
Monday, January 28, 2008

From my sis's Collections...Dairy...

Never Loose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful for beauty is Gods good handwriting.

Manu, the ancient codifier of Hindu law said:
Duteous girl obey her father,
Husband sways the duteous wife,
Son controls the widowed mother,
Never free is a woman’s life.

Once it was belived that women are intellectually stagnant, physically weak and economically a parasite.

Words of haste make friendship waste.

Man makes his own fortune and calls it fate.

You don’t love people because they are beautiful, but they seem beautiful because you love them.

Tough Times Never last; But tough people do…..

When you’ve exhausted all possibilities, remember this, you haven’t!!

Nobody is a total failure, if he dares to try to do something worthwhile.
Its impossible to fail totally, if you dare to try. If its going to be its up to me!

Never let a problem become an excuse.

Gods delays are not Gods denials.

Todays decisions are tomorrows realities.

The one battle most people lose is the battle over the fear of failure…..
And you’ll be assured you won the first round.

Take care….
People who take care never go anywhere..

Take a chance!
Take charge!
Take control!!

Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.

When faced
with a mountain,
I will not quit.
I will
keep on striving
until I climb over,
find a pass through,
tunnel underneath,
or simply stay
and turn the mountain
into a gold mine,
with Gods help!!

You wont win, if you don’t begin.

Don’t kill the dream execute it!!

As Tharas poetry, Oh! Examination what a botheration for the generation…….
Oh God! Give me the guidance to know when to hold on and when to let go and the grace to make the right decision with dignity.

On decision making: How to handle good ideas- Don’t hibernate, don’t luxuriate, don’t commiserate, don’t procrastinate.

Wise people dedicate- They do it now. No grass grows under their feet. So they don’t waste.

Don’t wait for an inspiration. Use your head and your heart will follow. Winning starts with beginning and beginning starts with a single action.

To really succeed in life all you have to do is:
1. Get started
2. Never quit.

Steps to success:

 Think correctly
 Read Profitably
 Work sensibly
 Earn Honestly
 Spend rightly
 Deal tactfully
 Eat properly
 Travel Lightly
 Love dearly
 Adjust cleverly
 Relax quietly
 Dress smartly
 Live wisely

Decision making is easy if there are no contradictions in your value system.

For writing: The words you use will change your mood for better or worse. The client shapes the structure and from then on the structure shapes the client.

Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

Into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and sad and dreary.

You wouldn’t worry of what people think of you, if you knew how seldom they do.

Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow it empties today of its strength….

There will never be another now…
I’ll make the most of today.

There will never be another me….
I’ll make the most of myself.

The me I see is the me I’ll be….

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