
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Laughter and Cry....

Is it true that 'Haslyane Ayush vadethey ne radlyane kame hothey?' means, when you laugh, the life span increases and when you cry, it decreases?

Well then what about those who neither cry nor laugh? Is their life always the same??? Well, smile do bring joy everywhere....and tears bring sorrow....

In office, we are definitely missing the smile of RS, Our Team Leader there N, I like her smile very much....when you are down, when you feel like crying the smile do boost us up....and then there are some laughter like that of D which we can never forget too.....

No wonder why people like comedy, and jokes...but then there are some who enjoy serious stuff too...

Smile it create doubt it is said that the longest word is smiles because there is a mile between 2 s......

I try to keep smiling, and love to...but dont know how long, I can, keep a smile on face, but I know, doing it, when inside you feel like dying, for the sake of supporting others, no matter, the time or effort, means strength....

Worry, doesnot empty today of its sorrow, but tomorrow of its strength...Trust and pray to almighty, that there be smile on every face always.....Happiness Humesha!!!

Keep Going....

Where have I come from, where did you pick me up,
Half crying, Half Laughing...I asked....

You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling,
In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, you have lived...

In the laps of many spirits you have been nursed,
As you grew up, I held my hands loose, so you have the freedom,

I am so silly, why do I hurt others then? What is my purpose I ponder?
Where will I go, what should I do, I wonder?

You are Gods desire...his fulfill it...
Love all, learn well, Lead by example, Live each day to the fullest and leave a legacy...

If he brings you to it, he will bring you throug it....
Belive in him, belive in yourself, for nothing is impossible for a willing heart!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long Weekend....Too short....

Hey, this weekend...too has come to an end...too soon....Feeling sick, had left office early on Thursday, even on Friday was unwell, but somehow managed to be physically in office....and today Monday, we had taken optional leave, as it was holiday in US...Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (on May 25 in 2009). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the civil war), it was expanded after World War I to include American casualties of any war or military action.

And here I had our office colleagues R's marriage,S's house sisters function, and today, my earlier office colleagues marriage...there were so many delecious food, though I could not have everything....True Few relations in earth never dies....

Then there was the IPL match finals, and all the pending books to read...Dont know why, might am behind children these days, the book I took from Library, was 'The Crescent Moon' by Rabindranath Tagore. It is a collection of Poems, written by Tagore, primarily to entertain the children. The child is an idea, the symbol of new life. The beauty and simplicity of these poems translated form the Bengali collection of peoems Sishu, are very moving. ....

I belive the budding children, of today,the citizens of tomorrow, would be more loving, carying, and understanding....and less brainwashed, and henpecked.....but more matured, and responsible....

Monday, May 25, 2009

IPL: 2

With the election results out, and cabinet ministers taking oath, IPL-2 has also come to an end.

When the IPL burst upon India last year, six noisy weeks of cricket in a mini-skirt, arm-in-arm with business and Bollywood, it felt like revolution. By no way could politics be kept out of it. I was aware of the opening battle, this year which coincided with the elections; the game had to be moved out of India. Cricket South Africa (CSA) played the surrogate, overseas host to the game that moves India, thus proving that geography and boundaries are irrelevant in the face of a live television audience.

Moving cost would have been prohibitive, local crowd support missed, sponsors unable to give tickets to their dealers, team owners difficult to protect balance sheets and ensure excess of income over expenditure, am unaware of the actual outcomes though…...

Had missed the glamour of Priti Zinta, Neetu Ambani, and the game as a whole….as I had watched literally every game of IPL-1. But this time, as I started following it, it was almost the finals….Not because of the change in venue, last year too…had watched all the matches only on TV.

Seven of the eight teams where with a chance of making it to the semis and beyond. But the finalist were the early losers last time, it does prove that all of them from the last year, had evolved more in terms of the Twenty20 game.

If last year finals was neck to neck match between Rajasthan Royals and Chennai Super Kings, this year it was a brilliant play between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Deccan Chargers, Hyderabad. . Kumble picked himself to bowl the first over after inviting chargers to bat. And again it was Captain Vs. Captain, batting Vs Bowling, Kumble Vs. Gilchrist, after the umpire called play…Though Deccan chargers had been jolted at the start, Kumble’s magic did not pay the price, and the Deccan chargers went away with the 20 overs, with 143 runs for 6. , when the Royal Challengers had scored 137. Here again I am unaware, if it is the beauty of the game, or fixing of the matches…last year, the most underestimated team was Rajasthan Royals and they took the cup. This year too it was the least ranked teams….

The trend shows the result of IPL-3, the cup should go to bechara, Knight Riders……

Saturday, May 23, 2009

For my Friend: I rejoice...

His words still echo my ears, amidst busy work, he would be suddenly thinking and then he would say, I would like to: 1. Be a qualified CA. 2. Have my own house. 3. Have my own vehicle. 4. Marry my sweetheart, the person I love... Can my dreams ever become true??? And yesterday just after his sweethearts second delivery, he now a qualified CA called me to say that by the grace of God, he is now the father of a baby Boy, already having had a lovely daughter 2.5 years ago... Life was always full of thorns for him, incredible, unbelivable....Godforbid such a life for anyone, that he had 10 years before.... Mother an orthodox brahmin, had married to a christian, who was a tailor in her locality, but turned out to be a drunkered...She left her two growing sons and her husband....for another life...Father then had cancer and soon passed away...Elder brother was working for the Upkari business, which was doing well, but the kerala Govt. had prohibited that, so soon, he moved on to other businesses which flourished initially, but then not only lost all that they had, but incurred huge debt, on buying buses.....Brother too had to hide away....Here he was, who had to listen to all that others had to say..... It was under the love, protection and supervision of their velliyamma and grandma they were brought up, but had kept to their fathers faith and belief.... And here was he, keeping up his dreams, amidst all these.....had to run from pillar to post, for his studies, well even getting into articleship was so very difficult for him...Life had stored something for him....and he moved at its will....Marrying his sweetheart is also another nightmare story by itself...But then he got through everything by the grace of God...and I am happy for him... May the good God above pour showers of blessings on them, and may theirs be a happy family...Now and Always!!!! Undoubtedly children are Gods desire that the world should go on, and who bring happiness unfolding into your lives....Live it to the fullest, enjoy every moment, for very soon it too will pass away....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sing the song...

This is from my friend Payal, with whom I had some light moments, during the two months of special time:

A meeting after 17 years, singing Rukhey Sabh khee Kadam Tara rum pum pum.....

Am missing the activeness, smile and the speed of my SME...and down

Now that I dont know what and how...and is blank I Sing the song...

Here's a little song , might want to sing it note for note...don't worry be happy!!

Every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double...don't worry be happy!!

Looking out for place to lay your head...somebody came and took your bed...don't worry be happy!! Landlord says your rent is late, he may have to lock the gate..don't worry be happy!!

You got no cash, you got no style, en got no one to make you smile...don't worry be happy!!

Coz when you worry your face will frown..and that will bring everybody don't worry be happy!!

I am happy now, am just going on..........

The Past and Future of Indian Election...a continuation....

And then from 1952 , congress has been in full took 20 years for socialist, right-wing and regional groups to disturb congress complacence. It was in 1967, at the time of Indira Gandhi, that there was the fragments standing up to the congress monolith.

There were various other parties creeping up..and the decentralisation trend deepened through the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of the later decade, it had decisively transformed the nature of national politics itself. Thus, between 1989 and 2009, India had nine governments, headed by seven different primeministers. None of them commanded a majority in the Parliment.

'Generations of patient work had gone into making the congress the 'Noah's Ark of Nationalism'. It was a heroic and flawed project. It was the failure of the congress that proved a catalyst for Indias Kaleidoscopic diversity to from political patterns.

Is it too much wishful thinking to seek a congress free of the burden of dynasty and a BJP that gives up hate-mongering? A secular middle class that is putting caste behind is eager to see parties focus on rational policymaking...Can there ever be an united and reform-oriented Left? Will there ever be a singl strong and really good party, that represents the pepople? True such a party will lose now, but could make a difference a decade on...

Dont know why, anybody born, in the Nehru turned Gandhi family is a hit, but none from the actual Gandhi family other than the Mahatma is!! Now Varun has become super hit, poor boy he has been trapped by the BJP....

To some, Election 2009 is nothing but a tepid semifinal-before Rahul and Modi are pitted against each other in 2014. Hopefully it would not be too soon, a family feud, between Rahul and Varun....

There's a somewhat sinister line from one of the Godfather moves which went like this: 'Real power cant be given. It mush be taken.' ....Will some one???

Its only natural corporate chiefs have a voice on what should happen in India, and so did Narayana Murthy..

1. To bring about inclusive growth, we have to conduct pilot experiments for 2-3 years in small place in a state, correct errors, and adopt it for the entire country....Like our simulation tests, which gives nightmare, but is good by itself...

2. If rural India is shining, rural voters will be happy over what has happened over the last five years and will hopefully vote for the incumbent governments...Lets well Rahul can handle the upliftment of the rural area...

3.Young should take greater responsibility....And the eleders should give them place and whom the young could and should go for wisdom and advice, like the grandparents at home.....(But first the young should learn to repect their grandparents, and know that they have not bloomed from nowhere)

4.Dont only bother about the attitude of elitism. The elite are not concerned about poor people, but about urban areas, circle of power....

Families, and business people, paint on a small, simple canvas. Running a government, is like painiting complex patterns on large canvases. However, there are certain principles that hold good in both cases. Those principles are the ones that need to be transplanted form one domain to the other. Younger people will have to exercise their independent judgement based on the merits of the cases....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The general elections.....

Had missed casting my vote this time, but good to know that at least this time, after a good long span of time, though again there is no single party majority, some one is near to that......

Undoubtedly, Sonia Gandhi launched the most aggressive election campaign for selling her prime ministerial choice....Five years ago, the Italy lady, born there but married to Rajiv, from India, listened to her 'Inner voice' and refused to accept the prime ministership of India, but by no means was that a renunication of power. It turned out to be her first act in delegating duties. With the appointment of former finance minister Manmohan Singh as prime minister, what India had was a party leader who was more powerful than the head of government....Something that happened for the first time in our history...

Manmohan always acted as the congress CEO in the enterprise called the UPA but Sonia always called the shots. People have shown again, their acceptance, to Manmohan an economist and policy-maker an acceptable and unthreatening prime minister. Sonia the popular politician, working public rallies and talking about the needs of the aam aadmi....

Dont know why, I words of Rajiv echoes my ears...'Humey Dekhna hey key....' 'Humey Karna hey.....', pur, ve tho...ldekhthey hey dekthey, karney se pehley chal base....

And with all the family feuds, there is now four Gandhis, one mother and son in one part, the other mother and son in another.....With the arrest before the election, lossing in the first count and winning in the next count....Some are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them, some achieve greatness.....

My only sorrow at the time of counting was on knowing that Chidambaram lost, but then again he got through in recounting....

Indeed they are not just sitting still and wishing, taking up responsibilites, working....

The congress's odd couple tandem-team shared mutual faith, and the voters in the words largest democracy had the final say on the kind of shared leadership India needs....

Wanna know when did the general elections start in India??? It was in 1952.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Poorathil Pooram, Thrissur Pooram....

Thrissur Pooram is called 'the pooram of all poorams' (festival). It is the biggest of all poorams held in Kerala state. The Thrissur pooram, is celebrated every year on Pooram Nakshatram (star) in the month of Medam (mid-April to mid-may) as per the malayalam calendar.

On the pooram day, fifty (50) or more elephants pass through the very center of Thrissur town, the Vadakkunnathan temple. The main features of the pooram (festival) are these decorated elephants with their nettipattam (decorative golden headdress), beautifuliy crafted kolam, decorative bells and ornaments etc. Add to this is the panchavadyam, the rhythmic beating of the drum, and what would be a cacophony otherwise is turned into an organized but spontaneous symphony. The fireworks display in the early hours of the next day, rival shows held anywhere in the world, without even using many of the modern and newer pyrotechnics. So also is the Kodamattam (The change of Umbrellas); where in colourful umbrellas are displayed and changed.

The temple elephants are decorated with gold plated caparisons (nettipattom), bells, and necklaces. People mounted on the elephants hold tinselled silk parasols (muthukuda) up high, swaying white tufts (venchamaram) and peacock feather fans (aalavattom) to the rhythm of the orchestra. People looking after the elephants are called mahout (Pappan).

Paramekkavu Bagavathi Temple and Thiruvambadi Sree krishna Tempal are the two rival groups participating in Thrissur Pooram.

The Thrissur pooram is only about 200 or more years old. It was orchestrated by the then ruler of Cochin, Sakthan Thampuran or Raja Rama Varma, in 1798.

The whole place is very crowded, with lots of drum beats, crackers, that not all will love this occassion.

Pictures speak for themselves...Photography skill...of an engineer....with an BIL....

Quiz: You are Green! And more from Face book...

You are Green! You are a cool yet energized person. You probably tend to be a little more introverted than extroverted - while you love being with your friends, you still need your "you" time. You are probably a rather laid back, zen sort of person, unless you get a good kick of energy; then you can be crazy fun! You are probably insightful and smart; logic comes easily to you. You tend to be a balance between red and yellow. Reds are passionate and intense, and tend to walk over people. Yellows tend to be the walked on, because they like to keep the peace. You, however, are a balance of both. You know when to lie down and let someone take the lead, but if you feel strongly about something, you're not afraid to stand up for it! You are probably compassionate as well, and like animals and plants. You may be a little off-beat, and feel like not many people really see the depth in your personality. You would probably rather keep things on a superficial level that other people can understand than show the deeper side of yourself. You, in a nutshell: Cool, energized, balanced, strong, funky, zen, deep, intelligent, logical, compassionate. GREEN!


The truth is, you already are aware of yourself and who you are. You've come to terms with yourself and have been through almost everything. You live, love, and cherish. You've already shown every one your true colour. Your life is complete. Nothing hold you back. You’re lived with regrets, anger, hurt, despair, light dark, and everything in Between. However, these things won’t stop you. Keep living on. You find beauty in yourself and others. You are prone to changing. You let your emotions out and keep them that way. Everyone admires you for your loyalty and trustworthiness. You are truly unique and one in your own…


Fortune Teller Genius tells:

Question: Will the fight end?

Answer: I don't think so...

Question: Will I pass CA?

Answer: Of course yes!!

Answer: No... don't waste your time on that

Question: Will the sisters and brothers come together and be at peace?

Answer: Yes

Question: Will I continue in this project?

Answer: Don't think about it! It's a yes!

What does your birth month mean?

Attractive personality
Shy and reserved Secretive
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
Loves peace and serenity
Sensitive to others
Loves to serve others
Not easily angered
Appreciative and returns kindness
Observant and assesses others
Loves to dream and fantasize
Loves traveling
Loves attention
Hasty decisions in choosing partners
Loves home decors
Musically Talented
Loves special things

9th family get together

It was the 9th family get together ….after it started in 2001; I had not expected it to go beyond 5th. By the grace of God, cooperation from all participants, and the hardwork, and determination of some willing members, it did move forward this far, though there are some who really do not want it to and there are some non participations.

When there are only nuclear families around, and the families are not interested in joint family or in coming together, it is indeed a matter of great pride to have such a day.

As usual the day began with the prayer, formal meeting and address and special highlight of this get together was the release of the Thottappilly family member’s directory, the Thiruvadira kalli, and the group song, and the year quiz.

Then there was the Monoact by Pournima, kavitha by Gopika, Graceful dance performances by Neeraja S. Menon, and Neeraja Madhu. Group dance from Vaishnavi and kalyani and Thiruvadira Kalli by Neeraja, Krishnendu, Sharniya, Sharika, Sujatha, Jayashree, Sarasu and Latha. Individual songs, from Vaishnavi, Ravi Ekm., Hema, Anjana, Rajeev, Vaishak, Karthik, Anjana, Radhika, Bharat, Krishnendu, Sujith, Lakshmi and Sarath.

In the sports, it was only book balancing. Then there was the open Anthakshri, and the open quiz through out, and the two games as last year, Family tree and Bombing the city. Lucky man, women, and child was selected by the draw of lot and they were, Hari from Bombay, Saraswathi from Annanad, and Lakshmi.

There are ways to avoid responsibility, and nobody can thrust anything upon anyone. It is easy to make excuses and stories, but difficult to take responsibility. Anything that comes right from the heart simply excels and stands out. And world would be such a lovely place if each of them did what they ought to….but then …All for the best! The time wasted and most boring even is deciding people/committee members for the next year. They were, Valsan, Uma, Madhu Palakad, Sujith, Adv. Ani, Devdas and Hema Valsan.

We all know that Prema Cheechi is a very busy person, yet she did it, for the last three years and kudos to her. Especial mention need to be given to Prema Cheechi and her family, who did coordinate it well with their heart and soul into it, bringing more and more active participants in a diplomatic way amdist her ill health, classes and busy schedule. Indeed, where there is a will, there is a way.. Three cheers to her, and though she is not a member of the executive committee, we will continue to have her participation in the future too, with prayers that may this last long…..and the 10th will not be the end…but a better and memorable one……

Even parents would love to see their children together always, and I don’t know if at all there would be any parents who want their children, not to be talking to one another. In a life full of care, and misunderstandings, a day like this helps, and it would be good, if people take the open discussions in a positive way, and not just make a big issue of little things.

This would be the greatest gift and pleasure for Late Parukutty Amma and Late Raman Menon.

Change is mandatory and a necessity, to move forward in life. But isn’t it true, that when we get new, we should not forget the old? Is it right on the part of men, to forget, their Mother and sister, and to be indifferent, to the sibling family matters when they are in trouble?

With the directory At least now the people cannot grumble that they do not know the number of those whom they ought to be taking care off?… Though it’s a fact that not knowing the number is only an excuse, when you don’t want to call…..You get the number of people somehow, if you really want to call them. And then there was the people, and the necessities, even before there were houses, and phones...If you dont want to can definitely find excuses....

Its so good to be in a country, where it is family first still...though there has been deviations of late....

The office Gettogether

Earlier it was on George Sirs sons wedding 3 years before, that we all met, and now it was Paulson sirs daughters engagement this saturday….from my first office, where I was from 1995 to 2000, G&P, CA’s.

It was good to see many of them after a good long time, had been with Jyanthi and could speak with her a lot, as we used to earlier…had a drive together …..There were all with children, except a couple of us still single…and Some where around the glob. Could meet many of our old colleagues and friends, some qualified, some semi qualified, some having given up....with lots of stories of achivements, and struggles, and the contemprory things...

Everybody had one thing to say, Ramesh had never been to Ekm office after qualifying, After CA he was like a butterfly, very busy moving from place to place, within and outside India. Could visit his home too...and also Hema...

Well even the days beginning was different, left from office at 3:30 am, reached home at 5:30 am in the morning....a diffent exprerince of travelling home this early...


Had been busy learning to fish, and fishing these days…so much so that, could not even blog, go around with my sis, …..But then, had good yummy parottas and Chicken from Susan, made by Ashokan…that kept us going, which we believe will continue during every fishing days…

And it was so nice of the VP to bring Hydrabadhi birayani to the first fish catcher, Chandra...

After the fishing days, both me and my system started getting slower..., but am sure, the work will teach me how to do it...

Also thought of putting here the proverb from our first meeting, give man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach man how to fish, and you feed him for a life time.

Fishing is good, but anything, too much is a problem. Fishing definitely is better than being selfish....he he he....By the end, really wanted a break and some rest. The proverb this week also was a good one, aim for success and not perfection. You learn better by trying and making mistake, rather than not trying at all.

Had been missing so many things these days. Sis came and left, visits to place, the Pooram, had prayed for RS&T and would love to hear good news from them soon.

These pictures are copyrighted ha...very professional indeed..... Taken by my SIL, S during their India visit, which I too could have visited, but I had to catch my ornage fishes....

Liked the dialogue ‘Is anyone settled? Are our parents settled? We cannot do anything in life after we are settled, things go on, and we should move on.

When time makes me sad and bad, no one consoles me other than you, when I smile with happy eyes, your face reflects the smile, I know you are my right hand, but I wonder how you work as a magic wand…..

Happiness these days is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.....Getting happiness out of my work or I may never know what happiness is.....

Few Things to remember when traveling to US:

Ensure that your name in the passport and that in the ticket is same, including the full name and the spelling. Don’t forget to collect your I95 on your arrival, and don’t forget to return it at the time of your departure.

In case of emergency you can call911. Just call the number, they will trace your number and reach you with an ambulance, police

There are Interstate roads, odd numbers {91(North-south) } and even numbers, {84 (East-west)} roads, and each roads have Exits like Exit 39, There are bus services, each state has transit, sites, and then private buses too like, Peter Pan. There are the fast railways and variety flights. It is always more understandable to say the direction, rather than right or left as we do here, which is confusing.

And of course, open the door for others, keep smiling, say Thank you, Bless you, and carry the clothes to suit the weather. Do not litter. Keep the place clean.

I am sure there are many more, will keep on adding it as and when I recollect..others too can help me out...


And the day of return.

With the ocean of bags, we were all set to return. Jolly and Preethi had come to hotel, early in the morning, Courtesy them, who made easy the first handicap of communication by giving a mobile, returned it to them, but then was its true need.

Checking in of the bags, by 14 members, rearranging the bags, paying additional charges, was an uphill task, but then came the real challenge, after giving the ticket, at the security, they said, I would not be able to check in, as the name do not match in passport and the ticket. They look for the initials or the second name is given more prominence there. They said I would not be able to travel, and even did not allow Santhosh to get in, asking him to help me resolve, Who was worried to hear that I would not be able to travel…there was the box, thrown, but kept: Faithful, Always There, Trustworthy, Honoring, Ever-loving, Righteous, and Supportive.

But then there were others too, who could not check in, and we all could drive to JFK airport. Prajosh, Abhilash and Anil. But Prajosh was all the way, down, for having missed his camera, though I kept telling him that it would be there with Santhosh....Somehow Santhosh and Geena managed to get into the flight, there was the Susan who had kept the plain waiting for them.

The sorrow of not being able to visit New York was overcome, on seeing, the welcome sign board from the Empire State, and our cab drew over the Brookline Bridge. Could see the city on the one side, and another similar bridge on the other. And the others were waiting tensed at the airport worried about us, and canceling the plans of going to the city, when we had a good lunch on our way form the Mac Dowell’s. There were so many beautyful girls and boys there, in sleevless tops and shots, the day being sunny... Well it was also a time when the trouble of not having a mobile with us was realized. We tried calling them on their mobile and lost dollar but could not get them.

And then in the flight, it was twice and too much of oryee Kadal that keeps haunting me, Bachna Aee Haasinoo and Catch me if you can…

With special memories, special gifts, and special moments, which passed away like a dream, returned, had lost a day in transit...From airport to home, it was like anyother return on weekends from office....with all of them waiting at home, and then to office....