
Thursday, December 31, 2020

The complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda famous for his Chicago address, was born on 12 January 1863 and left his earthly abode on  4 July 1902. He has been a great inspiration, and I have always loved reading him and his books. But this is the first time, I read his Complete 9 volumes of work, each around 600 pages. So can we call these 89 to 97 of 2020?


"We have what is not only a gospel to the world at large, but also to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu Faith. What Hinduism needed, amidst the general disintegration of the modern era, was a rock where she could lie at anchor, an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise her self. And this was given to her, in these words and writings of the Swami Vivekananda."

In his Master, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, living and teaching in the temple-garden at Dakshineshwar, the Swami Vivekananda — "Naren" as he then was — found that verification of the ancient texts which his heart and his reason had demanded. Here was the reality which the books only brokenly described. Here was one to whom Samâdhi was a constant mode of knowledge. Every hour saw the swing of the mind from the many to the One. Every moment heard the utterance of wisdom gathered superconsciously. Everyone about him caught the vision of the divine. Upon the disciple came the desire for supreme knowledge "as if it had been a fever". Yet he who was thus the living embodiment of the books was so unconsciously, for he had read none of them! In his Guru, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Vivekananda found the key to life.

Volume I

Addresses at The Parliament of Religions

Response to Welcome, Why We Disagree, Paper on Hinduism, Religion not the Crying Need of India, Buddhism, the Fulfilment of Hinduism, Address at the Final Session


Karma in its Effect on Character, Each is great in his own place, The Secret of Work, What is Duty?, We help ourselves, not the world, Non-attachment is complete self-abnegation, Freedom, The Ideal of Karma-Yoga


Preface, Introductory, The First Steps, Prana, The Psychic Prana, The Control of Psychic Prana, Pratyahara and Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, Raja-Yoga in brief

Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms: Introduction, Concentration: Its spiritual uses, Concentration: Its practice, Powers, Independence, Appendix

Lectures and Discourses

Soul, God and Religion, The Hindu Religion, What is Religion?, Vedic Religious Ideals, The Vedanta Philosophy, Reason and Religion, Vedanta as a Factor in Civilisation, The Spirit and Influence of Vedanta, Steps of Hindu Philosophic Thought, Steps to Realisation, Vedanta and Privilege, Privilege, Krishna, Gita I, Gita II, Gita III, Mohammed, Vilvamangala, The Soul and God, Breathing, Practical Religion: Breathing and Meditation

Volume 2

Work and its Secret

The Powers of the Mind

Hints on Practical Spirituality

Bhakti or Devotion


The Necesssity of Religion, The Real Nature of Man, Maya and Illusion, Maya and the Evolution of the Conception of God, Maya and Freedom, The Absolute and Manifestation, God in Everything, Realisation, Unity in Diversity, The Freedom of the Soul, The Cosmos: The Macrocosm, The Cosmos: The Microcosm, Immortality, The Atman, The Atman: Its Bondage and Freedom, The Real and the Apparent Man

Practical Vedanta and other lectures

Practical Vedanta: Part I to IV, The Way to the Realisation of a Universal Religion, The Ideal of a Universal Religion, The Open Secret, The Way to Blessedness, Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi, Soul, Nature and God, Cosmology, A study of the Sankhya philosophy, Sankhya and Vedanta, The Goal

Reports in American Newspapers

Note, Divinity of Man, Swami Vivekananda on India, Religious Harmony, From far off India, An Evening with our Hindu Cousins, The Manners and Customs of India, The Religions of India, Sects and Doctrines in India, Less Doctrine and more Bread, The Religion of Buddha, All Religions are Good, The Hindu way of life, Ideals of Womanhood, True Buddhism, India's Gift to the World, Child Widows of India, Some Customs of the Hindus

Volume 3

Lectures and Discourses

Unity, the Goal of Religion, The Free Soul, One Existence Appearing as Many


Definition of Bhakti, The Philosophy of Ishvara, Spiritual Realisation, the aim of Bhakti-Yoga, The Need of Guru, Qualifications of the Aspirant and the Teacher, Incarnate Teachers and Incarnation, The Mantra: Om: Word and Wisdom, Worship of Substitutes and Images, The Chosen Ideal, The Method and the Means

Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion

The Preparatory Renunciation, The Bhakta's Renunciation Results from Love, The Forms of Love — Manifestation, Universal Love and How it Leads to Self Surrender, The Higher Knowledge and the Higher Love are One to the True Lover, The Triangle of Love, The God of Love is His Own Proof, Human Representations of the Divine Ideal of Love, Conclusion

Lectures from Colombo to Almora

First Public Lecture in the East (Colombo), Vedantism, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Pamban, Address at the Rameswaram Temple on Real Worship, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Ramnad, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Paramakudi, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Shivaganga and Manamadura, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Madura, The Mission of the Vedanta, Reply to the Address of Welcome at Madras, My Plan of Campaign, Vedanta in its Application to Indian Life, The Sages of India, The Work before us, The Future of India, On Charity, Address of Welcome Presented at Calcutta and Reply, The Vedanta in all its phases, Address of Welcome at Almora and Reply, Vedic Teaching in Theory and Practice, Bhakti, The Common Bases of Hinduism, Bhakti, The Vedanta, Vedantism, The Influence of Indian Spiritual Thought in England, Sannyasa: Its Ideal and Practice, What have I learnt?, The Religion we are born in

Reports in American Newspapers

India: Her Religion and Customs, Hindus at the Fair, At the Parliament of Religions, Personal Traits, Reincarnation, Hindu Civilisation, An Interesting Lecture, The Hindoo Religion, The Hindoo Monk, Plea for Tolerance, Manners and Customs in India, Hindoo Philosophy, Miracles, The Divinity of Man, The Love of God, The Women of India

Buddhistic India

Volume 4

Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga

The Preparation, The First Steps, The Teacher of Spirituality, The Need of Symbols, The Chief Symbols, The Ishta

Lectures and Discourses

The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, Thoughts on the Gita, The Story of Jada Bharata, The Story of Prahlada, The Great Teachers of the World, On Lord Buddha, Christ, the Messenger, My Master, Indian Religious Thought, The Basis for Psychic or Spiritual Research, On Art in India, Is India a Benighted Country?, The Claims of Religion, Concentration, Meditation, The Practice of Religion

Writings: Prose

Is the Soul Immortal?, Reincarnation, On Dr. Paul Deussen, On Professor Max Müller, Sketch of the Life of Pavhari Baba, Aryans and Tamilians, The Social Conference Address, India's Message to the World, Stray Remarks on Theosophy, Reply to the Address of the Maharaja of Khetri, Reply to the Madras address, A Message of Sympathy to a Friend, What we Believe in, Our Duty to the Masses, Reply to the Calcutta Address, To my Brave Boys, A Plan of Work for India, Fundamentals of Religion

Writings: Poems

Kali the Mother, Angels Unawares I-III, To the Awakened India, Requiescat in Pace, Hold on Yet a While, Brave Heart, Nirvanashatkam, or Six Stanzas on Nirvana, The Song of The Sannyasin, Peace

Translations: Prose

The Problem of Modern India and its Solution, Ramakrishna, his Life and Sayings, The Paris Congress of the History of Religions, Knowledge: Its Source and Acquirement, Modern India, The Education that India needs, Our Present Social Problems

Translations: Poems

To a Friend, The Hymn of Creation, The Hymn of Samadhi, A Hymn to the Divine Mother, A Hymn to Shiva, A Hymn to the Divinity of Shri Ramakrishna, "And let Shyama Dance there", A Song I Sing to Thee

Volume 5

Epistles - First Series

Note, I Fakir, II Panditji Maharaj, III to V Alasinga, VI Haripada, VII Friends, VIII Alasinga, ..........CXXIII Dhira Mata


Miracles, An Indian Yogi in London, India's Mission, India and England, Indian Missionary's Mission to England, With the Swami Vivekananda at Madura, The Abroad and The Problems at Home, The Missionary Work of The First Hindu Sannyasin to The West, Reawakening of Hinduism on a National Basis, On Indian Women — Their Past, Present and Future, On The Bounds of Hinduism

Notes from Lectures and Discourses

On Karma-Yoga, On Fanaticism, Work is Worship, Work Without Motive, Sadhanas or Preparations for Higher Life, The Cosmos and The Self, Who is A Real Guru?, On Art, On Language, The Sannyasin, The Sannyasin and The Householder, The Evils of Adhikarivada, On Bhakti-Yoga, Ishvara and Brahman, On Jnana-Yoga, The Cause of Illusion, Evolution, Buddhism and Vedanta, On The Vedanta Philosophy, Law and Freedom, The Goal and Methods of Realisation, World-Wide Unity, The aim of Raja-Yoga

Questions and Answers

I Discussion at The Graduate Philosophical Society of Harvard University, II At The Twentieth Century Club of Boston, III At The Brooklyn Ethical Society, Brooklyn, IV Selections from The Math Diary, V Yoga, Vairagya, Tapasya, Love, VI In Answer to Nivedita, VII Guru, Avatara, Yoga, Japa, Seva

Conversations and Dialogues (Recorded by Disciples - Translated)

I Shri Surendra Nath Das Gupta, II - V Shri Surendra Nath Sen, VI - X Shri Priya Nath Sinha, XI - XV From the Diary of a Disciple, Shri Sarat Chandra Chakravarty

Sayings and Utterances

Writings: Prose and Poems - Original and Translated

Reason, Faith and Love, Six Sanskrit Mottoes, The Message of Divine Wisdom, The Belur Math: An Appeal, The Advaita Ashrama, Himalayas, The Ramakrishna Home of Service, Varanasi: An appeal, Who Knows how Mother Plays!, To The Fourth of July, The East and The West

Volume 6

Lectures and Discourses

The Methods and Purpose of Religion, The Nature of the Soul and its Goal, The Importance of Psychology, Nature and Man, Concentration and Breathing, Introduction to Jnana-Yoga, The Vedanta Philosophy and Christianity, Worshipper and Worshipped, Formal Worship, Divine Love

Notes of Class Talks and Lectures

Religion and Science, Religion is Realisation, Religion is Self-abnegation, Unselfish Work is True Renunciation, Freedom of the Self, Notes on Vedanta, Hindu and Greek, Thoughts on the Vedas and Upanishads, On Raja-Yoga, On Bhakti-Yoga, On Jnana-Yoga, The Reality and Shadow, How to Become Free, Soul and God, The Goal, On Proof of Religion, The Design Theory, Spirit and Nature, The Practice of Religion, Fragmentary Notes on the Ramayana, Notes taken down in Madras, 1892-93, Concentration, The Power of the Mind, Lessons on Raja-Yoga, Lessons on Bhakti-Yoga, Mother-worship, Narada-Bhakti-Sutras

Writings: Prose and Poems - Original and Translated

Historical Evolution of India, The Story of the Boy Gopala, My Play is Done, The Cup, A Benediction, The Hymn of Creation, On the Sea's Bosom, Hinduism and Shri Ramakrishna, The Bengali Language, Matter for Serious Thought, Shiva's Demon

Epistles - Second Series

I Sir, ................ CLXVII Joe, CLXVIII Nivedita

Conversations and Dialogues (From the Diary of a Disciple)

 Volume 7

Inspired Talks (1895)

Date wise. 

Conversations and Dialogues

From the Dairy of a Disciple (Shri Sharat Chandra Chakravarty)

Shri Priya Nath Sinha

Mrs. Wright XXXII, The Appeal-Avalanche XXXIII, The Detroit Free Press XXXIV, The Detroit Tribune XXXV

Translation of Writings

Note, Memoirs of European Travel I, Memoirs of European Travel II, Addenda

Notes of Class Talks and Lectures

Notes of Class Talks

On Art, On Music, On Mantra and Mantra-Chaitanya, On Conceptions of Godhead, On Food, On Sanyasa and Family Life, On questioning the Competency of the Guru, Shri Ramakrishna: The significance of His Life and Teachings, On Shri Ramakrishna and His Views, Shri Ramakrishna: The Nation's Ideal

Notes of Lectures

Mercenaries in Religion, The Destiny of Man, Reincarnation, Comparative Theology, Buddhism, The Religion of the Light of Asia, The Science of Yoga

Epistles - Third Series

Note, I Sir,  L Mother, LI Mr. Leggett, LII Aunt Roxy, LIII Alberta

Volume 8

Lectures and Discourses

Discourses on Jnana-Yoga

I, to IX

Six Lessons on Raja-Yoga

Women of India, My Life and Mission, Buddha's Message to the World, Discipleship, Is Vedanta the Future Religion?

Writings: Prose

Struggle for Expansion, The Birth of Religion, Four Paths of Yoga, Cyclic Rest and Change, A Preface to the Imitation of Christ

Writings: Poems

An Interesting Correspondence, Thou Blessed Dream, Light, The Living God, To an Early Violet, To My Own Soul, The Dance of Shiva, Shiva in Ecstasy, To Shri Khrishna, A Hymn to Shri Ramakrishna, A Hymn to Shri Ramakrishna, No One to Blame

Notes of Class Talks and Lectures

Notes of Class Talks, Man the Maker of His Destiny, God: Personal and Impersonal, The Divine Incarnation or Avatara, Pranayama, Women of the East, Congress of Religious Unity, The Love of God I, The Love of God II, India, Hindus and Christians, Christianity in India, The Religion of Love, Jnana and Karma, The Claims of Vedanta on the Modern World, The Laws of Life and Death, The Reality and the Shadow, Way to Salvation, The People of India, I am That I am, Unity, The Worship of the Divine Mother, The Essence of Religion

Sayings and Utterances

Epistles - Fourth Series

Volume 9

Letters (Fifth Series)

Lectures and Discourses

The Women of India, The First Step towards Jnana, Bhakti-Yoga, The Mundaka Upanishad, History of the Aryan Race

Notes of Lectures and Classes

Note, The Religion of India, Christ's Message to the World, Mohammed's Message to the World, Class Lessons in Meditation, The Gita, The Gita — I, The Gita — III, Gita Class, Remarks from Various Lectures

Writings: Prose and Poems (Original and Translated)

The Ether, Notes, Lecture Notes, Macrocosm and Microcosm, Footnotes to The Imitation of Christ, The Plague Manifesto, One Circle More, Facsimile of One Circle More, An Untitled Poem on Shri Ramakrishna, An Unfinished Poem, Bhartrihari's Verses on Renunciation

Conversations and Interviews

Excerpts from Sister Nivedita's Book

Note, Foreword, I The Home On The Ganges, II At Naini Tal And Almora, III Morning Talks At Almora, IV On The Way To Kathgodam, V On The Way To Baramulla, VI The Vale Of Kashmir, VII Life At Srinagar, VIII The Temple Of Pandrenthan, IX Walks And Talks Beside The Jhelum, X The Shrine Of Amarnath, XI At Srinagar On The Return Journey, XII The Camp Under The Chennaars, Concluding Words Of The Editor

Sayings and Utterances

Newspaper Reports

Part I: American Newspaper Reports

Note, Chicago Newspapers, September 11, 1893, Chicago Record, September 11, 1893, Chicago Inter Ocean, September 21, 1893, New York Critic, November 11, 1893, Daily Cardinal, November 21, 1893, Daily Iowa Capitol, November 28, 1893, Iowa State Register, November 28, 1893, Daily Iowa Capitol, November 29, 1893, Iowa State Register, November 30, 1893, Des Moines Daily News, November 30, 1893, Daily Iowa Capitol, November 30, 1893, Iowa State Register, December 1, 1893, Minneapolis Journal, December 15, 1893, Minneapolis Tribune, December 15, 1893, Detroit Tribune, February 18, 1894, Detroit Tribune, February 19, 1894, Detroit Journal, February 23, 1894, Detroit Evening News, February 25, 1894, Detroit Tribune, March 11, 1894, Detroit Tribune, March 20, 1894, Detroit Evening News, March 21, 1894, Bay City Times Press, March 21, 1894, Saginaw Evening News, March 21, 1894, The Lynn Daily Evening Item, (Date?), New York Daily Tribune, April 25, 1894, Smith College Monthly, May 1894, New York Daily Tribune, May 3, 1894, Evening Tribune, May 16, 1894, Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, May 18, 1894, Boston Evening Transcript, August 11, 1894, Greenacre Voice, 1894, Boston Evening Transcript, August 15, 1894, Baltimore American, October 13, 1894, Baltimore News, October 13, 1894, Baltimore Sunday Herald, October 14, 1894, Washington Times, October 29, 1894, Washington Times, November 2, 1894, Baltimore News, November 3, 1894, Daily Eagle, April 8, 1895, New York World, December 8, 1895, New York Herald, January 19, 1896, Hartford Daily Times, February 1, 1896, Tribune, March 5, 1896, News Tribune, March 16, 1896, Boston Evening Transcript, March 21, 1896, Boston Daily Globe, March 24, 1896, Boston Evening Transcript, March 27, 1896, Boston Evening Transcript, March 30, 1896, Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1899, Los Angeles Times, December 13, 1899, Los Angeles Herald, December 13, 1899, Los Angeles Herald, January 3, 1900, Los Angeles Times, January 17, 1900, Los Angeles Herald, January 26, 1900, Unity, February (?) 1900, San Francisco Chronicle, February 24, 1900, Oakland Tribune, February 26, 1900, The Alameda Encinal, April 5, 1900

Part II: European Newspaper Reports

Maidenhead Adviser, October 23, 1895, Standard, October 23, 1895, London Morning Post, October 23, 1895, Christian Commonwealth, November 14, 1895, The Queen, November 23, 1895, Daily Chronicle, May 14, 1896, Light, July 4, 1896, Light, October  28, 1896

Part III: Indian Newspaper Reports

Madura Mail, January 28, 1893, The Indian Mirror, November 28, 1893, The Indian Mirror, December 7, 1893, The Indian Mirror, June 14, 1894, The Indian Mirror, July 20, 1894, The Bengalee, May 18, 1895, The Indian Mirror, June 29, 1895, The Indian Mirror, December 1, 1895, The Indian Mirror, March 25, 1896, The Indian Mirror, June 19, 1896, The Brahmavadin, July 18, 1896, The Indian Mirror, September 22, 1896, The Journal of the Maha-Bodhi Society, November, 1896, The Indian Mirror, December 16, 1896, The Amrita Bazar Patrika, January 8, 1897, The Amrita Bazar Patrika, January 20, 1897, The Indian Mirror, February 24, 1898, The Indian Mirror, April 24, 1898, The Indian Mirror, February 15, 1901, The Indian Social Reformer, June 16, 1901

There is so much in here, that I would like to keep revisiting, a treasure house indeed. Would want to remember the lines below:

My whole ambition in life is to set in motion a machinery which will bring noble ideas to the door of everybody, and then let men and women settle their own fate. Let them know what our forefathers as well as other nations have thought on the most momentous questions of life. Let them see specially what others are doing now, and then decide. We are to put the chemicals together, the crystallization will be done by nature according to her laws. Work hard, be steady, and have faith in the Lord. Set to work, I am coming sooner or later. Keep the motto before you — "Elevation of the masses without injuring their religion".

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