
Friday, May 03, 2024

Apple - Marco De Angelis

This cartoon is created by Marco De Angelis and he explains....

The guess work went on as:

Who are the characters on the left side of the table?

 There's Robin Hood, Adam, Eve, Serpent, Newton, Cinderella, Steve jobs(?) and a hag(?)
 Oh is it William Tell and his son before Robin hood?
 I think it's Aphrodite or Helen and Paris
 Whats the apple connection to Helen? Diana and Aphrodite same.
 The Judgement of Paris
 Apple of Discord?
 Root of Trojan war ?
 Let's not forget that Paris thought with his penis than with his head. Moreover, in patriarchal societies like the Homeric world, beautiful women were perceived as status symbols by men. Otherwise, he wouldn't go crazy over the prospect of acquiring Helen as his wife.
 It's a myth. Let us contextualise it. Most myths, analysed with modern sensibilities, won't be acceptable.
 Helen was the prize Aphrodite bribed Paris with if he deemed her the most beautiful of the three goddesses and gave her the golden apple aka. Eris's apple of discord. Eris was angry that she was not invited for the wedding of Achilles' parents, king Peleus and the Sea nymph, Thetis.
 I think the serpent is Takshaka. Didn't he hide himself in Pareekshit's apple?🤪
This guy is from the Bible. Takshaka's cousin from the Middle East.
 Wasn't that a lemon?
A fruit for sure🤣
 So also the forbidden fruit. Nowhere is it mentioned it was an apple. Scripture says Forbidden fruit.
The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge

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