
Sunday, March 13, 2022

5 am Club : Day 14, Money


·       If you want to be rich, you need to have the preparedness to receive money

·       T Harvarkar, MMI - Millionaire Mindset. – Secrets of Millionaire Mind – Columns and details below*

·       Have right mindset. Find the core

·       Money is the reflection of your talent

·       It’s  lonely at the top.

·       When you are nobody, nobody cares. When we are somebody, everybody will care.

·       We have to work, our efforts matter. Not luck or outside.  – Green – prosperity.

·       * find one or two areas where you think you need to improve and work on that, mark 1 or 0 against each of them.

I Create my life


Life happens to me

Playing to win


Playing not to lose



They just want

Think Big


Think Small




Admire other rich and successful people



Associate with positive people


Associate with negative people

Promote themselves


Negative about promotion

Bigger than their problem


Smaller than their problem

Excellent reciver


Poor reciver

Paid based on result


Paid based on time

Think Both


Think Either/Or



Working Income

Manage their Money well


Mismanage their money

The Money work hard for them


They work hard for the money

Act inspite of fear


Stop bcos of fear

Constantly learn and grow


They think they know


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