A Bawse is one who excels in both personal and professional settings. Who excudes confidence, turns heads, gets hurt efficiently, communicates effectively and hustles relentlessly.
Success, Happiness and everything in life that feels great have no Escalators, only stairs, and we need to go up those. Start Stretching.
Our mind is our biggest asset as well as our biggest obstacle. Most important tool we possess, but useless if we do not know how to apply it. Befriend it, control it, and become more self-aware. Be the best referee. Get your brains on Board.
Play Nintendo – Not being able to control people and situation doesn’t make your powerless, it just means you have to exercise your power in a different way. If your can’t control people, then control your reaction to them. If you can’t control a situation, then prepare for it. Don’t get fixated on getting people to behave in accordance with what we want that we forget to focus on ourselves. The best way to stop people from pushing your buttons is to start pushing your own.
Conquer your thoughts – It’s an ongoing process, requiring frequent readjustment as our mind is frequently evolving. Ask – Why, What, How? Analyze and discover the cheat codes:
People may be upset about something else in their life
Strongly believe your own opinion
Do things that make you happy or fear and negativity will slowly take over
Make yourself better in constructive way, rather than replying to all negative comments
Be Secretive – It’s up to you to decide what to reveal and when.
Get Uncomfortable – Seek out situations that mke your uncomfortable and then throw yourself into them. Think of discomfort as currency – It’s the price you pay to learn some pretty crucial things.
Have Fewer Emotions – Be driven by goals. Train your brain to focus less on feelings and more on productivity. Make every struggle count and remember that experience will always be a silver lining. Get hurt efficiently.
Don’t overthink – Humans have a tendency to overcomplicate simple things because we overthink them. But if you take a step back and remember your priorities, it becomes easier to make a decision.
Call yourself out – Making mistakes is cool, it brings your one step closer to success, provided you try to prevent them in future. Steps are:
Take ownership – Avoid Blame, Deflect, Denial, or don’t ignore.
Call yourself out
Find solutions
Send the GPS Deep – Take a look at the molecules that make up your unique existence. Dig deep and discover your layers. Understanding yourself and why you are the way you are requires complete honesty.
Exercise Self-Control –
Set goals for yourself
Reward yourself
Challenge yourself
Don’t survive – If you’re doing it, do it the best your possibly can. Don’t just try to pass your classes; try to ace them. Don’t just aim to pay your bills, save enough to travel. That’s the difference between settling like a survivor and conquering like a bawse.
Be in Love – Take time and effort for the relationship with yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself, encourage yourself, Be patient with yourself.
Pause – When you have too many things happening. Pause. It’s your responsibility. Savor the moment. Meditate, Disconnect.
Once you and your mind are BFF’s , work together to focus on goals. Get work done, get rid of distractions, stay organized, create meaning success.
Commit to your Decision – To accomplish or be great at something. Two common obstacles are fear and distraction.
Let Go of FOMO – i.e. Fear of Missing out. Focusing on your work moves you closer to reaching your goals. Keep training your brain to pay attention to how rewarding it is to work hard.
Schedule Inspiration – It is the fuel for your Hustle.
Have Vision – The universe might respect the law of attraction, but it respects a good hustle even more. Long term visualization is when you imagine yourself in a scenario that you hope will become a reality one day. Short term visualization is helpful when you know you are going to be doing something specific and you want to imagine how the scenario will play out. 3 reasons why you should have a vision board are:
It gives you clarity about what your goals are
Helps you to be self-aware
iii. Constantly remind you of what you want in life.
It helps you make tough decisions.
Aim High – Life is one big negotiation. Start high. You are never going to get exactly what you want, so better ask for more. When you go for something you want, there are three possible outcomes: ideal, workable and horrible. Don’t give up before you even try.
The Alphabet is a lie – If you really want to do something, don’t have a plan B. Having a Plan B means you’re expecting your Plan A to fail and that is’nt the right attitude.
If you can do it, you don’t have to say it – Show people who you are, and then keep showing them. Talk is cheap, so leave it at the thrift store.
Know the game – Whatever you’re doing in life, stand owner. It’s important so you can excel at playing it and prevents you from being cheated. I want to stay in the league, so I keep up to date on the game. Let’s play.
Climb the ladder – It’s not usually an easy climb, you have to earn each rung.
Take the stairs – Shortcuts do not exist when it comes to success. Doing work eliminates the need for luck.
Set deadlines – Procrastination is a Hustler’s worst enemy. The clock is ticking.
Don’t be made. Don’t be broken – Your success shouldn’t walk on stilts. If one opportunity will make or break your success, then your idea of success isn’t solid enough to begin with.
You’re an architect – design your path to success. Get wild, be creative and don’t get distracted by the flow of traffic.
Be active – Make sure your body can keep up with the Hustle.
Stretch in the mornings
Don’t take the easy way
Don’t be hard on yourself
Drink water
Eliminate stress – Simple fix – Need Recognition and Problem – solving. Do not get frustrated.
Mold your failure – Don’t let disappointment blind you to potential. Roll up your sleeves, use your creativity as glue and mold your success. When One door closes; open the closed door.
Climb another Ladder – Feel empowered to earn success.
Don’t blend into a crowd – stand out.
You are not a parking ticket. Don’t get easily validated. It should happen only when you accomplish goals or contribute to society.
You’re special – Do something with your unique characteristics.
You’re not special – Don’t keep entitlement complexes. Validation is temporary. The greatest and worst feedback are both dangerous in their own way.
Protect your vision – Your idea is your baby, parent it well. Let it grow up to be wonderful event, product or campaign.
Be the dumbest – It doesn’t make you a stupid person. It mean you are smart enough to select people to work with that you can learn from. Who is dumber, the person who pretends they know everything, or the person who doesn’t and ask questions?
You’re an investment – Invest in yourself using time, energy and money.
EFF Protocol – If rule is not accommodating the magic you could create, cross the yellow line, break the rules and get things done. It might result in something magnificent or chaos, but sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Be Santa – To Impress
Smile for a reason
Listen to understand
Don’t be Robotic
Live in the moment
Be confident
Dress comfortably
Power poses
Listen to your Jams
Speak in statements
Body language
Always have presents, and leave your presence.
Say what you mean – There is always a way to be open and honest while also being respectful. Anyone who behaves otherwise is just being lazy.
Not everyone hates you – But if things don’t work in your favour, or you see majority are against you, take the hint and work on improving yourself.
Understand priorities – Relationships fail, because of difference in priorities. Best relationships are those that not only allow you to have your own unique carrot but also allow you to help your partner reach their carrot.
Be unapologetically yourself – Everyone is weird, no matter how normal someone seems. There is a big difference between being yourself and being unapologetically yourself.
Shake what your mama gave ya – Make a phenomenal first impression.
Your EX wasn’t right for you – It is our attachment to an idealized relationship that is hard to let go of. If your loved one hurts you , it is the other parts that is right for you, not the one hurting.
Power of compassion, love and kindness should never be underestimated. Have strong values, express gratitude, positively impact others. Navigate sticky situation that tempt you to behave poorly.
You are a chameleon – You are a product of your environment. So, create an environment where you can thrive by:
Create passwords that are affirmation or important reminders like – Staydetermined.
If your struggle with certain thought or bad habit, put positive reminders against them.
Change your ringtone
Follow cute puppies or your motivations.
Choose colours that soothe.
Don’t talk crap – Spend time each day thinking about IDEAS to grow your mind and resist the urge to talk negatively about people. Stop allowing judgmental mean thoughts to occupy space in your brain. Pick a feature to admire about people you meet and store them in your mental contact list.
You’re not the biggest Bawse – There will always be a higher power that can throw you off the ladder at any time, whether it’s God, another high being, science, spirits, superpowers, evolution or miracles. That helps you appreciate what you have while you have it.
No Piggybacks – It’s important to know the difference between supporting people and giving them a free ride. Respect the art or hustling and make sure it doesn’t become extinct. Support those who work hard.
Have values, not hobbies – Create Personal Manifesto of your values, and Recite. Let your values be your powerhouse of the cells -Mitochondria.
Be Nice to people – Not being nice is like poisoning yourself with bad vibes.
There is a team behind you – Humanity is the biggest team
Positivity Is key
Opportunities are unlimited.
Promote what you love – Don’t bash what you hate. If I was going to let my passion get the best of me, then I had better use that passion to also promote what I love.
Appreciate thing – Rewire your brain.
Call out all the simple things. Even amidst issues, pay attention to things you can be grateful for.
Witness alternative way of living. Understand how blessed you are. Some people have it rough.
Pause for a moment and reflect on what reaching milestone means to you. It’s sad to work hard for something, only to become complacent once you’ve achieved your goal.
There is a lot of horrible things happening in the world and to deal with it you have two choices, - Be numb and continue living or help others with your privileges.
Be in Sync
Think of your mind, body and soul as members of a group project. You get the best grade when everyone does an equal amount of work. It helps align your thoughts, actions and emotions. Listen to your mind, work with your body, feel with your soul. Be in Sync. Be so N’sync that when you leave room, you say, Baby, Bye, Bye, Bye.
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Happiness Always!