"Vitality in life is directly proportional to the vividness of your vision, the articulation of your speech, and the clarity of your mission. That’s the source of your vitality. We automatically plateau when we don’t have a clear vision but when our vision is clear, we have vitality. Vitality is automatically also proportionate to the details you put in your mind. So if you’ve got everything delegated and you’re clear about what you do, your vitality is up. And when you do something you love to do, you don’t age as much. ……….anytime you’re doing lower priority things, you’re more in your amygdala. The amygdala is always trying to avoid pain and seek pleasure and so it tends to subjectively skew your reality. You tend to then have a fear of loss of your infatuations and a fear of gain of your resentments and you are living in phobias, and that ages you. It puts time and space in your mind and occupies your mind and distracts you. That’s what ages you and that’s what entropy is. – Dr. John Demartini"
An amazing book, in 'You Can Coach', Siddharth Rajsekar decodes how he was able to plan, launch and grow one of the largest communities of coaches, trainers and experts, starting from scratch. This book features interviews with legendary coaches, Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Blair Singer, and many more.
Books and courses are full of three's and six's : Triangles and Hexagons.
Part 1 on Plan - Covers finding your niche, designing curriculum, Planning budgets, ; Part 2 on Launch cover Setting up your systems, launching products and attracting quality leads and Part 3 on Growth cover growing sales, tribe and profits.
Part 1 Pan - (i) Finding you Niche:
'No voice is going to come out from the sky telling you....."Hey I'm God here....this is your niche! Go for it!". You know it's never going to happen that way!'
Bulb On!
A Niche = A Problem. You need to ask yourself which problem you want to solve and why it is so important for you to solve that problem. Only if you have the "Passion", will you have the energy to solve it.
5 Lessons Before you find your Niche
Lesson 1 : The niche you pick will be your area of contribution to the word. Flow with this. Do not be rigid at the start.
Lesson 2: As your flow, get more congruent with your back story. That's where the passion and magic will come from.
Lesson 3: Marketing to everybody is a formula for disaster. Target people who are just like you.
If you are not sure, look in the mirror.
Lesson 4: You need to be both strategic and congruent when you pic your niche.
Be authentic, and include the problems you faced in the content marketing plan. You need to have your antennas alert and open wide always to pick up where the big problem in society is and then fill that gap most effectively as a digital coach.
Lesson 5: If you are rigid in your thinking without evolving personally, whatever niche you pick will not work. Your passion will turn into poison if you are not adaptable.
Don't be rigid about your ways. You can grow only if the market finds what you are offering valuable.
Be fixed on your goal, but flexible on how you get there.
Before selecting your Niche check for these nine things: Passion, natural talent, alignment with purpose in life, experience, core skills, message for the world, who you want to become, need in the market, will you be paid for it. This would set the foundation.
Six steps to find your Niche:
- Pick one Big Problem That you want to solve
- Pick your Micro-Niche Segment
- Pick a Method/Tool To Solve that Problem
- Validate Your Niche Using the 5P system
- Convert this into a Mission/Purpose
- Craft a Business Plan around the Mission
- Business
- Career
- Health
- Money
- Relationship
- Creativity
Once you identify you Nice, riches are in the Micro - Niches. Become a specialist and not a generalist.
"If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution" - Steve Jobs
Once you decide on which problem to solve - Niche and Micro Niche (Step 1 and 2), Pick a method/Tool to solve that problem (step 3); validate your Niche using the 5P System i.e. Passion, Problem, Persona (target market narrowed down), Potential in the market, Payment; Convert this into you mission statement, and craft a business plan around the mission.
Don't just be a product seller, be a problem solver, Make this your mission. People can see through your intentions. So get real and deliver value.
The way you need to construct a business plan should comprise of four main revenue streams:
- Courses - Basic and advanced
- Coaching - 1-1/group
- Consulting - 3months or 12 months
- Collaborations - alliances and partnerships
Part 1 Plan - (ii) Design curriculum
10 Principles:
- There are many paths to achieve a goal
- People need to buy you before they buy your product
- Don't sell products. Sell Memberships. Build Communities.
- Will you build a great product, the bottom line will take care of itself
- Quality speaks for itself, you don't have to market quality
- Find role models when you're designing programs
- Your Biggest Competitive Advantage in the market place is your tribe
- It's not about the price, it's about the value you deliver.
- It's not about your content. It's about delivering results.
- People who pay money, pay attention
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