
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Joy is an Inside Job: Amanda Gore - Zoot Zoot (19 of 2023)

 Joy is an Inside Job is the ‘gateway’ into your awareness of the joy inside you. You will learn to live from the wisdom of your heart. You will learn how to stop being controlled by your old habits, patterns, fears or emotions. You will learn to feel love for yourself – which changes everything else around you. - The secret formula for joy: Amanda Gore at TEDxNoosa 2014; this is where I discovered her.

The Secret Formula For Joy : We are all searching for happiness - when we really need to be rediscovering our own joy! It's there inside you! This simple three step process will help you connect with more happiness than you thought possible! It's easy, free and you can do it anywhere. It can bust depression, boost your energy, improve your relationships and make you very popular! Most imp. organ heart. 

  1. Stop Judging - You become present, and you open up your mind and heart. 
  2. Drop into the space for heart - from Head - It is the source of Joy. Head brings fear - You are moving from Head to heart. Heart sees reality and bring peace - Its a great place - filled with Gratitude. A great habit to develop is to learn to 'drop' to your heart. 
  3. Bless - Zoots Zoots. When we send love; it builds immune system. They scatter joy. Zoot everything you see and get in connection with. 
Eradicate fear, and promote joy. Most important place is inside of your heart. Stop Judging, Zoot Zoot Zoot. 

Breath through your heart. Repeat 'Be still....and know that I am'.

Joy is an Inside Job: 12 Timeless Secrets for Abundance, Radiant Health and Lifelong Happiness  is an amazing book by Amanda Gore 

Most of us have been looking for happiness in all the wrong places. We look outside ourselves for things to happen that will make us happy. True happiness is joy, and Joy is an Inside Job.

Do you feel as happy or joyful as you want to be?

Are you as healthy, wealthy and enthusiastic as you would like?

Do you feel great about yourself?

The good news is that you can be joyful right now. This book shows you how to unwrap and master all 12 of your Secret Gifts with simple daily JOY-ercises. It’s your guidebook to creating the life you want - and are meant to have.

Whether you read this book by yourself, your family or with a tribe of joy buddies, you will learn secrets that will change your life including how to:

•Discover the fears that are holding you back. The real 'F' word is Fear. There is a little section in the oldest part of the brain (the limbic system) that lies right next to the prefrontal cortex. It's called the amygdala - call AMMY for short! Ammy tells us when to be fearful . In scientific term its called 'amygdala hijack' (found in Daniel Goleman's book 'Emotional Intelligence') It's wen we are instantly transported to a state of terror and can no longer think clearly. It might be called panic or an anxiety attack. In Seth Godin's book 'Linchpin', he talks about the lizard brain being 'hungry, scared, angry and horny!'. Each time we wake up to an unnecessary fear that is driving our behavior, say 'Thank You AMMY, but not now'!

•Love yourself – all the time. (How you feel about yourself is the most influential thing in life!)

•Drop to your heart to receive your heart’s wisdom.

•Change old habits the easy way by FARCing. FARC, Un-FARC and RE-FARC

  • F-Focus
  • A-Attention and Awareness
  • R-Repetition
  • C-Celebration - The celebration part is really important for the brain to cement the new learnings and rewiring 

•Share the secrets of joy with your children.

•Find gratitude every day and in every situation.

•Attain inner peace.

•Feel a sense of connection and belonging.

But wait - there's more! You'll also learn the secrets to health, abundance and success!

In other words, this book will teach you how you can feel truly alive, JOYful and in love with yourself and your life.

Joy is an Inside Job book teaches you how to discover your joy, share it with others – and help them to find their own joy.

The 12 Secrets - What you will learn in the book are as below, ; and if you do the exercise before each secret ; what you have written will create your own book 'My Journey to Joy'.

Secret 1. Gratitude:

Be in Awe of everything around you.

•How to view life through your ‘Gratitude Glasses’ (Reframe)

•Why you need to be a ‘good finder’

•The value of choice

Be Grateful to divine, work, home, past, body, nature, heart gratitude. 

Problems occur when we do not have routine, rhythm and balance.

Secret 2. Compassion and Grace

Compelled with passion to take action. Way of living, ongoing, transcending time and space a heart to heart  and spirit to spirit connection much more powerful than a brain to brain one. Make it a conscious choice untill it becomes habit.

•How to be present with those around you

•Connect heart-to-heart - Listen with your heart for feelings.

•How to stop judging and give love unconditionally

Compassion is the antithesis of selfishness or self-centeredness.

Grace is about being unconditionally loved and unconditionally loving others.

Tenderness is the key.

Exercise: Practise SELF-LESS-NESS!

Be - Selfless; Gracious; Present; Unconditionally Love; Tender

Choose kindness over judgement.

Forgive and Focusing- Use tender voice if nothing works. Haters suffer more than the hated.

Secret 3. Hope 

•How to build up resilience in yourself and your children

•How to tell the difference between happiness and joy

•Why hope and health are connected

Secret 4. Reverence

•How to ignite the light of your spirit and others

•Value the food we eat and our bodies

•Connect with and respect nature

Secret 5. Generosity

•Learn the importance of receiving

•How to be wise selfish

•How to give without expecting anything in return

Secret 6. Forgiveness

•How fear stops us from forgiving

•Forgive and still set boundaries

•Why your perceptions matter

Secret 7. Energy and Vitality

•How to create new positive habits

•Strategies for slowing down

•How to reconnect with food in a joyful way

Secret 8. Listening

•Learn the difference between listening and hearing

•How to listen to people’s feelings

•To become conscious of what you are saying to yourself

Secret 9. Laughter

•How to release the bodies natural joy hormones – endorphins

•Why you are responsible for creating your own joy

•How to notice the funny stuff around you

Secret 10. Love

•How to love yourself first – warts and all

•How to deal with someone you don’t like

•Why the ones we love most are our greatest teachers

Secret 11. Cheerful Enthusiasm

•How to re-frame every situation

•Strategies for achieving a ‘sunny’ disposition

•How to wake up excited

Secret 12. Equanimity (Inner Peace)

•The 9 enemies of inner peace

•How to let go of past hurts

•Practical ways to deal with stress in your life

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Happiness Always!