
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Please Don't Just do What I tell You! - Bob Nelson : 4 of 2023

Do what needs to be done!

PI: Intro - A Message Whose time Has Come

Be responsible for own work. Accept a higher level of ownership for job. Hold yourself personally accountable for actions. focus on what need to be done and not wait to be told what to do. 

You can start to make a difference with your life today, in the job you currently hold, not the ideal job you hope you might hold someday in the distant future. 

P2: The Ultimate Expectation - Always do what most needs to be done, without waiting to be asked.

You will need to seek to understand how(and why) things are done the way they are done before you seek to change existing work process. Try to work with the systems that are in place first, but tell if you think those systems need to be changed. 

P3: Simple Strategies and Techniques

  • Ways to Get Started Now - Trigger your own thinking to come up with ideas for specific application in your current position. 
  • Think-What Needs to Be done?
    • Make Your Job More Difficult - Be Responsible
    • Think How Things Could Be Improved - Make at least two suggestions a week to improve things, and work towards it. 
    • Develop a Reputation for Being the Office Cheapskate - Help savings, and reduce cost
    • Ask Silly Questions
    • Turn Needs Into Opportunities - For each need you encounter, try to identify three ways the need could be addressed and wo might benefit from the situation. Ask "What if" questions to explore what could be done to meet customer needs. 
    • Caution: Don't Be a Complainer
  • Prepare - Do Your Homework
    • Learn wat you Don't know First
    • Collect Your Own Data
    • Develop Options and a Plan of Action
    • Shoot Holes In Your Own Plan - "The devil is in details" - Initially, you need to look back to prepare well, but as you near implementation, you need to look ahead to think through and anticipate problems. The better you can think through an idea, the better you can see what needs to be done to make it happen. If there are no foreseen problems or  objections, you can be sure that more work is yet needed.
    • Realize No One Cares about Your Ideas - Create energy and build support for your own ideas, talking them up, asking others for their opinions, involving them, and seeking their support. Make your ideas be viewed as their ideas. 
    • Caution: Don't play Games at Work
  • Act - Do Something Different Now
    • Speak Up to Have Influence
    • Volunteer for Difficult Assignments
    • Greet Challenges with Creativity
    • Look for the Positive in Problems
    • Be a Person Who Makes Things Happen
    • Caution: Take Responsibility for Your Actions (and Inactions)
  • Persevere - Don't Give up Easily
    • Regroup when Your ideas meet resistance - Represent your idea with revised plan for implementing it. 
    • Don't Trust Your Manager's Open Door - don't abuse your access to them. Try to solve your problems yourself first. Put forth your recommendations for actions, alternative solutions or a plan for resolution.
    • Persist When Obstacles Arise - Relentless focus on closure is needed. 
    • Do the Same thing Differently
    • Learn to Enjoy Those Things That Others Hate to Do
    • Caution: Avoid the "Blame Game"
Be positive and forward looking.

P4: Common Concerns
  • What Holds us Back
  • Fear
    • "I might make a mistake."
    • "What needs to be done is not easy"
    • "I'm afraid of being fired" - Do what is relevant and important to the needs of your manager, the department and the organisation. 
  • Frustration
    • "I don't have the authority" - It is better assumed than granted. The more you do, the more you will be able to do. 
    • "I don't have the support" - Take initiatives. 
    • "I don't have the skill" - You can develop in your current job responsibility. 
  • Failure
    • "I took initiative once and made a mistake." - Lear from them, be open to feedbacks. 
    • "Someone Keeps blocking my efforts" - Continue to treat them with trust and respect. 
    • "I constantly fail when I try to Take Initiative" -"Take Charge". You should consider finding a work environment that best supports who you are, and the values, skills and aptitudes you bring to your job. A more supportive work environment is a great foundation upon which to build. 
P5: Conclusion - The Ultimate Reward - Realize Your Potential - We all work for ourselves, you drive your own boat. Volunteer with activities that will take you closer to your passion. Listen. Learn. Lead. Take a stand. Make a suggestion. Take action. Do what you say you will do - the first time. Be reliable, Be a solution provider. Live your dream. Be on fire. Make things happen, that will improve your situation. Shape your future by remembering this:

"Don't Just Do what your are told, Do what needs to be done."

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