world to work in You will have woman as your peers, as your boss, as your coach or you may have to mentor them. Whether it will be easy or one cannot say, but they for sure come with a completely different mind set. Consider this sentence.
"Woman with out her man is nothing" Once upon a time, people, woman included, would have punctuated it as "Woman, with out her man, is nothing". Today, people, men included, would punctuate it as "Woman, with out her, man is nothing" That's the mind set change.
Rule 8 : Winner Vs Runner
Winner takes all.
At the career market, as in life, success is eulogized; no tears are shed for failures. The world recognizes you, appreciates you, admires you, adores you and fawns on you only as you are a success. The moment you slip up, as any human being can, it forgets you. Take this quiz. You know Australia won the 1999 world cup. Remember who was the runner up? No? Well, that's how the world is.It only remembers only winners ."Don’t talk of your labour pains; show us child " is the credo. If you whine you are dismissed as a whiner, not a winner. Your motive therefore should be towards only one goal, one signpost; Success.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Today is Gandhi Jayanthi.......
May be Gandhi wouldnt have done the same things as said, especially while spitting, he would have kept some religious photo there, or may be he would have done the same things...but anyways it was not Gandhi, but Munna Bhais views...And though we do not have Laurel and Hardy movies in India, Munna Bhai, and Circuit....Kha jhoodi bhadia hey.......Circuit was indeed too good, so also Vidhya Balan, and all others......
There are few things about Gandhi ji which keeps comming in my mind:
1. Simple living and high thinking.
2. Truth and Ahimsa...
3. Those who say religion has got nothing to do with politics, do not know, what religion or politics is.......
4. Selfless service.....
A book gifted by my father, and that I posses sice childhood - Sathya khi Katha Athva Athmakatha......
The bullet would have taken his life, but indeed its not that easy, to swipe away the thoughts....
Though normally, I dont watch movies, and it is only at the most one movie that I happen to see in theater, a year, 2006 was different, in many ways...and here too......This was the fourth one, the others being,
KANK & This.
Though many didnot like KANK, I did like it too....May be because I am a great fan of Karan Johar....As they say, we do not love people because they are beautiful, but they seem beautiful, because we love them.......
My mother always says, when a person having sugar has injury over his leg, you do not cut the fingure immediately, you give treatment, and even after that you feel, it will not heal, better cut it, so that it would not create further damage to rest of the part/relations. Would have found some relation with this and the movie....and somethings from the reality......
September 2006
Thara had come home, and her marriage was fixed, by Gods grace, and as per his plan, without much pomp and show, with only a handful of people, an unplanned one. Sangeetha, Sajeevs sister, put bangle on her hand, and they had brought a plate full of cocunuts, flowers, fruits etc...And after it, could find three kinds of people:
Some happy, and came even uninvited on the day, or during days after that uninvited.
Some sad, for not calling, and having expressed their genuine feelings.
Some who pretended to be quite, with/without feelings within them.
It happened, it was destined, it was his will…..There is someone, somewhere for all, and somethings are planned, which happens.
The philosophy of one century becomes common sense of the next.
Then there was the Onam, festival of Gods own country……..
Everybody has some thing especial about this festival in their minds. For me the message that this festival conveys is:
Keep your promise: When there was nothing else to give, to keep the promise Maveli, gave himself to Vaman.
Never be afraid: Maveli was not afraid of the Saints curse that all his wealth would be gone.
There is so much of good in the worst of us and so much of bad in the best of us……That is why, when rest of the world, and we ourself worship, Vaman, as reincarnation of Vishnu, we also do remember Maveli every year.
It is these outstanding quality of Maveli, that is remembered by me on this day.
Then had shopping, visited many friends and relatives. Doctor. Amidst all this, due to lack of time, had to skip many important things, right from the day one, being going to pick her up to the airport, day two my classes, and visits to so many places…….
Thara went back by 23rd, then I fell sick, it has been nearly two weeks. And began Navrathri.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
We do choose.....

Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. Tie them round your neck; write them on your heart.
Get wisdom and insight. Do not abandon wisdom and she will protect you, love her and she will keep you safe. Nothing will stand in your way if you walk wisely, and you will not stumble when you run, Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life- guard it well. Do not go where evil men go. Do not follow the example of the wicked. Don’t do it. Keep away from evil. Be careful how you think your life is shaped by your thoughts. Never say anything that isn’t true. Have nothing to do with lies and misleading words. Don’t be ashamed to say I do not know. Look straight ahead with honest confident. Don’t hang your head in shame. Plan carefully what you do and whether you do will turn out right. Avoid evil and walk straight ahead. Don’t go one step off the right way. Children should grow up to help parents, not strangers first. Never be responsible for some one else debt. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Never he caught by your own words, your our promises. How long is the lazy man going to lie in bed? When is he ever going to getup? While he sleeps, poverty will attack him like an armed robber.
There are 7 things that the lord hates and cannot tolerate, A proud look, A lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people, a mind that thinks up wicked plan. Feet that hurry off to do evil, a witness who tells one lie after another, and a man who strips up trouble among friends.
As Rabindranath Tagore says:
This is how I would like to be, human & humane, a fully developed person, a harmonious personality. Lover of all people, a citizen with a conscience, a patriot whose loyalty embraces all mankind. Striving for social justice, for the right of the poor to the material well being, of the citizen to self-government, of the ignorant to knowledge, of the child to unfettered development, of the women to equal dignity with men. Be humble and strive for the development of your surrounding first and world next, do both. What the child impales at school is very important. True education lies in the training of all the senses instead of merely cramming the mind with memorized knowledge. Teach through craft. Bring back life to villages. Bridge a gulf between city and village. Remove the cancer of inequality and superstition from the body of our society. The inertia, which leads us to the idolatry of dead forms in social institutions, will create in our political prison houses with immovable walls.
Fear not the waves of the sea, but mind the leaks in your own vessel. No one can take away the blessed task of service to the country. It is God given. Self-rule is eternally within our grasp. If we do not take up the work, we lose the right. It is all to our shame if we lose the natural right of service and throw blame on others for the non-discharge of our duties. It is sad and unfortunate that while we ourselves refrain from service and sacrifice, we expect the mitigation of distress from those who do not feel the natural urge to love and serve but only to throw favors out of pity.
Justice will be the measuring life for the foundation and honesty will be my plumb line, faith that is firm is also patient. I believe in life only when it is progressive, and in progress only when it is in harmony with life. I preach the freedom of man from the servitude of the fetish of hugeness, the non human. By progress, it means a continuous development of the human personality, both individual and the corporate…
Where the mind is without fear,
And the head is held high,
Where knowledge is free,
Where the world has not been broken up,
Into fragments by narrow domestic wall,
Where words come out from the depth of truth,
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection,
Where the clear stream of reason has not,
Lost its way into dreary desert Sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever widening thought and action,
Into that heaven of freedom, my father,
Let my country awake.
As Pattabhi Ram sir says:
Life is all about:
Whatever you do, be the best in that. A friend asked should I do, B Sc pysics or B. Tech after 12th, and this was the answer that came apt...Technical knowledge is always the best and good if you could excel in B Tech say if interested in physics take electronics etc. But if your heart is elsewhere do that. An arts teacher, can earn even more than doctor, there are nuns and sisters, taking care of children and family better than married people.
Many young people believe respectable and well paying jobs are in the fields of nursing and engineering. What I’d like to know is what is the problem with other jobs?
Each person has his/her own strengths and weaknesses and should learn to play by them. You may be bad at maths but that does not mean you will be bad in languages. What I mean is each person has their own capabilities and while they excel in one area, they may be weak in another.
You should make your own decisions, make your own mistakes and learn to rectify them. If you fall down, you pick yourself up and keep on moving.
A number of students are new to decision making. Lets just say you are on your way up the corporate ladder but you rather do something like advertising or fashion designing, if that’s really what you want, and then go for it.
It does not matter where you are, if you hate what you are learning, you are going to end up hating the job. There are probably many who spend hours in front of your computer playing video games. Ever think of designing your own games for a living? ? Its just a thought. This way you will be doing something that exercises your brain and make money doing it.
Choosing a career takes time. You don’t just wake up one fine morning, sit down in front of a mug of coffee and declare without a second thought, ‘ I’m going to be a doctor’ or something like that. Time matters when it comes to your future. Not all careers are stable and decisions should be make carefully.
India is not able to reach its maximum potential may be because of this lack of decision making ability among young people.It is your own luck, skill and ability that matters in the future.
And that is what I too have been doing...Some say these kinds of thoughts will not lead me any where, I have still not reached any where...But that is a I do belive today unlike yesterday, I have reached somewhere....
Emptying my thought by putting things here to have helped me tremendously. And indeed, once I reduce my sleep, I would be the best...Again, guess its only G the almighty who could help me and wishing for that, and thus a help for my studies.
Indeed, Faith, Forgive and Forgetting what is not needed is important. Doubting Thomas will never have happiness in their life - Personal or professional. They cause trouble not only to themselves but to others too.
What you speak about, you can bring about.
If you keep saying you can't stand your job, you might lose your job.
If you keep saying you can't stand your body, your body can become sick.
If you keep saying you can't stand your car, your car could be stolen or just stop operating.
If you keep saying you're broke, guess what? You'll always be broke.
If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman, you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.
If you keep saying you can't find a job, you will remain unemployed.
If you keep saying you can't find someone to love you or believe in you, your very thought will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.
If you keep talking about a divorce or break up in a relationship, then you might end up with it. Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.
Don't be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve.
Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become character.
Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny.
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settle for.
"In the search for me, I discovered truth. In the search for truth, I discovered love. In the search for love, I discovered God. And in God, I have found everything."
Friday, September 08, 2006
Don’t Throw the Quit Switch
(((Most people succed because they are determined to. People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. – Heorge Allen, Football Coach)
Every Olympic athlete, every leader, and every human being has a certain little known brain part in common: a quit Switch.
Some people, out of lifelong habit, throw the quit switch at the first sign of frustration. Their workout gets difficult, so they throw the switch and go home. Their day of phone calls gets frustrating, so they throw the switch and go for coffee with a coworker for two hours of sympathetic negativity.
Everyone has a Quit Switch. Not everyone knows it.
Get to know it. Notice yourself flipping the switch. You can’t quir and you won’t quit until you throw the switch. A human being is built like any animal to persist until a goal is reached. Watch children get what they want and you’ll see the natural, built- in- persistence.
Somewhere along the way, through, we learn about this little switch. Soon, we start flipping the switch. Some of us begin by flipping it after a server frustration, and then star flipping it after medium frustrations, and until finally it is thrown in the face of any discomfort at all. We quit.
If you weren,t in the habit of throwing the switch too early, you would achieve virtually any goal you ever set. You would never give up on your team. You’d make every month’s sales goal. You’d even lose all the weight you ever wanted to lose. You would achieve anything you wanted because you would not throw the switch.
The Quit Switch is something you can focus on, learn about, and make work for you instead of against you. Whether you flip it early or late is only habit. The switch flipping habit is misinterpreted as lack of willpower, courage, drive, or desire, but that’s nonsense. It’s a habit. And like any habit, it can be replaced with another habit.
Make it your habit not to throw the Quit switch early in any process. Do not quit on yourself as a leader or on your team as producers. The less of a quitter you are, the more of a motivator you become.
IIf you feel depressed at any time in your walk through life. Read this……
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging, Seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high….
And when you want to smile, but you have to sign.
When care is pressing you down a bit…
Rest if you must, limit don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twist and turn,
As every one of us sometimes learn,
And many a fellow turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the space seems slow
You may succeed with another below
Often the goal is nearer then
It seems to a faint and faltering man
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victors cup
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silent tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may he never when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit.
Its when things seems worst that you must not quit.
Don’t quit but turn God.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
People and the world….
Well there are exceptions, everywhere, every time. There were people like Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Vivekananda, and Subash Chandra Bose at the same time. Hitler, Mussoloni, Mother Therisa, Einsten, Nobel….
So let us not be in the race by greedy ones!! Let us do all the good we can, to all the people we can, in all the ways we can, at all the time we can….Let is live the one life we have, right with dignity. Let us not be like those, who cannot think for others who suffer, and help them realize their folly, not through words but by deeds….
Courage, Courage, and courage, is what is needed, to rock the cradle, the corporate, and the world…As Gandhiji had once said, problem with we Indians are that we are cowards. Also family, corporations, and the world, are build on sacrifices, some go noticed, some go unnoticed. Some are rewarded, some are not. When I told a friend, this is the gift I got, when I failed, my sis said, why should we give gifts, only when others succeed?? True they need to be rewarded, for their hardwork, but Success itself is a gift. People are sad, and needs motivation, when they fail. So when others fail, they should not be rejected, but encouraged….And indeed that is what keeps me going now….
The world of greasepaints is infused with people form both sides of the fence. The ones who deserve, but don’t ask, and the ones who get more than their fair share of the pie. Few develop the courage to seek their worth in greens, over a period of time….
John Wooden once said: ‘Things turns out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out’.
There would be many to take credit of your achievements, but very few to be by your side during tough times, who really are your true friends, and hence aptly said, only poor man knows who his true friends are.
Often several families, though living apart, function together as one unit for every major aspect. Increasing income of the FAMILY is a desirable thing. No one confused greed for money with the steady rise in income commensurate with the rising needs of modern life. Government officers who, 30 years ago, were on a couple of thousand rupees salary are now earning Rs.15000 or even more. It hurts no one's conscience that he is growing greedy. Modern life demands more. One finds it essential to earn more and more.
In a business, there is a product. At home, there is no such product. Money is spent on living. What can one realistically do to raise his family income?. Time and energy are MONEY. To save them is to pay attention to them. Time saved, in principle, is money saved. It is true of energy, too. To save TIME, one needs to organize one's work. To organize means to become efficient. Efficiency, as a rule, even as a principle, increases money. He who saves time and organizes the work for that purpose, is NOT outside.
He is inside. Doing so seriously, his outer life gradually gets transferred inside. It finally becomes inner life. Inner life is necessarily a life of concentration. It has a point of reference. We refer each work to that point of reference.
Such an inner life does not permit a man to shout or even speak loudly. His movements become measured. He refers his work to an ideal of his or to a value. Surely such a value can be a Divine Value. Referring each work to a divine value or to the Divine is known as consecration. For a family man, his own family is that divine. To refer every work to the inner divine, for a domestic person, means to have GOOD WILL. It can be a good will of emotion and be intense. One's intense emotion of good will for his family can be extended to all his friends and relatives. It becomes powerful when he decides that any good that he desires that any good that he can come to him after they all receive it first, even if is LUCK. It is a silent way and a sure way of steadily increasing one's family income.
Friends and Relatives are two sides of the same coin. Both are needed in our life. If I ask you who you tell is good, what would be your answer?? Whatever it is, they are like Father and Mother. Though there are people leaving without one, it is indeed the greatest blessing of God to have both of them by our side always. And we do not forget the way we come. Poverty indeed is the greatest curse. And it indeed was a wise saying by Dr.Abdul Kalam, to make education upto 14 years completely free, and make available loan, for education after that.
Be careful and cautious in your journey through life. You have to be nice, but you can’t have people use you as a doormat. If someone commits a foul on you, make him or her aware they are, otherwise you are encouraging them. After that if people do not realize their mistake, it’s their karma. Niceness always pays off with all the goodwill that comes your way.
If you hike your wagon to the stars may be you will get to some heights. So dream big!! Things at times fall into places, may be unplanned by us, and planned by Almighty!! There are many more talented people out there who are not fortunate enough to be here. I would not wish to step on anybody’s toes to get what I want…But pray to Almighty!!!
‘So let us then be up and living, with a heart for any race…Still achieving, still pursuing, learn to labour and to wait’
Some smile, some admire, some smirk, some raise quizzical eyebrows-all at one issue. Worse still some are bashed up, some are burt alive, some are buried alive, when it comes to intercaste and/or interreligious marriage.
Some say extra marital affair is wrong, marrying a married person is wrong…,For a modern, young, NRI, full of dreams, and green card, it would be a dilemma, when he is asked to marry his sister-in-law, when brother is dead, if otherwise, he looks at her, in any other way, it is wrong, for she is in the position of a mother.
Why did Krishna leave Radha?
Why did Krishna make Rukumini elope?
Why did Kansa put his sis & BIL in the same prison, when he knew that their son would kill him?
How did Virgin Mary give birth to Jesus?
When its time, any thing can happen? Impossible itself says I’m possible…we are no one to decide, what is wrong, and what is right. When we point a finger at others, three fingers are pointing at us.
Love is blind, when someone is in love, they will not see or understand anything…..
At times the things that give us pain, others cherish, while that give us pleasure, others are hurt….But then, what to choose??
Marriages are made in heaven….and elsewhere…..Adults have the right to choose who they want to live with…One needs to understand that ‘honour’ killings should not exist in a civilized society. It’s a shame that it is still going on…It is sad that parents take it as a personal vengeance when their own children marry outside of their caste or religion. What is more important to a parent? A child’s happiness or a false pride and honour?? But then what to do, they think of the society, where they live in.
One thing common in most human being is they find pleasure to see others suffering….They don’t want to see other rise…
When once, I told to a friends mother ‘Mothers are crazy…’ MOTHERS ARE NEVER CRAZY. By crazy, I meant extremely passionate, but they took it other way out……….When I said, Inshallaha (which means God willing to me) Reena told, …I don’t belive in that…Infact, there is only one perfect child and every mother has it..Come what may, they will understand, and forgive their children, but not others…..Doesn’t one become to some extend, a little selfish, once they become a mother…Anyways...No care and love like that of theirs...
Dear Friend.....
Whenever something exciting happens, I think of you, and I picture myself running to tell you all about it, and we share a laugh…
When I am faced with a tough situation, I think of you, and imagine what you would do or what you would say to help me through it.
Even when there is really nothing going on, I think of you and your ability to make lifes dullest moments fun….
Even when you are somewhere else, a part of you is always here with me.
It was but yesterday we met in a dream, you have sung me in my aloneness, and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky, But now our sleep had fled and our dream is over, and it is no longer dream. The noon tide is upon us, and our half waking has turned to fuller day, and we must part. If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more we shall speak again, together and you shall sing to me a deeper song, and if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall built another tower in the sky……
If i have to be ur best frnd, if thats all i can get, then i will take the job with honor, i will be the best one yet. i 'll offer u my shoulder, i 'll show how i care, i'll be there when u need me, i am not going anywhere. i ve never known anyone who smiles or laughs as much as u do, thats always been the best part about u. You have made ur foot prints in my heart, thanku my dear frnd!!!!!!!!!!!! Whether you realize it or not….
Journey from V To A and CA
It is said that ‘Rolling stone gathers no moss’ What does it really mean? Isnt it the two sides of same coin….
Whatever has to happen will happen, Nobody can stop destiny…
And there was history repeating in many ways:
So many friends, and new colleagues, new knowledge’s…and new ventures…Thanks, for all this would not be possible without the help and support of family, and wishes from God..Hope all for the best!! It indeed is Almighty’s plan.
And now remember Seema:
Ø He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning
Ø Strive hard with the exam in mind and not the end result
Ø Please don’t get tense just before the exam or else you will be unable to perform upto your true potential.
Ø Study as per the time table you have set for yourself, don’t worry about the way others study.
Ø Pray, really hard, god listens to most of your prayers..
When Mini/Anni miss met me in bus, they had asked me: So far you are still here?? Reached nowhere??
Greatest torture is mental torture, dreams not being fulfilled and people making fun of you. Some may not do that directly, but behind the back…..
Be active, others should be motivated seeing you, your energy. Work, work and work! Hard! Smart! Those who fail to plan, plan to fail….
Don’t waste your time talking, at times good to be selfish, like the girl who hurt you by not telling her name inspite of you asking her, she got through the exam..Be soft spoken, and get things done for you, as ur once room mate, Porkodu….’golden creeper’ The name you give your last daughter, so that next you have a male child.
Why Good people suffer???
Success in life is an ability to organize a productive work.
Some of them whom we consider good, may be good in their behaviour, but not really good….
Most of them are inefficient and some of them are lazy….’sombarithanam’ which effects me too at times…especially while studying/taking CA books.
There is a belif that pious people are naturally good, which is not true.
So dear: Be excellent in whatever you do…Do the things allotted to you perfectly and well….Leave the rest to God, Nobody can change his will and plan…
No second thought, you must build up good career by hard work.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
This has nothing to do with the movie, just overflow of thought…
Don’t understand how some people turn out to be managers…o.k. Management, is the art of getting things done by people, but is it the art of throwing out others, if you don’t know how to get it done by them!!! I believe, the strength of true manager lies in getting things done from even the worst person, not only from the best!!! The best person will give his best even otherwise. If you employee a person, and say he is not right, after three months, the primary fault is yours being faulty recruitment. A true manager, should be able to realize if the candidate he selected is right or wrong for the job, with in this time, unless and until, the candidate, is that cleaver, and cunning, with some ulterior motive….
Communication is the link pin, for success in any organization, and when an employee leaves the organization, true fact has to be properly communicated, not in detail, but in a precise way, so that there are no misunderstandings…. or the very foundation would be crumbled.
Everyone needs to feel appreciated and even the busiest of executives will find time to assist a person who respects them and values their advice.
Nobody is perfect in this world, there are shortcomings in everyone, and if we really do care for somebody, we would be broad enough to overlook the shortcomings, and provide a helping hand, to rectify the others mistakes.
Corporate divorce is as painful and traumatic as a marital divorce. The ‘divorce papers’ served as pink slips can leave one feeling totally worthless.
It is even more painful, to give the pink slip, to those who you see have been working well, and to whom you promise that things will be well, when they had been supporting the corporation during tough times, and you are asked to hand over the pink slip to those very people, your own friends….
On getting a new job, there are new hopes, treat is given on receipt of first salary, and nobody expects to leave soon..But then nothing lasts for ever…
Every opportunity is a chance to learn. It is not just important but essential that we look at a job loss as an opportunity. A chance that life has offered you to make yourself more marketable…To look for a possible new turn of events.
After we have come to terms with all matters emotional and practical, it is time to move on. One needs to decide where to go from here. One need not break the daily routine, resist the temptation to sleep late, watch television all day, think of your search for new employment as a full or part-time job. At the same time, enjoy your life by indulging in activities you did not have time for earlier…
The crucial part, at this juncture is Financial Management. You really need to take care of and plan to get yourself through the next several months. Know what your income and expenses are, and for sure, it will reveal possibilities, rather than present restrictions.
Let’s face it; losing a job is always a possibility. So it is better to be prepared for the worst.
Moreover, after having lived your life in a hectic frenzy, assume that this is the break that you very well deserve. A time to relax, ‘To stand and stare’
So is this a lesson to be learned too: Don’t consider anyone in Corporate offices to be your friends??? Is it so???
Thought for the day:
1. ‘Education is the one cure-all for insecurity’-Hugh Jackman.
2. Everybody has a right to happiness and freedom and security and health care and education ….
3. Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles.
4. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in your development and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. There are no failures, only lessons.
5. A famous saying spread in IT industry, belived to be by Narayan Murthy, Infosys Chairman, ‘Never love the company you work for, but only your job, for you do not know when the company, you work for will stop loving you.’ But I belive, why hate any one….Let us continue loving the company too…As the song goes….Where is the time to hate…When there is so little time to love….
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thought for the day.....
"I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day for their tired bodies, education and culture for their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and non-violent redemptive goodwill will proclaim the rule of the land 'and the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid.' I still believe that we shall overcome."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don’t go by hearsays, gossips and misconceptions…Listen to your heart…Reach for the stars, Dream big, and Never give up….
Believe in yourself, and in the strength that you have to build your destiny, for nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
Winners never quit, and quitters Never win.....So Let us try and try till we succeed..
Monday, July 24, 2006
On Work....
The only way one can develop interest in any conceptual subject is by thinking on the logic behind conclusions stated in the books. When your line of thinking deviates from those conclusions do not come to the conclusion that you are proceeding in the wrong direction. Always consult a teacher in this regard. The more the doubts you have initially, the better, since it would guide you in the right direction and you are informed as to why the alternate thinking is not appropriate.
Many problems do not give complete information and require the use of assumptions. While going through a text book, question the logic behind the assumption if you think another assumption will suit the question on hand better.
In child hood we did not learn Twinkle Twinkle, or Johny Johny understanding its meaning. Over repeatedly reciting we understood its meaning…Same is the case with the prayers we chant....So also to pass even if we do not understand what it is, on repeated reading, and not giving up, you will…..
Had started with DANCE, GUITAR, KARATE and YOGA, but was not successful, in any of these, so still Jack of all trades, Master of none..But earnestly feel like completing one thing…But as achan said, even if you take seven births, and keep on learning, you knowledge would be just the knowledge of KG class, to your total knowledge now.
As Reshmita said, about the boy who always prayed to God, that he should win the lottery, one day God said to him, dear for that you please buy a lottery first…….So you study well first and write the exam, with faith and confidence…Now that you have support from all, and leave the rest to God…ALL FOR THE BEST……
And Achan always kept telling the story of the king and the spider…how the king who was about the give up, was re motivated seeing the spider, though unsuccessful, kept trying to make its web, and was finally successful.
If any person is able to show me that I do not think or act rightly, I will change, for I seek the truth. For he is injured who abides in errors and ignorance.
Now the only hindrance seems to be my sleep… and laziness to wake up early in the morning. Though punctual for most of the things most of the times, unless I forget (Don’t know how I happen to forget Devis marriage)
The first most obvious sign of a professional is punctuality, and you need to learn to be quickly…Don’t go by Sony’s logic…that Punctuality is not in coming to office at time, but delivering….but does it mean escapesim…from responsibility, and just pointing figures at others, self not being upto the mark ….Well that is said, in todays world…what is needed is not hard work, but smart work.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tamil Wedding....

Wedding celebrations do have a special place in society, and now you can see not lakhs but crores of rupees being spend for weddings....In India too cermony vary from place to place.
On February 2nd & 3rd, it was Ramesh and Anushas was a typical two day Tamil wedding, and the events were new to me. Had asked some present there, what each meant, they said, it were all rituals..with Thanks giving to God.
Thought of knowing the details..and this was what was found with regard to the steps and significance:
Panda Kaal Muhurtham It is customary to invoke the blessings of the family deity to ensure that the wedding preparations proceed smoothly. Usually, this small ritual is performed one day before the wedding. The pole is adorned with turmeric powder, mango leaves and 'kolam'. The 'pujari' performs a 'puja' by sprinkling turmeric, 'kumkum' powder, yellow rice and flowers amidst the chanting of Vedic mantras. The pole is then fixed very firmly into the ground and an 'arathi' is performed. Prayers are offered so that the 'pandaal' should remain strong and firm throughout the ceremonies. The family of the bride and the groom pray to the deity who is symbolically represented by a bamboo pole.
Receiving the Groom When the groom and his family arrive at the wedding hall on the morning one day before the wedding, they are welcomed with a tray containing offerings of flowers, paan supari, fruits and mishri. Rose water is sprinkled on the groom. The bride's brother applies a tilak (dot or line) of sandalwood paste and kumkum on his forehead and garlands him. The bride's mother offers the groom's parents offer a sweet dish prepared from condensed milk. A senior female member of the bride's family performs aarti (a small ritual conducted as a mark of reverence) and welcomes them. It is also customary to break a coconut to the ground as this is believed to help ward off evil spirits.
Vratham This ritual is somewhat similar to the Panda Kaal Muhurtham. It is usually performed a day before the wedding by the family of the bride as well as that of the groom. They recite Vedic hymns in the presence of a priest (Vaadyar) and seek the blessings of a family deity. Next, they invoke the blessings of all their ancestors and pray for their intervention in removing those obstacles that threaten to disrupt the wedding proceedings. Following these ceremonies, all married women from the groom's family participate in a ceremony called Palikai thellichal.
Pallikai Thellichal The family of the bride begins this ceremony a day before the wedding. Clay pots are filled with grains. Married women from both the sides sprinkle water on the pots filled with nine varieties of grain. During this ceremony, the others present sing traditional songs to the accompaniment of music. The next day (the day after the wedding) when the grains sprout, these pots are immersed in a pond so that the fish in the pond may feed on the grains and bless the newly-weds abundantly.
Naandi This ceremony involves honouring a few Brahmins with gifts and sweets. The Brahmins are invited to represent the souls of the ancestors of the bride and the groom. The families seek their blessings before beginning the marriage proceedings.
Jaanavaasam A tradition which is rarely practised these days. The groom gets into a decorated car and is escorted to the wedding venue by a large and joyous procession of family and friends. Professional musicians accompany the procession and play traditional wedding music. Sometimes there are also fireworks to celebrate the occasion. The girl's brother garlands the groom and receives him at the Wedding hall to the accompaniment of traditional music.
Nicchiyadharatham The bride's parents perform Ganesh Pooja in the presence of the officiating priest. The bride is also present during the ceremony. Tamilians have great faith in the Elephant God, Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. The groom's side gives the bride a new sari. She wears it with the assistance of her sister-in-law. A tilak of chandan and kumkum is applied on her forehead, while the pallav (part of the sari near the border) of her sari is filled with fruits, paan-supari, turmeric, kumkum and coconut. A garland of flowers is tied around her waist. Aarati is also performed for her.
Reading of Lagna Pathirigai The priest formally reads out the wedding invitation. Details on 3 generations of the lineage of the boy and the girl and other information on the muhurtam and venue is announced. This is followed by an elaborate dinner.The above mentioned are done on the day previous to the actual wedding ceremony ..On the Day of Wedding we have ...
Mangala Snaanam The mangala snaanam is the auspicious and purifying bath that the bride and groom must have in their respective homes on the dawn of their wedding day. Before the bath they are anointed with oil and a tilak of haldi-kumkum.
Kasi Yatra This is an interesting ritual and adds an element of colour and drama to the occasion. After the mangala snaanam, the groom pretends to leave for Kashi, a pilgrimage center to devote himself to God and a life of prayer. He carries a walking stick and other meagre essentials with him to imply that he is not interested in becoming a householder. The girl's father intervenes and requests him to accept his daughter as his life partner. He exhorts him to fulfill his responsibilities as a householder and thus follow what is written in the scriptures. The groom relents and returns to the pandal where he is received by the bride.
Exchange of Garlands This ceremony is full of fun and gaiety. The bride and the groom exchange garlands thrice. They are teased by their relatives. For instance, they pull the girl away when the boy reaches forward to be garlanded by her, and vice versa. The bride and the groom's uncles (mother's brother) have to hoist them.
Oonjal When the couple finally succeed in garlanding each other thrice, they are made to sit together on a swing. Married women from the families give spoonful of milk and banana pieces. They circle rice balls around the couple in circular motions, in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions and fling them away. This rite is believed to prevent evil forces from disrupting the wedding ceremony. Another rite to achieve a similar end, involves the womenfolk going around the couple four times, holding in their hands a lamp or alternately, a container of water. Songs called Oonjal Paattu must be sung during these rites.
Kanyaa daanam Here, the brahmachari meets his prospective father-in-law. The bride's father welcomes the groom when he comes to the mandapam (place where the wedding rituals are carried out).The mandapam houses the sacred fire around which the wedding ceremonies will be conducted.The bride's mother applies kajal in the groom's eyes. The bride's father washes his son-in-law's feet. Through this gesture the father conveys that that the boy is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and believes that he will support and take good care of his daughter. The bride sits on her father's lap with a coconut in her hands. The father and bride offer the coconut to the groom while the bride's mother pours water over the coconut thus symbolising the 'giving away of their daughter.' The groom's parents gift the bride a nine-yard sari and a blouse to be worn for next moment, the auspicious occasion of tying the mangasultra
Maangalya dhaaranam(Muhurtam) With the help of her sister-in-law and other aunts the bride changes into a nine-yard sari and again enters the mandapam. A sack of paddy is placed on the floor. The bride's father is seated on this and the bride sits on her father's lap. The sack of paddy symbolises good fortune and abundance in terms of material and spiritual wealth. The yoke of a farmer's plough is touched to the bride's forehead. This gesture carries the hope that the couple will always walk together, by each other's side to pull the plough of life. The priest and relatives bless the mangalsutra or sacred thread and hand it to the groom who ties it around the neck of his bride with two knots. His groom's sister ties the third knot much to the rejoicing of everyone accompanied by the drums of the melam. The three knots symbolise the marriage of the mind, spirit and body. There is no Veda Mantram for tying the mangala sutram (auspicious thread) around the neck of the bride by the groom. The latter takes the mangala sutram in his hands and recites the following verse:
mAngalyam tantunAnena mama jIvanA hethunA kaNThe: badhnami subhage! sanjIva Sarada: Satam
(meaning: This is a sacred thread. This is essential for my long life. I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes! May you live happily for a hundred years (with me).
Paani grahanam After maangalya dhaaranam, the groom lowers his right palm and encloses it over the right hand of the bride. He covers all the five fingers of the right hand of the bride with his right palm through this act of paani grahanam. He recites mantras in praise of Bhaga, Aryama, Savita, Indra, Agni, Suryan, Vayu and Saraswati, while holding the bride's hand. He prays for long life, progeny, prosperity and harmony with the bride during their married life. The closed fingers of the right hand of the bride is said to represent her heart. The paani grahanam ritual symbolizes the bride surrendering her heart in the hands of the groom during the occasion of the marriage.
Sapta padi During this ritual, the groom walks with the bride to the right side of the sacred fire. All along, he holds his wife's right hand in his right hand in the way in which he held her hand during the paani grahanam ceremony. He stops, bends down and holds the right toe of his wife with his right hand and helps her take seven steps around the fire. At the beginning of each step, he recites a Veda mantra to invoke the blessings of Maha Vishnu. Through these seven mantras, he asks Maha Vishnu to follow in the footsteps of his wife and bless her with food, strength, piety, progeny, wealth, comfort and health. At the conclusion of the seven steps, he addresses his wife with a moving statement from the Veds summarized below:
Dear Wife! By taking these seven steps, you have become my dearest friend. I pledge my unfailing loyalty to you. Let us stay together for the rest of our lives. Let us not separate from each other ever. Let us be of one mind in carrying out our responsibilities as householders (grihasthas). Let us love and cherish each other and enjoy nourishing food and good health. Let us discharge our prescribed Vedic duties to our elders, ancestors, rishis, creatures, and gods. Let our aspirations be united. I will be the Saaman and may you be the Rk (Saaman here refers to the music and Rk refers to the Vedic text that is being cast into music). Let me be the upper world and let you be the Bhumi or Mother Earth. I will be the Sukla or life force and may you be the bearer of that Sukla. Let me be the mind and let you be the speech. May you follow me to conceive children and gain worldly as well as spiritual wealth. May all auspiciousness come your way.
Pradhaana homam After sapta padi, the couple take their seat on the western side of the sacred fire and conduct pradhaana homam. During the conductance of this homam, the bride must place her right hand on her husband's body so that she gets the full benefit of the homam through symbolic participation. Sixteen mantras are recited to the accompaniment of pouring a spoon of clarified butter into the sacred fire at the end of recitation of each of the mantras. These mantras salute Soma, Gandharva, Agni, Indra, Vayu, the Aswini Devas, Savita, Brihaspati, Viswa Devas and Varuna for blessing the marriage and beseeches them to confer long wedded life, health, wealth, children and freedom from all kinds of worries. One prayer -- the sixth mantra -- has a sense of humor and provides deep insight into human psychology. The text of this mantra is: "daSaasyam putraan dehi, patim ekaadaSam kRti". Here, the groom asks Indra to bless the couple with ten children and requests that he be blessed to become the eleventh child of his bride in his old age.
Stepping on the grinding stone After pradhaana homam, the husband holds the right toe of his wife and lifts her leg and places it on a flat granite grinding stone known as "ammi" in Tamil. The ammi stands at the right side of the sacred fire. The husband recites a Veda mantra when he places the right foot of his wife on the ammi:May you stand on this firm stone. May you be rock-firm during your stay on this grinding stone. May you stand up to those who oppose you while you carry out your time-honored responsibilities as a wife sanctioned by the Vedas and tradition. May you develop tolerance to your enemies and put up a fair fight to defend your legitimate rights as the head of the household in a firm manner, equal to the steady strength of this grinding stone.
Sammandhi Mariyathai The families of the newly-weds exchange clothes and other gifts befitting their status during this ceremony.
Laaja homam After ammi stepping, a ceremony of doing homam with parched rice is conducted. Here, the wife cups her hands and the brothers of the bride fill the cupped hands with parched rice. The husband adds a drop of ghee to the parched rice and recites five Veda mantras. At the end of each of the recitation , the parched rice is thrown into the sacred fire as havis (offering) to Agni. Through these mantras, the wife prays for long life for her husband and for a marriage filled with peace and harmony. At the end of the laaja homam, the husband unties the darbha belt around the waist of his wife with another mantra. The husband states through this mantra that he unites his wife and ties her now with the bonds of Varuna and invites her to be a full partner in his life to enjoy the blessings of wedded life.
Griha pravesam This ceremony relates to the journey of the wife to her husband's home. The husband carries the sacred fire (homa agni) in a earthern vessel during this journey home. There are many Veda mantras associated with this journey. These mantras pray to the appropriate Vedic gods to remove all obstacles that one can experience in a journey. The bride is requested to become the mistress of the house and is reminded of her important role among the relatives of her husband. After reaching her new home, she puts her right foot first in the house and recites the following Veda mantra:I enter this house with a happy heart. May I give birth to children, who observe the path of righteousness (dharma)! May this house that I enter today be prosperous forever and never be deficient in food. May this house be populated by people of virtue and pious thoughts.Praavisya homam After griha pravesam, a fire ritual known as praavisya homam is performed by the couple to the accompaniment of thirteen Veda mantras from the Rg Veda. Jayaadi homam is also part of the
Praavisya homam. This homam offers the salutation of the newly married couple to Agni Deva and asks for strength and nourishment to discharge the duties of a grihasthas for the next one hundred years. After that, the bride shifts her position from the right side of her husband to his left side. At that time, once again, she recites a Veda mantra invoking the gods for blessings of children and wealth to perform the duties of a householder.At the end of the above homam, a child is placed on the lap of the bride and she offers a fruit to the child, while reciting a prescribed Veda mantra. Yet another mantram asks the assembled guests to bless the bride and then retire to their own individual homes peacefully. During the first evening of the stay in her new home, the couple see the stars known as Dhruva (pole star) and Arundhati. The husband points out the pole star and prays for the strength and stability of the household thru a Veda mantra. Next, the husband points out the Arundhati star to his wife and describes to her the the story of Arundhati and her legendary chastity.
Nelangu: It is Tamil Wedding Game, played by the bride and grooms party, wherein, coconuts are rolled across, and songs are sung, at times some other games too are played.…
ReceptionAfter the series of religious ceremonies, the evening reception marks a tone of informality with the guests meeting the couple and conveying their best wishes to their families.
Katta Saddam The next day after the 2 day affair, the boy's side leave the marriage hall and proceed to their respective homes. The bride's side bid adieu and provide them with all the condiments like rice, dal, tamarind, coffee powder, appalam, pickles etc. They also give packed cooked food which include coconut rice, lemon rice, tamarind rice and curd rice.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The present Comptroller and Auditor General of India is Vijayendra N. Kaul.
Being into audit for this long....didnot realise that there was a head for this...Until Shalu asked me the same today....
Cycle of life.....
That doesnt me, I can leave it forever, as it has already become a part of my life. Will not be able to erase the days from the memories....
Its said that 'Tough time never last but tough people do'...So the decison was not a easy one...
Have send the resignation letter on 14th July 2006 stating:
‘ Having extended my service with your organization for the last two years, I presume that its time for me now to move on. At this juncture, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude and satisfaction to one and all at Amlaki for giving me an opportunity, and also for all the support and guidance extended during my days here.
The reasons for leaving are purely personal, as I need to concentrate on my studies, as the Chartered Accountants syllabus is changing, I need to clear my final examination, and am unable to give full justice to my studies in the present circumstances.
Hoping to have your wishes and blessings in all my future endeavors too. I would like to resign from this esteemed organization at the earliest, and would kindly request you to relive me of my duties here. Kindly consider this as one months notice, if needed as per the contract, and wishing to be relived before the 14th of August 2006’
Instead of keeping the blogs updated, guess I need to find a place for myself too there as a CA.....Also the label itself has got a good value, in the society, and am sure, it would help me be in a better position.
Another cycle of my life is finished, and I must begin a new cycle, I will therefore readapt myself to the new cycle without fear. I will do everything that common sense counsels to mend matters, meet results.
The journy so far was from Mumbai, after schooling and 12th, to Potta, without college, by Gods grace, clearing foundation in the first attempt…got into CA…..and while doing articleship, Bcom….But then do not know why, could not clear the inter and final soon…… Never got a rank in my life though ardently desired…..In between had taken tuitions, LIC agency, part time jobs..etc….
Then got into Veegaland in the beginning of 2000, quit the job, at the end of 2001, for CA inter, cleared the same in May 2002. Got into Amlaki in the middle of 2004, planning to go for classes again in 2005. There was lot of similarities in both my jobs…and happen to learn many new things. Personally and professionally, also could make new friends. Hoping and praying that Gods grace would be there, for the future endeavors too….May his will prevail, and wishing that he give me, and all with me the strength to accept his decisions, Thanking him for the opportunities, in the form of my family members, friends and wellwishers.. ….
Friendship & Love.....
Then I remembered an autograph by Georgekutty given: 'Friendship & Love is better than anything'
At times there are misunderstandings.....
Before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.
Life is a gift Live it... Enjoy it... Celebrate it... And fulfill it.
And while you are at it give love to someone today Love someone with what you do and the words you say
Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and hidden.
So give it away"Give Love to someone today!"
That u would make a difference in that someones life, may be knowingly or unknowingly you give him/her a new life.....
That someone may be your parents, your children, your spouse, your siblings, your friends, your relatives, your colleague, your neighbour or even your enemy.....
What one man cannot do, two can, and what one man can do, two can do still better......
There is so much of Good in the worst of us, and so much of bad in the best of us, that it ill behoves any of us, to find fault with the rest of us.
When you have some one to know you, to support you, even the most difficut times, the most difficult decision seems to be easy........
Thought for the day: Friendship and Love indeed is best!!!