
Thursday, March 03, 2022

Be a Better Person - Celestine Chua

 Character is something we can change, not something we are born with and can’t change. Here are 101 ways to be a better person by Celes. This was my 22nd of 2o22.

"We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are." - Max Depree

  1. Be Growth oriented - Discover your purpose
  2. Work on your negative traits
  3. Identify your ideal self
  4. Find a role model
  5. Be a role model
  6. Be a better child to your parent
  7. Be a better friend to your friend
  8. Be a better sibling to your sibling if you have one
  9. Be a better partner if you are attached. - When you're in a relationship, it's easy to make demands and expectations about what your partner should do/be, but it's difficult to take ownership for the things we aren't doing and being ourselves. Commit yourself to being a better partner, and release your expectations of your partner. Both of you will be happier that way
  10. Be a better parent if you have children
  11. Be a better employee
  12. Be a better manager/leader
  13. Be a better member of your community
  14. Be a better human to others
  15. Be a better being in this world
  16. Be Able - Equip yourself with skills, The more skills you have the more able you become. 
    1. Learn something new
    2. Hone your current skill
  17. Be Accepting of differences - Of people, mindset, lifestyle or cultures. 
  18. Be Adaptable, Flexible, Versatile
  19. Be Adventurous - Step out of your comfort zone. Travel
  20. Be Altruistic - 
    1. Always have the best intention for others
    2. Volunteer for a cause you believe in
    3. Save the environment
  21. Be Assertive
  22. Be Attentive
  23. Be Bold
  24. Be Candid
  25. Be Caring - Show Concern, Call your Friend
  26. Be Coachable - Find a mentor
  27. Be committed
  28. Be Compassionate/Kind
  29. Be Confident
  30. Be Conscientious/Meticulous
  31. Be Considerate/Thoughtful - Make a habit to consider others in your decisions and actions, for they affect other people. Make sure no one is negatively affected before you proceed with your plans.
    1. Practice the Golden Rule. It's the ethic of reciprocity, which states "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." How do you want others to treat you? Shower others with this behavior, and you'll attract more of the same.
    2. Practice the Silver Rule. Related to the Golden Rule, it states "Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you." It's to make up for the shortcomings of the Golden Rule. How do you not want others to treat you? Make sure you don't do this to others.
  32. Be Cooperative
  33. Be Courteous
  34. Be Courageous/Overcome Fear - Is there anything you're scared of? Don't be. Fear is mental — It's only what you perceive it to be. If you challenge that which you're afraid of, you'll realize there's nothing to be scared of at all, because there is nothing to lose — We entered this world with nothing but our consciousness, we'll leave the world with the same consciousness.
  35. Be Curious
    1. Have an insatiable thirst for knowledge
    2. Ask questions often
    3. Get feedback from others
  36. Be Dependable
  37. Be Discerning - Don't accept blindly all that you read, question, exercise judgement appropriately, and not just become sceptical. 
  38. Be Emotionally Generous - Be giving, positive, Encourage others, share happiness. Compliment others.
  39. Be Empathetic
  40. Be Encouraging
  41. Be Enthusiastic
  42. Aim for excellence - Take on more than you can handle, expect nothing less than the best, live your life to the fullest, 
  43. Be Fair 
    1. Don't bad mouth other people
    2. Don't discriminate
    3. Don't judge
    4. Uphold justice
  44. Have Faith - Don't put pressure, do you best and have faith. 
  45. Be Filial
  46. Be a follower - Aristotle said it best with this quote: "He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader." Are you a good follower? Are you able to take directions from others? Are you willing to take directions from others?
  47. Be forgiving - Bury your anger, bury the hatchet with someone, 
  48. Be Friendly/Approchable
  49. Be Generous - Sharing the good things in your life, donate, 
  50. Be Gentle
  51. Be Grateful - Write a Thank you note to your friend, 
  52. Be Hardworking/Diligent
  53. Be Helpful
  54. Be Honest
  55. Be Humble
  56. Be Independent
  57. Be Individualistic
  58. Have Integrity
  59. Be Intuitive
  60. Be a leader - A leader is someone who is able to bring the best out of others, who is able to inspire others to be bigger than who they are, who is able to energize people into action, who is able to lead a way with a common vision. Contrary to what many think, leadership doesn't begin when you lead a group of people; it begins in our everyday life, with how we conduct ourselves and how we live our lives.
  61. Be a listener
  62. Embrace Love - Love unconditionally.
  63. Be Loyal/Faithful
  64. Be Kind
  65. Be Magnanimous - Accept Criticism, Ignore malicious attack
  66. Be Meditative
  67. Be Merciful
  68. Be Moral - Go the non-cruel path
  69. Be Mindful/Present
  70. Be Nurturing - Recognise the strength in others. 
  71. Be Open minded
  72. Be Optimistic/Positive - Don't Complain, Smile, Laugh
  73. Be Organised
  74. Be Patient
  75. Be Peaceful
  76. Be Persistent
  77. Be Prudent
  78. Be Purposeful
  79. Be Reasonable
  80. Be Repentant
  81. Be Resilitent/Be Strong - Are you facing any obstacles that are making you waver in your goals? You have the strength inside you to do whatever you want — you just have to draw from it.
  82.  Be Respectful
  83.  Take Responsibility - live upto your responsibilities, Don't self victimize.
  84.  Be Self-loving
  85. Be Reflective
  86. Be Sensitive - Don't impose, don't give unwanted advice.
  87. Dedicate yourself to service.
  88. Be Sharp
  89. Be Sincere/Genuine
  90. Be Spontaneous
  91. Be Sympathetic
  92. Be Tactful
  93. Be a Teacher
  94. Be Trusting
  95. Be Trustworthy
  96. Be Unattached
  97. Be Understanding
  98. Be Vigilant
  99. Be Visionary
  100. Be Vulnerable
  101. Be Wise. 

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