
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Team Away Day....

Finally all flights were booked and we could be @ for the Team Away day from 18th March 2013 to 20th March 2013. Hurray!!!

Having landed at Bavaria on 17th March 2013, Dunja was waiting with her arms open, and her shoulders to lean on. How caring and concerned. She had with her, her son Juri; and off we went to her home and her new eco-house under construction. She had so much to do, with kids school day, cousins visiting home, new house under construction; yet wanted to take me around too.

Next day morning she took me out for a café and cake (Mohn Kuchen – Poppy seed cake; Apfelkuchln-Apple Cake); and then off we went by cable car on top of the mountain in casuals being a mountain area / outdoor / weather being cloudy, approx. temperature night -1 / day 5 C).

Ah! Was it a dream? Were those three days, just a long dream?

With so many different people of different colors; Yellow, Red, Blue and Green. We had

• The helping, young and energetic by heart Horse MH

• Tadpole and cat loving, strong but with a heart BF

• Bubbly, energetic, MIL of all, owl

• The Traveller dog, looking for red

• Petrified Panther, the fashion lover

• The twins; Blue Dog & Fox

• Lead by the Eagle

We indeed missed so many of them, but especially the lion-ess.

Day 1 (18th March 2013); We had the Mashmallow Challenge and a typical traditional German – Mountaineers Dinner Fondue (Kase/Fleisch) Mit Salat Mud Brot- Meat pieces in broad or cheese to dip.

Day 2 (19th March 2013) was the Insight Day : Take away being;

• Our personality depends on which colour we are

• Difficult to change others,

• How we look at thing is based on our perception

• We can deal with people knowing how they are

• Here is what Dunja had to say about the snowman

“ The snowman will not be able to get a girlfriend or wife, because by the time he has made his decision he is probably part of the ocean”

He is for all human being in the world a symbol of winter, and he is very peaceful. Also he is very international, as everybody would create him similar. Basically a snowman consist of three balls of snow, a carrot and some piece of coal.

The snowman is also to me a sign of change. When I was about eight years old you saw them everwhere, while in these times you don’t see them often.

The snowman is a species, which might not exist in 50 years from now, anymore.”

Day 3 (20th March 2013) we had further discussion on Generations and how they differ

• Traditionalist: 67+ (1928-1945)

• Boomers: 47-66 (1946-1964)

• GenXer (Generation X): 31-46 (1965 -1980)

• Millemnials: 18-31 (1980-2000)

And then finally the video on the TED Talk: Choose to be happy.

From there we went into Munich office after the event but why was the meeting with Eva again too short? We had to fly to Bonn; stayed at Maritime hotel and walked to office the next day.

21st March 2013: Visited DPDHL office; the 40 storied building, with a view to the whole of Bonn/Koln; on the banks of river Rhein. This was the erstwhile capital of West Germany. Indeed Beautiful!

On 22nd March 2013; flew to London; bidding good bye to Germany.

Had typical German lunch on both the days; not sure what they are called. One was potato and onion mixed cooked/fried; with apple. Next day fish and French fries.

Do not know, why there was not a bit of excitement, to be flying to London, instead, was sad. Was it ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel - Dunja that made me sad, or was it just a state of mind?

Trees without leaves, snow, I would see in London too, and I should have been excited to be going to London, but not a bit?

Veba Garetson gave me a Russian coin, which would help one to decide when required.

I had to remind myself to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Meera, I am very impressed and will do the same next time I travel.
    But what is a MIL ??

    I think you probably have been sad because you just had met all this people and than you have to say Good bye so fast knowing that next time will take a while.
    Also, next time I will give you a funny book about Germany, did not want to set you up!!!! No wonder that you became sad when you read stories like this. I am currently reading the one I was talking about when you were here (the German literature professor at NY University, after emigrating to the US)


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Happiness Always!