Your Honor is an Indian thriller drama streaming television series, directed by Eeshwar Nivas, under the production house Applause Entertainment. The series stars Jimmy Shergill, Pulkit Makol, Mita Vashisht, Yashpal Sharma and Parul Gulati in the main roles. Despite its name being similar to the American adaptation, the series is adaptated from Israeli web series Kvodo. The story follows a judge who lets go of his moralities, relationships and goes on to undermine ethics in order to save his son. The series was released on June 18, 2020, on the Indian OTT platform of SonyLIVE.
Your Honor season 2 was released on November 19, 2021. Gulshan Grover and Mahie Gill are the new major additions to the show.
Season 1
The story of the series revolves around Bishan Khosla (Jimmy Shergill) and his son. Bishan's son Abeer gets caught in a hit and run case. The boy who is hit in this case by Abeer is the son of the city gangster. Bishan Khosla sacrifices relationships and subverts the law to save his son from a vengeful gangster. The series portrays how even the pinnacle of law breaks in order to save their family. And in the final episode, the real twists on why and what of it.
Season 2
After Judge Bishan Khosla shot Satnam Mudki, he finds himself in serious trouble, not only with the Mudki family but also the Tarn Taran mafia and Pandit gang that understands the importance of having a High Court Judge in its pocket.
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