
Monday, March 20, 2023

Goddess By Design - Awakening

  Holy Trinity. - Desire+Amazingness+Gratitude - You start to activate all laws.

  • Law of Attraction - Have Clarity - Strong Desire list - Put order in the world (Ask-Believe-Receive) - Do - Exhaust
  • Law of Vibration - Own your awesomeness - Fall in love with you - Be
  • Law of Resonance - Ability to keep going back to gratitude. - Have
Temple of learning - Your own darling Goddess, need to be awakened by yourself. 

See beauty within - and that is going to be the Energy of the person. Sauban - See yourself first. 

We need mutual and respectful partner, to have a wonderful life.  We can create our own commandment, to know what each should do and both are respected for that. Don't be a confused women. 

Our goddess within , in us will be our observer, and help us be better. 

Take the remote control of your life in your hands. When someone makes you angry, keep smiling. 

Create safe space (SS) to every other women. Take 100% responsibility to all that you do. Be in control in all that you do. 

Lesser distractions the better. Get the Goddess energy into us. Angels are watching, protecting guiding. 

What an awakened women look like - Goddess vs. Ordinary. - 

Design your own personality and make a difference
Keep aside perfectionisam and work towards progress.

Be Selfish to be selfless. 

Awakened and create our Goddesses 

Build your Goddess - What happened, when we arrived at this space.

Like a phoenix - when you hit the rock bottom, you will rise the most.

If you have a reason - look for the needs of someone - Lord Lakshmi will help you.


Adishakti - balancing feminine and masculine. 

Bring back self care

Meditate to invite and invoke her

Sheet 1: Owning:

We can have it all - but not at the same time. And that is the problem. We have a price to pay for everyting.

As you evolve, your goddess will evolve every year

Naming ceremony - Give your goddess a name - Courages Meera

My highest self is.......

Goddess pledge : 'I surrender, to now creating her, by being her as much as I can. As we merge together, my awakening will be complete and authentic. I commit to this journey of choosing her daily.'

Start to choose her. Start to feel your power, start to see her getting into you.

Keep your head held high. 

Feel something different now - experience this version of you.

Resistance - Shadow goddess

Bigger your dream, bigger will be your goddess.

Stop rejecting the shadow side. Nobody is successful without facing them.  

The goddess shadow sheet.

My good ness manifesto - ' I choose to'

Three things to do:

  • complete manifesto             
  • Take pic of goddess and shadow goddess
  • Relook at sheet and complete before next session
'We are all the same at soul level - To feel that we are all same is higher than feeling we are all the same.'

We are being yourself, but for someone, it will be toxic. People can judge you for no reason of yours. 

Bless them and move on. More higher you are, more disliked you will be it is okay, for all to not like you. 

Have conversation of what you want, rather than shouting or being negative

There is lot in good and bad and rich and poor.

Money land in the people who want

Or destiny is created, but we can upoad a new destiny, like new software. 

We are north star - finding our Goddess.

Enlightment - 11 goddess in 77 days.


Understand the 4 Avatars to become the Goddess.

What is the avatar “QUEEN”?
​What is the avatar “ANGEL”?
​What is the avatar “DIVINE FEMININE”?
​What is the avatar “WARRIOR”?​

The soothing strategy to heal yourself

How to lose weight
​How to build & grow your income stream
​How to attract the right person
​How to trust or forgive someone

How to align with your goals & dreams
Create your Future by Design​
​Get complete clarity on who you want to become
​Learn to balance between different Avatars

How to get your goals and dream into reality
How to set effective Rituals and Routines
​The modern world Tools & Techniques for success
​How to start living the life of your dreams confidently

Welcome - Saubana - African term 'I see you' - Your beauty, amazingness - You can add your own words. 

We have stopped being seen. Start encouraged being seen. Open the portals to receive. 

Anything you decide to do in life:

1) Set intention -

Work with emotions after lunch. 

What other people think do not matter, how we feel inside is what matters. 

Next 90 days - live in your tunnel - stop looking for appreciation from others. You keep wanting it, you get dischouraged and dont do again - dont be that. Tunnel life is not we like to be. We want instant gratification. 

Placibo effect - Dr. Jo dekonsa - what we focus on increase.

Activity - see the power of mind - Put your hands together and notice which hand is longer?

Look at your shorter hand and say loudly , clearly and repeatedly - 'Grow longer'. Now look at the same hand and say - 'go back to normal'. 

Power of the mind - what is possible. 

Leave in the energy of positivity.

Develop your new mindset - and things will be as you want. Know the power of your mind. Whatever you are going to tell your mind, your self will become like that. 

Job of our mind:
  • To protect us - mechanism in our mind to remain safe. 
  • To be able to make sense of what is happening around us and give it meaning - We experience things and give meaning to what is happening around us - and it start to give evidence. Reticular activating system - start seeing what we want to see. Our mind is for ever playing with us. We can create new meaning. - What are the things you fell you have given a wrong meaning?

  1. Anger & Hurt - 
  2. Guilt & Shame -  is what you feel,
  3. Doubt & Fear - there are good problems and bad problems
  4. Perfectionism & Procrastination - What is important is progress - If you do 70% it is enough. It's hard till it is easy. 
  5. Worry & Anxiety - Deeper our relationship with divine, better our relationship worry - with diving fait he relaxes not bothering what would happen
  6. Needy & unappreciated - 
  7. Bitter & resentful - When we do not have the courage to say No. 
  8. Greed & insecurity - Two seas in Jordan - both get water from same Jordan river, one has life, other do not. Difference - Dead sea do not have an outflow. Anytime we do not have outflow - we become dead. 
  9. Overwhelm & Betrayal - High achiever - remove from brain to paper. 
Apology accepted, Forgiveness given, Trust denied. 
And then you would be upset. 

Send blessing to those who are jealous of you - it means many people want to be in place of us. 

Embodying - tomorrow - 8 to 10 step to keep the Goddess energy. 

Don't pretend to be happy - choose to be happy. Own and accept your emotions.

Every single day - remember your future, untill your future becomes your present. 

Choose to do things, that will keep you positive. 

God help those who help themselves. 

Don't pretend to be happy - choose to be happy. Own and accept your emotions.

Every single day - remember your future, untill your future becomes your present. 

Choose to do things, that will keep you positive. 

21+7+21+7+21=77 days

God help those who help themselves. 

Feminine - Being; Masculine - 


Write Top 10 Goals, every single day. 

Wishes turn into goal, when you schedul. 

Carry & Co - diary. 

Daily when you wake up - Jumping Jack. - Pump your heart up.

Feminine - Being; Masculine - 


Write Top 10 Goals, every single day. 

Wishes turn into goal, when you schedul. 

Carry & Co - diary. 

Daily when you wake up - Jumping Jack. - Pump your heart up.

11 Weeks 77 Days - Transformation to Becoming

 Knowledge Goddess -) Awakened Goddess - ) Enlightened Goddess
Day 0 -) 7 days -) 77 days.

Believer -) Decider -) Willing

Intelligent Decision Making

Any one who no longer has HOPE for their future life! This is not for them.

Change your Habits -) thoughts and enviroment have to be changed - Atomic Habit. 

Just Busy - Doing Karma, for someone elses Dharma - Own your Dharma.

Kali is mother energy

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