
Sunday, August 31, 2014

With Best Wishes - Sr. Mercy Jose & Co.

As every thing comes to an end, both good and bad - so also our school days did come to an end. We had farewell from our juniors on the 15th of February 1992. After which our headmistress Sr.Mercy Jose on behalf of all teachers gave us a small booklet. Though of samll one of 32 pages - there is so much to learn as I go though it every time.

'With Best Wishes' is a farewell gift of love from teachers to students compiled by J. Maurus - A Better yourself Book.

Go forth and use
The gifts of youth,
But temper them
With ageless truth
And gratitude
For help received,
For those who in
You have believed,
And patience for
What time will tell
In realms where
Great achievements dwell,
Go forth...
We surely wish you well.

The Open Door

There is a door that opens wide,
Inviting you to enter;
This door is opportunity
And life is at its centre.

Broaden your mind’s horizon...
Exchange the ‘no’ for ‘yes’,
This open door of adventure
Will lead to new success.

Behold, the open door of love,
Of friendly brotherhood;
He who opens up these doors
Will build a world of good.

These doors all open outward,
And you may enter free,
If you but have the vision
For opportunity.

- Margaret Freer

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