Just one more week to go....now will miss this too...when I will be with the things that i was to miss, when I was comming here!!!!???? Isnt that life...This too will pass away..
And guess even out there, there would be so many changes now...on the people front especially Managers having moved out, and a change in the team and definitely A...He was a very good friend, we were in the same cab...Ever smiling even amidst tensions .... Hardworking, sincere, loving and caring….He will listen attentively to all that you have to say, and will give his opinion....no matter how so every busy he was....a very down to earth person....Hope he dont leave us soon....Since so long his father was unwell and just last week he had told that his father is better now...!!!!?? And now no more??
There is so much to be done, will have to soon say good bye to two 325's ...room # and BU, learn new things...documentation, Best Buy, Macys, JC Penny, ToysBus, Barns and Nobles Booksellers, Targets, Wall marts....
On Tuesday, again had been with SME to 'FIVE GUYS' a special place for bergers, and one of the second best of its kind, the first being in California, had awesome cheese burger with onion toppings and lots of french fries made in peanut oil....and then on wednesday, with the whole team to the Chines restaurant in Macys; PF Changs China Bistro....in the end there is the fortune cookies: and for me it was Be assertive when decisive action is needed...on the other side the chinese word was 'Eggplant' in chinese (qie')(zi)and the lucky numbers where: 33,48,4,31,52 and 56.
Some connections are in person...some are online..stay connected...@The Hilton Family of Hotels...A home away from home....
There was so much of gift exchanges, outside foods, and , the fun committe here, had arranged for a series of events....so was waiting to see what it is....and they were, family feud, wii for bowling and tennis, and identifying colleagues with 5 questions...
Indeed the days were the gems of life, have gathered them as lives treasures, lived it to the full Thanking almighty, that I could live it.... the rain drizzled out those clouds; the snow mounted like a dream; the trees without leaves started with red leaves, the cherry blossoms, and the various flowers starting to bloom…Then there was so much of learnings...every minute, of the life style, the culture, ERP's..
Thanking everyone, those who made these possible, made these days memorable – for leaving everlasting impressions on the walls of my heart! Which are things which I would definitely cherish in my life time, and I know there are many of them...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
All is well that ends well...
The day was not a very good one, not all the days are....they said its fun...the simulation training...though really not a fun..it was indeed wortwhile and useful....a good learning too...
Thanks to the trainer again...could grab some more stanley tools and it was the last day of meeting one manager here too...may be...could never ever meet again...

Thanks to another manager, had an opportunity to know what a country dance was like, could be to Cadillac Ranch; Lots of country music. There were cowboy hats and boots: here goes the home link as well as the commercials link so you can see some of the action.
Anyone dare???
Could see smile on my SMEs face...and it was nice to see that..hope, wish and pray that it be so always...
There is no beauty if all five fingures are alike, all colours are same, or even if all the days were equally good, is there?
All is well that ends well...
This too will pass away...
Thanks to the trainer again...could grab some more stanley tools and it was the last day of meeting one manager here too...may be...could never ever meet again...

Thanks to another manager, had an opportunity to know what a country dance was like, could be to Cadillac Ranch; Lots of country music. There were cowboy hats and boots: here goes the home link as well as the commercials link so you can see some of the action.
Anyone dare???
Could see smile on my SMEs face...and it was nice to see that..hope, wish and pray that it be so always...
There is no beauty if all five fingures are alike, all colours are same, or even if all the days were equally good, is there?
All is well that ends well...
This too will pass away...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Halloween and dogs

Most Children love Halloween and its the time for fancy dress..
Halloween (also spelled Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints, but is today largely a secular celebration.
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

Here are few pictures which says that Dogs dont love Halloween send by Amanda...She loved carving pumpkins with friends, and her gods...Jac and Haisel..Jac, who was her grandparents, died recently..
Dogs are presumed to the faithful of all creatures on the earth...
Asked about former president Harry S Truman's remark that the only way to have a friend in Washington was to get a dog, Obama said "I finally got a friend -- it took some time."
The newest addition to the Obama family, a cuddly black-and-white Portuguese water dog,
In school M named her dog Jimmy, because it was her...BF....
My 4th birthday…
So is it what is said ‘jabh bhagvan kuch detha hey tho chaper phadkhey detha hey…..’
Hummm this is not about when I was four year old...but this year it was my fourth birhtday...weird? Right? Might be because earlier as I never liked and did not celebrate birthdays...it was all togethere....firt was the actual English Calender day I was born, 2nd was the Malayalam calender date, which also happens to be grandmothers piranal, 3rd was the birthday as per my birthcertificate..which was collected only after 13 days of my birth...and then it was the celebration in office...five of us shared the same date....The birthday gift was lovely self embosed letter pad...

And each day has something special and memorable....first being the year ending, second, with ammuma, the beginning of the close week, and team gettogether with samosas, third, India time, dinner and blast in Susans room and the Post close meet with CC fourth, the office cake...and a get togethere...this time it was orange cake with fruits inside...also there was the team outing to Taste of India...Restaurant, where the whole team except for K, had Indian buffet and then the team meeting there..had a discussion on each of the team members to know them better and then the thought which was:
' Do something! If it works, do it some more, if it doesn't work, do something different!'
said another way:
'You cant keep doing the same thing and expect different results!!'
Hummm this is not about when I was four year old...but this year it was my fourth birhtday...weird? Right? Might be because earlier as I never liked and did not celebrate birthdays...it was all togethere....firt was the actual English Calender day I was born, 2nd was the Malayalam calender date, which also happens to be grandmothers piranal, 3rd was the birthday as per my birthcertificate..which was collected only after 13 days of my birth...and then it was the celebration in office...five of us shared the same date....The birthday gift was lovely self embosed letter pad...
And each day has something special and memorable....first being the year ending, second, with ammuma, the beginning of the close week, and team gettogether with samosas, third, India time, dinner and blast in Susans room and the Post close meet with CC fourth, the office cake...and a get togethere...this time it was orange cake with fruits inside...also there was the team outing to Taste of India...Restaurant, where the whole team except for K, had Indian buffet and then the team meeting there..had a discussion on each of the team members to know them better and then the thought which was:
' Do something! If it works, do it some more, if it doesn't work, do something different!'
said another way:
'You cant keep doing the same thing and expect different results!!'
And how were these eventful days for us....
Well, these days when our colleagues offshore had holidays, we were busy working….So for us during our eventful days it was work is worship....
On Easter, Thank God...got a chance to visit my freind from school after 17 long years, a memorable reunion....she stays in the same state not very far, at Danbury..got there by Peter Pan bus service and they dropped me back...a lovely ride...and lovely time talking about the golden, good old times...and she even sang...Rukehy sab khe kadham, tara rum pum pum, koyee aisa geeth gaya karo....Nostalgia....

And for dinner, ........it was a blast....Kudose...to Susan, who made birayani for the whole team...and the performance of the members singing and dancing was Eak se bhadkar eak....I can still see Susan and Sebastin playing guitar singing its the final count down, Pramods kottu...Chandras vittu...Anils Munshi vartha...Selvams Tamil pattu, Anishs dance...Prajoshs overall performance...Santoshs kics and pictures...Prasads smile..Johns comments and pictures...
Vishu Khani was in Laptop, so hopefully have a ‘technological prosperity’ in the coming year…And got vishukai neetam from Susan in dollars....Then followed by one from Sadasivan, and the highest was when back home from Prafoooo....
On Easter, Thank God...got a chance to visit my freind from school after 17 long years, a memorable reunion....she stays in the same state not very far, at Danbury..got there by Peter Pan bus service and they dropped me back...a lovely ride...and lovely time talking about the golden, good old times...and she even sang...Rukehy sab khe kadham, tara rum pum pum, koyee aisa geeth gaya karo....Nostalgia....
And for dinner, ........it was a blast....Kudose...to Susan, who made birayani for the whole team...and the performance of the members singing and dancing was Eak se bhadkar eak....I can still see Susan and Sebastin playing guitar singing its the final count down, Pramods kottu...Chandras vittu...Anils Munshi vartha...Selvams Tamil pattu, Anishs dance...Prajoshs overall performance...Santoshs kics and pictures...Prasads smile..Johns comments and pictures...
Vishu Khani was in Laptop, so hopefully have a ‘technological prosperity’ in the coming year…And got vishukai neetam from Susan in dollars....Then followed by one from Sadasivan, and the highest was when back home from Prafoooo....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Eventful time again.....

Easter for me symbolize: ‘One can crucify the TRUTH. But it will resurrect.‘
In the United States, Good Friday is not a government holiday at the federal level; individual states and municipalities may observe the holiday.
In majority muslim countrie Indonesia, and countries like Singapore and Malasyia it is a holiday on this day.
In India, Good Friday is a Central Government as well as a State holiday, but private business men work except in the states of Kerala, Goa and Assam.
In Bermuda, kites are flown. They are often handmade with wooden sticks, colorful tissue paper, glue, and string. The shape of the kite and the use of wood is meant to symbolize the cross that Jesus died on. Also, the kite flying in the sky symbolizes his ascension to heaven.
In many English speaking countries, hot cross buns are eaten on this day. In Kerala it is Kanchi and Payar…
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which is calculated differently in Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity.
Eastertide, or the Easter Season, or Paschal Time, is the period of fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday.
It is celebrated as a single joyful feast, indeed as the "great Lord's Day". Each Sunday of the season is treated as a Sunday of Easter, and, after the Sunday of the Resurrection, they are named Second Sunday of Easter, Third Sunday of Easter, etc. up to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, while the whole fifty-day period concludes with Pentecost Sunday…

Soon after we have Vishu,which in Sanskrit means "equal". Therefore Vishu is more probably denoting one of the equinox days.
Vishu follows the sidereal vernal equinox and generally falls on April 14 of the Gregorian year. This occasion signifies the Sun's transit to the zodiac - Mesha Raasi (first zodiac sign) as per Indian astrological calculations. Vishu is also considered as the harvest festival of Kerala and thus the importance of this day to all Malayalees. In Assam this day is called Bihu, in Punjab Baisakhi (originally Vaishakhi) and in Tamil Nadu Tamil Puthandu or Vishu punyakalam

Kani Konna (Cassia fistula), Kerala's regional flower, is a popular vishukanni..Kanni(sight); also called Kanikanal. It is prepared with a lot of care to make it the most positive sight so as to bring alive prosperity. Many significant things are kept in an Urali, on this day. And all the family members wake and see this first at the Brahma muhurata (4:00 to 6:00 a.m.).
Kaineetam is given to all members which is the symbolic sharing of the prosperity and wishing happiness for all

Hey this is not the only two things...whole of the country is looking forward, and would be very busy comming weeks, with their hands crossed, eyes open....ears busy...its election which is on 16th in our constituency and IPL-2, which will last round the summer vacations .....
On food…
Food, a basic necessity....All kinds of food are available, and it is upto you to take....what you want....

Basically, be calories conscious...Good to begin the day with an antioxygen juice, which will not make you fat...it is so belived...
In the west, Veggies will have to struggle, no worries, you get lots of raw vegitables, but in case you dont like it.....

Vegetables: are available even like this....
Well there are Variety of cakes, chocolates (If a pack of chocolate is kept on my table in our office (if permited), it would become empty in seconds, and I often wonder, it has been a month, and still the big cover of chocolate is half full on my smes desk), cookies, donuts....
Stuffed paratas aloo, methi, onion Kulcha, Puran Poli..are all available, and On Fridays, we just wait to have loads of cooked rice and some spicy masala...and in between, if needed we have our neighbours, vegies, daily cooking basmathi rice....

Pasta had on 17th march Team outing and rice pudding:

We get foods of all continents here...mediterranian and some mexican (Refer earlier blog) are similar to Indian...in case you want the Indian taste...


Hey these are not noodles but spaghetti....And sausage is made of meat....
This is the picture of Italian Sausage Spaghetti, some what similar to the one had from First and Last Tavern, which serves authentic Italian Cuisine and has a chain of restaurants in Connecticut with my trainers on 15th April 09
Antioxygen juice, cold tea, and variety black coffee, without sugar and milk, but sugar packets kept separately, with milk creams from nestle etc…called coffeemate of various flavours like French vanilla…..
There is always, skimmed milk, with variety of kellogs…Cournflake like items…., fruits (especially apples and then bananas), Yogurts with strawberry, and peach flavour.., variety of bread, butter (even peanut) , jams… Cooked egg without any salt, or other ingredients.

Croissant (That is used in puffs etc..)
Bagel (Uzhanu vada)
Waffers (strip of beef)
Waffles (Achapam) with paste: this we need to make, pancake batter is kept separately, we have to spray, and then cook for 2 minutes.

Soup and Salad are available daily, and there are variety drinks, and juices.
Special items are: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Pasta, dinner rolls, Hot Dogs , Macaroni, Variety Pizza, Lasagne, meatloaf, Wraps, white rice, Sauces.

It is difficut to distinguish fish and meat ....
Though had before, had beer, (the third largest drink in the world)only one day...it is just like any other drink for me, dont have any like or dislike for it....Anyways I miss my favourate lassie..

On close days, we have variety pissas, sandwiches...
And the link is to the drink, offered to keep us active on the three important and crucial close days....Some people don’t want a carbonated drink that will boost their mental faculties so that’s where Function Brainiac Carambola Punch comes in. Function Brainiac is similar to Vitamin Water in that it’s a lightly flavored infused water that provides a little something extra to you.

Most of them are terribly missing the food home,while some did enjoy these. At least I did…
Basically, be calories conscious...Good to begin the day with an antioxygen juice, which will not make you fat...it is so belived...
In the west, Veggies will have to struggle, no worries, you get lots of raw vegitables, but in case you dont like it.....
Vegetables: are available even like this....
Well there are Variety of cakes, chocolates (If a pack of chocolate is kept on my table in our office (if permited), it would become empty in seconds, and I often wonder, it has been a month, and still the big cover of chocolate is half full on my smes desk), cookies, donuts....
Stuffed paratas aloo, methi, onion Kulcha, Puran Poli..are all available, and On Fridays, we just wait to have loads of cooked rice and some spicy masala...and in between, if needed we have our neighbours, vegies, daily cooking basmathi rice....
Pasta had on 17th march Team outing and rice pudding:
We get foods of all continents here...mediterranian and some mexican (Refer earlier blog) are similar to Indian...in case you want the Indian taste...

Hey these are not noodles but spaghetti....And sausage is made of meat....
This is the picture of Italian Sausage Spaghetti, some what similar to the one had from First and Last Tavern, which serves authentic Italian Cuisine and has a chain of restaurants in Connecticut with my trainers on 15th April 09
Antioxygen juice, cold tea, and variety black coffee, without sugar and milk, but sugar packets kept separately, with milk creams from nestle etc…called coffeemate of various flavours like French vanilla…..
There is always, skimmed milk, with variety of kellogs…Cournflake like items…., fruits (especially apples and then bananas), Yogurts with strawberry, and peach flavour.., variety of bread, butter (even peanut) , jams… Cooked egg without any salt, or other ingredients.
Croissant (That is used in puffs etc..)
Bagel (Uzhanu vada)
Waffers (strip of beef)
Waffles (Achapam) with paste: this we need to make, pancake batter is kept separately, we have to spray, and then cook for 2 minutes.
Soup and Salad are available daily, and there are variety drinks, and juices.
Special items are: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Pasta, dinner rolls, Hot Dogs , Macaroni, Variety Pizza, Lasagne, meatloaf, Wraps, white rice, Sauces.
It is difficut to distinguish fish and meat ....
Though had before, had beer, (the third largest drink in the world)only one day...it is just like any other drink for me, dont have any like or dislike for it....Anyways I miss my favourate lassie..
On close days, we have variety pissas, sandwiches...
And the link is to the drink, offered to keep us active on the three important and crucial close days....Some people don’t want a carbonated drink that will boost their mental faculties so that’s where Function Brainiac Carambola Punch comes in. Function Brainiac is similar to Vitamin Water in that it’s a lightly flavored infused water that provides a little something extra to you.

Most of them are terribly missing the food home,while some did enjoy these. At least I did…
A Reminisce…
East, West, North or South, people breath air, drink water, eat food and need light…They have feelings and sentiments….
Depending on the whether and circumstances, food, clothing and shelter differ, and depending on the culture, education and the surroundings, the behavior…and life pattern….
During the past couple of months, could sleep at night, work during the day..no cooking, cleaning required.... There is these favourate quotes of mine send once by Paul, which is by Henry Ford: Innovation isn’t made by hard workers, but by Lazy people, trying to find easier ways to do the same.....So be proud to be lazy....
Cosy bed, microwave, dishwasher, cooked food, cab, hot/cold water of your choice for anything and everything except to go to the lue.., paper, paper and paper everywhere...., People here are so polite and what not....They will:
Tell you 'Thank You' for anything and everything.
Open the door for you...(Just imagine this happening in India, that person will have to stand there for ever)
Say 'Bless You' when you sneeze.
Say ‘Thank You; when someone tells bless you.
Turn around and Say ‘Excuse me’ when you cough…
Never mind doing any thing...
There’s warmth in everything that they do. Workplace is just workplace for them. Wasn’t there a change in our response to such people, and also in the dealings between us too? We also tend to behave like them. We too stop minding opening door for them, saying thank you for every help that we get, smiling at everyone, and laughing loud! What can we derive out of this thought? Do we need change?? Necessarily not….
True, there were people loosing jobs, and their reactions were obvious…
And we were:
1. Vishwamitra or Krishna: set with a smile, asking every one to please tell in English ….'Two good neighbour'
2. Munshi, Mr. Sing,Sleeping hugging the clock, is it what is called round the clock?
3. Single Slip of the tongue, busy with love meeting….meow meow….
4. Father, dreamy, homely trying to be ‘happy’ missing home….'To good neighbour'
5. Ha, ha ha…coli nose, dekthey hey dekthey soo janey wala,
6. Snowman, maveli, santaclause, photographer,
7. Apperances are often deceptive, baby of the team, is busy DFS…incredible, unbelievable…hero...when he came he was a batchlor and now he is........
8. Awaiting to return and hunt for a bride, finally all smiles, when sme left??
9. Wire transfer means stomach transfer, all set to teach Malayalam here.
10. Dreamy eyes, happy that there is someone to entertain his children back home with similar dress that he had brought here
11. Home alone, boosssyy booossy, all set to create a record of process maps…
12. Theen Thigada Ladies, khay yee log kam bigadega ya sudarega?? One somalian pirate, the other bloggini, and the third...yap yap yap....
....I remember someone having said:
1. Visa interview is like engagement.
2. Getting into and reaching US is like marriage.
3. Stay during transition is honeymoon and
4. The real life starts when the project goes live!!! Life can be pleasant or unpleasant…
Hoping and praying that it be pleasant one without misunderstandings, confusions, and extensions….
… Shankers will be back on the coconut tree soon!!!
I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad,
Love what I got, And remember what I had.
Always forgive and forget, Learn from my mistakes,
But never regret. People change, things go wrong,
I just know one thng .. That the show must Go On....
Picture abhi bhakee hey mere bhai!!!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Spring Egg Hunt!!
On 31st March 09. in each of our work areas, there was a hidden plastic egg with chocolates and a number inside. Beside our area, there were eggs hidden in the common areas of the department. For opi folks, they had kept separately 16 eggs.
We had to Find the eggs!!
There were prizes for each egg that we find and 96 eggs all together!!
A great surprise....Like treasure hunt, all were searching for the eggs.... and prices given per the number....I could find 5 eggs....
Inside the eggs there were numbers 1,2,and 3...what I had got was
2 violet, with 3 points each
1 Pink with 3 points
1 White with 3 point
1 Green with 2 point
and the prizes were for 3 we could select from a bottle of hand wash and plastic mug,
and for 2 point it was a lottery, if there were three identical nos, out of 12 we would get that much money, but for me all numbers were only 2, no luck, in that!!
Yup, searching the eggs was interesting.... Egg poachers and Swipers may have ventured outside their legal territory and swiped eggs?? Though it was said, Swiper no swiping!!
There were some who were not at all interested in this….Some though interested thought they were late, but there were eggs not found even after the scheduled time was over….
That was indeed a great event organised by the Fun committee...like our S & C committee....
And after the pize distribution, there were variety cakes for all....
Friday, April 03, 2009
Saare Jahan Se Achha....
‘If I were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow-in some parts a very paradise on earth-I should point to India’
-Max Mueller, German Scholar, 1883.
The seventh largest country in the world. Its fast growing economy. Home to the ancient civilization of the Indus Valley, The Taj Mahal, Mother Teresa, the philosophy of Gandhism, and myriad schools of art and architecture.
The symbols of Indias greatness are as numerous as they are diverse.
The opening shot:

1857. The year India rose to break its shackles. The year the first step was taken on the long road to freedom. The year that say the First War of Independence. In more ways than one, the rebellion of 1857 kick-started India’s struggle for Independence. It made people realize the importance of unity to overthrow an oppressive regime. It resulted in the dissolution of the East India Company and replacement by direct ruel within the British Empire. Rani Lakshmibai, revered heroine of the great rebellion, is an iconic figure for all the brave warriors who fought and died striking a blow, to free India. Their dream is our reality now.
‘Bundelay harbolo kee muhu humney suni kahani thee, Khoob ladi mardani, whoo tho Jansi wali rani thee’.
An Immortal Life:

The impact of Mahatma Gandhi on the world has been extraordinary. His use of non-violent resistance in leading India to freedom inspired future leaders like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, and set an example for freedom movements throughout the world. As a pioneer of the philosophies of Satyagraha and Ahimsa, Gandhi’s life is an example of unfaltering commitment to non-violence, even in the most extreme situations. He had in him the sublime sense of simplicity, gentleness and inner strength that characterized his life.
‘Raghupathi raghava raja ram, pathitha pavana sita ram, ishwar allaha thero nam, sabkho sanmathi dee bhagavan’
The religion of nation:

To say that cricket is the religion of the nation is to acknowledge the fact that cricket, more than any other single activity or belief, profoundly affects the whole country as one. Cricketing stars are heores to all, and success and failure on the pitch brings universal euphoria or sadness in equal measure. Winning the world cup in 1983 was the highest honour ever achieved by an Indian sproting team. Captain Kapil Dev received the Cup at the Lords, watched by fans all around the world.
‘Kadham Dagmagathey nahi, sheesha juktha nahi, Jab chah hey mathrubhumi khee, najar jukthey nahi’
Epitome of Indian Beauty:

Madhubala, often called the Marilyn Monroe of Indian Cinema is possibly the most breath-takingly beautiful actress of India ever. Born as Mumtaz Begum Jehan Dehlavi, Madhubala, even today remains the most enduring and celebrated legend of Indian Cinema. Her acting prowess coupled with her exquisite looks made, not just India but also Hollywood take notice. Despite Hollywood beckoning, Madhubala decided to stick to Bollywood. With the release of Mughal-E-Azam, Madhubala soon became larger than life. In fact this was the film that marked what many consider to be her greatest and definitive characterization as the doomed courtesan Anarkali. It would be an understatement to say that Madhubala still lives in the hearts of millions.
‘Hajaro Kwaish aise khee har kwaish pe dum nikley, bahuth nikley mere aarman, lekin fhir bhi kum nikley’.
The Timeless Art:

In 1952, by sheer chance, a bundle of paintings, wrapped in cloth were found dumped in the corner of an old fort in Kishangarh.On inspection they turned out to be one of the great treasures of Indian art, the Kishangarh miniatures, inspired by the divine lovers Radha and Krishna, and lost to the world for over 200 years. Flawless artisty, spiritual yearning, and eternal love and devotion all combine in the sublime mysticism of the Kishangarh school of art. It is recognized as the very pinnacle of the vast scope of Indian art and acclaimed by connoisseurs around the world.
In 1778 the great exponent of the art of miniature paining, Nihal Chand, created the legendary face of the Kishangarh Radha, the quintessence of Indian womanhood and grace.
‘Dastan-E-Muhabat bhani tasveero main, jab payee koyee amanath deewaro main’
A love story and a legend:

The most beautiful monument of love. The international symbol of India. The finest example of Mughal architecture at its peak, and recently voted and re affirmed as one of the seven wonders of the world. Built as a white marble mausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal, the favourite wife of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, Taj Mahal has grown to be the universal symbol of true love. Millions of tourists visit every year from all over the world, and most of them leave a little of their heart behind.
‘Muhabat chees hey aise, jo pather kho mom khar dee, khore kagaz par sahee see nam likey ya Tajmahal bhene dhee’
Indeed we can be proud of our countrys rich history and accomplishments, and hope for a peaceful, prosperous and happy future.

Celebrating a Golden Era, Pride of India collection of 25 stamps where brought out by the Indian post office, selected from the archives of the National Philatelic Museum in New Delhi…And the above write up is with the help of excrepts from the book they brought out.
-Max Mueller, German Scholar, 1883.
The seventh largest country in the world. Its fast growing economy. Home to the ancient civilization of the Indus Valley, The Taj Mahal, Mother Teresa, the philosophy of Gandhism, and myriad schools of art and architecture.
The symbols of Indias greatness are as numerous as they are diverse.
The opening shot:

1857. The year India rose to break its shackles. The year the first step was taken on the long road to freedom. The year that say the First War of Independence. In more ways than one, the rebellion of 1857 kick-started India’s struggle for Independence. It made people realize the importance of unity to overthrow an oppressive regime. It resulted in the dissolution of the East India Company and replacement by direct ruel within the British Empire. Rani Lakshmibai, revered heroine of the great rebellion, is an iconic figure for all the brave warriors who fought and died striking a blow, to free India. Their dream is our reality now.
‘Bundelay harbolo kee muhu humney suni kahani thee, Khoob ladi mardani, whoo tho Jansi wali rani thee’.
An Immortal Life:

The impact of Mahatma Gandhi on the world has been extraordinary. His use of non-violent resistance in leading India to freedom inspired future leaders like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, and set an example for freedom movements throughout the world. As a pioneer of the philosophies of Satyagraha and Ahimsa, Gandhi’s life is an example of unfaltering commitment to non-violence, even in the most extreme situations. He had in him the sublime sense of simplicity, gentleness and inner strength that characterized his life.
‘Raghupathi raghava raja ram, pathitha pavana sita ram, ishwar allaha thero nam, sabkho sanmathi dee bhagavan’
The religion of nation:

To say that cricket is the religion of the nation is to acknowledge the fact that cricket, more than any other single activity or belief, profoundly affects the whole country as one. Cricketing stars are heores to all, and success and failure on the pitch brings universal euphoria or sadness in equal measure. Winning the world cup in 1983 was the highest honour ever achieved by an Indian sproting team. Captain Kapil Dev received the Cup at the Lords, watched by fans all around the world.
‘Kadham Dagmagathey nahi, sheesha juktha nahi, Jab chah hey mathrubhumi khee, najar jukthey nahi’
Epitome of Indian Beauty:

Madhubala, often called the Marilyn Monroe of Indian Cinema is possibly the most breath-takingly beautiful actress of India ever. Born as Mumtaz Begum Jehan Dehlavi, Madhubala, even today remains the most enduring and celebrated legend of Indian Cinema. Her acting prowess coupled with her exquisite looks made, not just India but also Hollywood take notice. Despite Hollywood beckoning, Madhubala decided to stick to Bollywood. With the release of Mughal-E-Azam, Madhubala soon became larger than life. In fact this was the film that marked what many consider to be her greatest and definitive characterization as the doomed courtesan Anarkali. It would be an understatement to say that Madhubala still lives in the hearts of millions.
‘Hajaro Kwaish aise khee har kwaish pe dum nikley, bahuth nikley mere aarman, lekin fhir bhi kum nikley’.
The Timeless Art:

In 1952, by sheer chance, a bundle of paintings, wrapped in cloth were found dumped in the corner of an old fort in Kishangarh.On inspection they turned out to be one of the great treasures of Indian art, the Kishangarh miniatures, inspired by the divine lovers Radha and Krishna, and lost to the world for over 200 years. Flawless artisty, spiritual yearning, and eternal love and devotion all combine in the sublime mysticism of the Kishangarh school of art. It is recognized as the very pinnacle of the vast scope of Indian art and acclaimed by connoisseurs around the world.
In 1778 the great exponent of the art of miniature paining, Nihal Chand, created the legendary face of the Kishangarh Radha, the quintessence of Indian womanhood and grace.
‘Dastan-E-Muhabat bhani tasveero main, jab payee koyee amanath deewaro main’
A love story and a legend:

The most beautiful monument of love. The international symbol of India. The finest example of Mughal architecture at its peak, and recently voted and re affirmed as one of the seven wonders of the world. Built as a white marble mausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal, the favourite wife of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, Taj Mahal has grown to be the universal symbol of true love. Millions of tourists visit every year from all over the world, and most of them leave a little of their heart behind.
‘Muhabat chees hey aise, jo pather kho mom khar dee, khore kagaz par sahee see nam likey ya Tajmahal bhene dhee’
Indeed we can be proud of our countrys rich history and accomplishments, and hope for a peaceful, prosperous and happy future.

Celebrating a Golden Era, Pride of India collection of 25 stamps where brought out by the Indian post office, selected from the archives of the National Philatelic Museum in New Delhi…And the above write up is with the help of excrepts from the book they brought out.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Blow a Gum Bubble!!

Bubblegum is a type of chewing gum especially designed for blowing bubbles. Since childhood I was always fascinated and wanted to learn to do this, and finally did it now….Thanks to the trainer…
" Nothing worthwhile ever happens quickly and easily. You achieve only as you are determined to achieve... and as you keep at it until you have achieved.”
Blowing gum bubbles will require time to get it right, but it’s a multitasking, you can do anything with it. Keep in mind that many people can't abide the sound of bubbles bursting or gum-smacking, and it's extremely rude to make either of these sounds in public places.
The step goes thus:
Step 1:
Chew a fresh piece of bubble gum until you've worked it to softness. Push the gum around with your tongue so that you make many different shapes with it in your mouth. Keep your mouth closed at all times Use your teeth and roof of your mouth to pull and push the gum around as well.
Step 2:
Using your tongue, make a ball out of the gum using the roof of your mouth as a rolling area. Your mouth should remain closed and don’t make noise, some may not like it.
Bracing the edges of the ball with the back of your teeth and gums, gently push the middle of the ball with your tongue so it makes a small patty-like form as if you were rolling dough If you need to, help flatten the ball into a patty against the roof of your mouth.
Step 3:
Transfer the gum back to behind the front teeth. Brace the edges of the gum patty against your gums and top and bottom front teeth. Now push, with your tongue, further through the patty until a very thin layer of gum covers your tongue. Withdrawal your tongue out of the layer.
Step 4:
Blow in air, preferably not with your mouth but lunges...
Hooray! You blew a bubble! But may not be in first few attempts.. Repeat many times until you lose interest..I am sure if you enjoy it, you will not lose your interest soon, and its awesome, when the bubble is not broken you take it in again...
Keep in mind that absolutely no hands are allowed at any time in the process. It's strictly tongue-in-cheek.
Step 5
Dispose of your used gum properly. Don’t put it here and there, return it to its wrapper and throw it away.
Step 6
Gum that came from a bubble tends to be the worst to clean, because of its thin and extremely clingy nature. But don’t worry, it can be cleaned.
• From the carpet, try hardening it with an ice cube and then scraping out the gum with a dull knife. After most of it's out, try a warm, wet sponge and a very small drop of dishwashing liquid to gently rub at it in a circular motion.
• From hair work in a little peanut butter or cooking oil and comb it out with a fine-toothed comb.
This ought to be dedicated to my traineer...
So why delay, start enjoying the bubbling experience now…..Undoubtedly, I am going to cherish it!!! What about you?
Forbidden Broadway
For me it was the first experience of viewing, though had read a lot about it, and it was daunting and awesome! Had some difficulty in understanding how and the what of the first half, though was enjoying, and by the time, it got over was fully into it!!! It was a musical number, for two hours, 3pm to 5pm, divided into two parts, named ‘Forbidden Broadway’. Good did not cancel it, as was not very much interested in the beginning…

The time and speed and the way, the cast changed their dresses and the kind was incredible!!

It was basically a ‘paradey’ of many well known plays and songs namely: Intoduction, Chicago, Sondheim, Carol channing in Hello Dolly, Chita/Rita, Audition Sequence, Wicked, Gypsy, Mandy Patinkin, Les Miz in the first part, and

The Phantom/Merman, Mamma Mia, Rent, Liza, Spamalot, Cats: Memory I enjoy being.., Fiddler, Les Miz, My Favourate Things from Cameron mackintosh as My Souvnir Things, back to Broadway, Hairspray, A chorus line, what I did for love, and Tata….

There were some thought provoking things like, why do people have ambitions? Its either because of rejection, for projection, or because of complexion or for attention…then, the use of phone these days, diamonds are girls best friend…every now and then there were laughter and claps echoing the hall…

The cast were 3 Male and Female, namely, Bredan Foley, Kevin Pollack, Jon Landvick, Heather Miller, Katie Siri and Amy Malouf, who play various characters, young old, animals and others…. It is created and written by Gerard Alessandrini, Directed by Ty Perry, Musical Direction by Michael Frain; Designed and Produced by J. Spencer Greene at Cutting Hall, Performing Arts Center 150 E, Wood Street, Palatine, IL.

Indeed special Thanks need to be given to Sajeev, and guess also to Tom Brauer…
Had woken up late, called home, had homely breakfast, and set off for shopping to Macys, with Thara driving….Moved around the residence as it is in Lake Bluff which is located in the North Shore area, near Waukegan, which is also the name of one of the oldest communities in Illinois, you find small lakes in and around. Then, left for the Gut-bustingly funny, forbidden pleasure show… After that again some window shopping, saw many places on the way, including both of their offices, another airport, and finally back home, was preparing cakes and nankata (Indian Cookies) which turned out to be Nakris(Nankata+Cookies). The rum cake, that Sajeev prepared before I reached was scrumptious, ..… cut the cake we made today, on 31st, with CGA transition team...at Homewood Suites..

Flight was at 7:40 am, and the airport was at a distance of one hour drive, so left home at 5:40. Radio news forecasted the weather to be not very good…rainy. Had to contact the United airlines representative for the ticket, as I could not get it outright from the machine and for it there was a big queue. Then the bag was held back at the security check, and they kept on rechecking it with small tissue paper like thing, 3-4 times, might be because of things like harddrive and iPod. By the time I reached the point of entry, I saw the door closed and the plain was standing there, I thought I had almost missed it as it was already 7:35…But nope…due to some problem in the emergency light, flight was delayed which was informed only at 7:40…till then, I was with my figures crossed.
I was relived that I had not missed the flight. Purchased Tropicana juice from a lady, nearby, who happened to be a Gujarathi, spoke to her for some time, and there was a homely smile on her face on hearing native word ‘Avjoo’ in a foreign land. Then kept reading ‘Who will cry when you die’ by Robin Sharma while listening to the songs from Jab we met, from the pendrive like, Philips audio….

The flight took off after an hour and half…Then listened to Company Law notes by Jayaram Sir…At Connecticut airport, went to the shop, which I had been admiring since the day of entry…Then took a prepaid taxi to the hotel, thus brining an end to an unbelievable and timely visit, which am sure we will cherish for long:) Wishing and praying that the almighty keep her healthy, wealthy and fine...always...and the frequent consultion to doctor ends soon....Indeed would like to Thank almighty, a ton for this opportunity...
The time and speed and the way, the cast changed their dresses and the kind was incredible!!
It was basically a ‘paradey’ of many well known plays and songs namely: Intoduction, Chicago, Sondheim, Carol channing in Hello Dolly, Chita/Rita, Audition Sequence, Wicked, Gypsy, Mandy Patinkin, Les Miz in the first part, and
The Phantom/Merman, Mamma Mia, Rent, Liza, Spamalot, Cats: Memory I enjoy being.., Fiddler, Les Miz, My Favourate Things from Cameron mackintosh as My Souvnir Things, back to Broadway, Hairspray, A chorus line, what I did for love, and Tata….
There were some thought provoking things like, why do people have ambitions? Its either because of rejection, for projection, or because of complexion or for attention…then, the use of phone these days, diamonds are girls best friend…every now and then there were laughter and claps echoing the hall…
The cast were 3 Male and Female, namely, Bredan Foley, Kevin Pollack, Jon Landvick, Heather Miller, Katie Siri and Amy Malouf, who play various characters, young old, animals and others…. It is created and written by Gerard Alessandrini, Directed by Ty Perry, Musical Direction by Michael Frain; Designed and Produced by J. Spencer Greene at Cutting Hall, Performing Arts Center 150 E, Wood Street, Palatine, IL.
Indeed special Thanks need to be given to Sajeev, and guess also to Tom Brauer…
Had woken up late, called home, had homely breakfast, and set off for shopping to Macys, with Thara driving….Moved around the residence as it is in Lake Bluff which is located in the North Shore area, near Waukegan, which is also the name of one of the oldest communities in Illinois, you find small lakes in and around. Then, left for the Gut-bustingly funny, forbidden pleasure show… After that again some window shopping, saw many places on the way, including both of their offices, another airport, and finally back home, was preparing cakes and nankata (Indian Cookies) which turned out to be Nakris(Nankata+Cookies). The rum cake, that Sajeev prepared before I reached was scrumptious, ..… cut the cake we made today, on 31st, with CGA transition team...at Homewood Suites..
Flight was at 7:40 am, and the airport was at a distance of one hour drive, so left home at 5:40. Radio news forecasted the weather to be not very good…rainy. Had to contact the United airlines representative for the ticket, as I could not get it outright from the machine and for it there was a big queue. Then the bag was held back at the security check, and they kept on rechecking it with small tissue paper like thing, 3-4 times, might be because of things like harddrive and iPod. By the time I reached the point of entry, I saw the door closed and the plain was standing there, I thought I had almost missed it as it was already 7:35…But nope…due to some problem in the emergency light, flight was delayed which was informed only at 7:40…till then, I was with my figures crossed.
I was relived that I had not missed the flight. Purchased Tropicana juice from a lady, nearby, who happened to be a Gujarathi, spoke to her for some time, and there was a homely smile on her face on hearing native word ‘Avjoo’ in a foreign land. Then kept reading ‘Who will cry when you die’ by Robin Sharma while listening to the songs from Jab we met, from the pendrive like, Philips audio….

The flight took off after an hour and half…Then listened to Company Law notes by Jayaram Sir…At Connecticut airport, went to the shop, which I had been admiring since the day of entry…Then took a prepaid taxi to the hotel, thus brining an end to an unbelievable and timely visit, which am sure we will cherish for long:) Wishing and praying that the almighty keep her healthy, wealthy and fine...always...and the frequent consultion to doctor ends soon....Indeed would like to Thank almighty, a ton for this opportunity...