
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Think Big… Leave a Legacy….

TAJ-Mahal- Shajahans Legacy....And the price paid for it is cruel death from the hands of his own son, Aurangazeb.

"Yeh manushya janam paaya hai to kuchh karke yahan se jaana chhahiye, kuchh kar ke dikhana chhahiye."

Jesus, Mohamed or Krishna….
Newton, Edison or Einstein
Mother Theresa, Rajneesh, Amruthanthamai
Ashoka, Akbar or Gandhiji
Tata, Birla, Reliance.

Where and how did they get that idea!!! Indeed, an idea can change life…not only your, but also of those around you.

They were somebody who were much ahead of their time, Genius minds, who stood against most influential people of there respective field, great visionary and very intellectual persons who exceled in their respective field throughout their life. Against all odds, they succeeded.

Desire Dream Do
Vision Mission Action

"Growth has no limit. Only when you dream it you can do it."

"Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one's monopoly"

"Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater."

"If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow."

"Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities."

" Relationship and Trust. This is the foundation of our growth"

Nothing big can ever be achieved without a certain soft, delicate, sensitive, understanding human touch in all one's deeds and words. And also needed is money, influence and power.
One need to read about what is happening around the world, listen carefully and ponder about the pros and cons.
Go with an open mind. Keep your eyes open. Demand to see everything, look into everything, and learn everything.
Most important: make friends. We need to keep our relations and have friends everywhere, if we have to grow big.
One must be ready to pass through hell, the fire of envy and opposition, criticism and attacks.
Mahatma, a lot has been written about him, even before, and there is his autobiography, My experiments with truth. Mohandas Gandhi and Dhirubhai Ambani were the two most famous scions of the Modh Bania, a Hindu commercial caste based in the arid Saurashtra(Gujarat) peninsula. But when Mahatma died, Ambani was just 16.

"Begin earning some money," his mother nagged. That angered Dhirubhai. "Phadia, phadia su karo chho," he snapped at her, "paisa no to dhanglo karees." (Why do you keep screaming for money? I'll make heaps of money one day.)Just after Dhirubhai was through his annual matriculation examination and even before the result was out, at 16, he was Off to Aden and when Indians there had to choose between Britan and India, he choose India, and from then on began his great idea… He began as a big joint family, and dreamed, and did what Tatas and Birlas took decades to do.

Just across the road from where Dhirubhai lived in Mumbai, there was a young man of about the same age as he whose thoughts ran the same way. He also was facing a similar wholesalers' blockade as Dhirubhai. He was then living on Peddar Road and his name was Rajneesh, Acharya Rajneesh, the Osho of the later years. His predicament was no different from Dhirubhai's. Books wholesaler had stonewalled him as cloth wholesalers had Dhirubhai. Rajneesh also was loading his newly printed books in the boot of his baby Austin car and going about the city piling them at the books retailer counters on similar terms as Dhirubhai was offering to the retail cloth merchants.

Then why the offsprings cannot keep up the spirit. Why do they quarrel?

It is said that Philosophers in the earlier century were more respected, successful and honoured than the scientists, though both are parallels in the histoy. No wonder unremarkable mark has been left by people like:
Jesus, Mohamed or Krishna….
Newton, Edison or Einstein

What is done need not be concrete things, it can be abstract..but one need to do....and doing comes from thinking, ....and just thinking can lead you no where, so belive and do.....What? An idea can change life.......

Belive in yourself and in the strength you have to shape your destiny, for nothing is impossible for a willing heart.....


  1. hey your posts are very profound and philosophical. Keep them going, am enjoying them

  2. Inspirational..!


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