
Sunday, June 05, 2022

Ultimate Success Builder Workshop - Meghana Dixit

 Success is waking up happy early morning, knowing that we are thriving in every area of our life. 

You have a lot to offer to the world and the time is now. 

Best Transformational - Strong, Spiritual and Successful Meghana Dixit. India's leading brain performance expert. De Mantraa - Mumbai based company. Nayan Agarwal : co-founder De Mantraa: Partner in action.

  • Rewire your brain. 
    • Every morning, pat your back, give your self a hi-fi. Appreciate yourself, and don't be just critical of yourself. 
    • Many of us fail to finish something, Extra ordinary person are those who start and finish something. Be a finisher. 80% of your problem will solve. If you finish, it increase your self-esteem. 
    • Information will load your brain, there will be lethargy, be in a high alert state. Receive lot of information and apply it today. Tomorrow will never come. Don't me mater procrastinator. Take Serious action today. Engage and Transform your life. 

What You'll Learn in the Masterclass:

Look at your reflection, know how extraordinary you are and do what you can do with it. You will want to have better relationship, more money, good job, excellent business, healthy life, travell the world, freedom of time, status in the world - Intentions. You can have it all. 

We know we would love to have this all, but wonder how? Yes, we can. These questions lead to overthinking, negative thinking, not knowing how; and regret with not making decisions or make wrong decisions. Overwhelming thoughts do not allow you to take action. Kill the voice when small and practice it. 

Self doubt, fear come from right side of the brain. Pull any negative thought out, put it on your hand, squash it and throw it out of the window. - Keep doing this every time you get negative thought, when you become impatient. Your energy level will go up. 

There is a law of germination - When you put the seed in the soil, tend the seed, remove the weeds, it grows into a plant , then tree, the last that comes out is a fruit. Don't be impatient. This law works extraordinarily in the world. 

1. ​Shifting Energy Patterns

  • Pull any negative thought out, put it on your hand, squash it and throw it out of the window. - Keep doing this every time you get negative thought,
  • pat your back, give your self a hi-fi. Appreciate yourself,
  • Do not compromise your dreams and life. There are events that change the course of your life - (CA finishing, fathers death).Compromise effected thoughts, which created negative information's, which release toxic information. - Disease comes when there is an excess of Toxic chemicals, which generate struggle in your space. Once you stop compromise, 
  • All success is incomplete if you are not making a difference in the world. You need a strong inspiration - Know why. 
  • Be 100% committed to change your life. Write and sign it. 

2.Reticular Activation System

3. 5 Step proven formula for Ultimate Success

4. Root cause of all your struggles

5. One thing that's coming in the way of you and your success.

6. A very powerful way to rewire your sub-conscious mind.

Where you are now -) where you want to be?

3 Step proven formula.

To stop the vicious  cycle of procrastinating, take massive action, attract opportunities to make more money, have better relationship. 

  • Unconscious expectation set point
  • Rewire RAS - Reticular Activation System in brain. 
  • Fast action taker

Set a goal for next 90 days, Choose 10 from the pool,

  • Become Coach, healer, speaker
  • Better health
  • Want to attract more or better opportunity.
There is one single root cause, to change every area of life. 

Learn New things -) Unlearn Old. -)

Couple of behaviours, that stop us from achieving what we want. It kept you where you are made life more miserable. What don't grow eventually die. Change old behaviour. 
  1. Obstacles make you anxious and you go into the cell. 
  2. Become hyper activity - go and find solutions - find many solutions, dont know what to implement and is confused. 
Know your challenges  - Is this you?

  • Underutilizing your potential
  • Struggling to increase your money flow and savings.
  • Relationship issues that hurt you
  • Carrying past baggage - failure, regrets, traumas
  • Lost savings and created loans and debt,
  • Missing out bigger and better opportunity
  • Not taking action, or action are not giving result - 
  • Scare to negotiate - shy and introvert - without strategy to achieve the goals. 
5th June 2022 - change your life; make this the best year of your life. Even though you are not able to see it. Every crisis has greater opportunity, not coming to you. 

You don't see opportunities with eyes but with brain. 

You can live a "&" life and need not live an 'or' life. You don't need to sacrifice one thing for the other, but will have to find a balance. 

When you are younger your are born with body and brain. For the first 7 years - you have hardware - 

What you see, hear, smell, taste, feel - is going into your brain. You are absorbing everything like a sponch. This creates 95% of software in your brain. Message that go into the brain, creates positive or negative impacts and create our software. The software is the unconscious expectation. 

What stops us from getting there, when we can see that other are doing it?

How much you try to have everything in life you don't get it, because it's not in your software.

Can you run the latest software of iphone, in the first version. Same with windows or android. 

Your life is like a wheel, and there are 8 aspects of your life. 

Rate self in every area of life from 1-10, put a circle, and mark:
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Relationship
  • Time
  • Personal growth
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Contribution
some are high on finances, but low in relationship. 

Every person lives two lives, one where you are living right now, and one your dream life. The life you are living and life you want to live, is just once decision away. 

Obsessive, compulsive action - after taking the right decision. 

Don't give any excuses, make it happen for you. 

I am making a decision. I am changing my life. 

Change must being with you. With action. 

DD - Dive Deeper

Frrari - on the best roads in the world - what stops it from going at full speed?

  • Not knowing the direction
  • Not having the required skill
  • Driving in slow lane, because there is a speed limit set.
  • Like snake and ladder , you are almost about to reach your destination, and a snake brings you down - you keep telling yourself, you are not lucky - But it's not your luck, but your unconscious expectation set points. 
Success depends on:
  1. Your technical skills - 20%
  2. Personality - 80% - Made up of your 
    1. thoughts, 
    2. emotions and 
    3. behaviours. 
If you have a struggle mindset, you will keep struggling. 

No matter how hard you work, or how much effort you make, it will come back to where you were at 7 years old. 

Is your life a reflection or improvement from that of your parents or is it the same? - You are living the same life as your person.

If it has become worse - because you do not focus on your personality, when the world is moving to different direction. 

If the world is rapidly changing, but you are operating on the old soft ware - it will crash and struggle. 

Commit - Focus on Personality. Be the gate keeper of your mind. It's an every day class. 

Science of struggle and success:

When human started truanting on the planet in small numbers, nature was trying to protect us, and keep up with the first layer of brain - reptilian brain. - Primary action of it is keep you safe and comfortable. Action was to fight with weaker opponent or run away to stronger opponent. It also came up with significant task - To keep focus on the environment around you.  It keeps focusing on danger or threat. It is working in us constantly, and control 95% of our life, that works on automation. This is the brain that controls your behaviour and habits. Brain not only focus on physical danger/trauma or stress, but also the emotional/mental stress or trauma.

Something's have happened in the past, but is still triggering in your brain. Morning no thoughts - and couple of seconds, it start coming. 

Reptilian brain focus on emotional trauma and put you back in the zone of safety/comfort and survival. It's job is to keep you safe and comfortable. So it is said, come out of your comfort zone. 

There is another layer of brain called mammalian brain. They stay together, one guarding when other is asleep. This is emotional brain that produces hormones. Gives fuel,  either procrastinates or is proactive. Responsible for action. Releases about 80 different chemicals in our body - life fuels in the car. If you put sub standard fuel in Ferrari what will happen? Some chemicals are:
Stress hormones - Adrenaline and cortisone. If it is too much in the body -  it goes down, everytime a problem is solved.  If feel you are causing problem when your self esteem and self worth is low. How many of you are on your own, keep thinking of an event from your past? Because that memory is somewhere deep down in your reptilian brain, thinking of that danger. Like a smoker who wants another cigarette after nicotine level goes down every time. A problem arise, you solve, hormones go down, and start feeling low - so start showing the worst case scenario before you. 

Problems take you to survival mode, and you struggle. We are addicted to this cycle, so we are unable to change our old habits. 

DOSE is the substandard fuel in the Ferrari. Everytime these 4 hormones (DOSE) are less in the body - you fall sick. You need to turn it into auto pilot mode for success. DOSE stands for Dopamine, Oxytocin, Seretonin, Endorphins. Successful people are those who are able to sove the problems. Bigger problem you solve, better the success. Your life will not be problem free untill you are in the cemetery. You can overcome problem, if you have right kind of DOSE in the body, and once one is solved, there is another that would come up. 

Another layer of brain - new and young is neocortex. Responsible to have goals in life. It has desires - called CEO of the brain, decision making, creative. It comes us with solutions , can think differently, and is superior. 

If CEO sets the goal, and team decides not to cooperate, company will not be able to achieve the result, if there is a discord. 

Very Important - Example - We set goals, during the first week of January. Think: Reptilian brain - Father, Mammalian brain - Mother, and Neocortex brain is - Child. Child will  ask, are you okay to help me to mother? Mother say okay tell us what you want? Child say - Energy. Father is watching mother and child. He asks mother what is happening? Mother tells him child's pan. Father says okay - but seems reluctant. Two weeks strong. Father is seeing the struggle, he says how initial excitement is and wants to put back in safety mode. Mother is pulled between Father and son, with instances from past being repeated, and the question mark in brain put by father, start getting paranoid and start releasing stress hormones. Son start waking up with drag, think of drooping out from goal in the third week of jan. Father again goes to the mother asking I don't understand why it is needed, says this is not the focus, if you want carry on, I am not with you. Mather is fully into paranoid. A&C released. Mother takes back struggle and survival. 

Which week do you drop your goals. 

Only way to get this in order is working on Reptilian brain, release past stored, and allowing it to connect with the neocortex. Bridge is connected. 

I/10th of Iceberg is above the surface and 9/10th is below the surface. What we see in front of you is what is above the iceberg.

Below the iceberg - 
  1. the root - Upto 7 years - experiences - Reptilian brain is developed.
  2. Stems - mammalian brain - emotional brain
  3. RAS - Reticular Activation System - Bundle of nerves sitting between reptilian brain and Mammalian brain - Inner composs. - It works as a magnet to attract opportunities to make more money and have a better life.  - Don't understand the difference though between positive and negative. 
  4. When we spend time, money or energy on something, your attention goes there more. When you get something for free, we do not cherish it. 
  5. RAS is the gatekeeper in the brain. It stops the strangers. - Our Goals are strangers, with it there is a potential threat. There is a good news and bad news. bad news is this is designed when you were 7 years old, we are in a loop of creating same experiences. Good news is  neuro plastic. i.e. it has ability to constantly change. It will go through the same cycle, unless you break the loop, and it can be broken by being a Life long Learner. 
How do you know brain is changing for good? 

You feel more:
  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Inspired
  • Productive
You feel worthy, you break the loop and your focus is on solution. It is now moved from Survival, 

How you create habit and how it is broken

Put together your hands, folded, which thumb is up - right or left? try again, its same. Intentionally put the other. Are you feeling comfortable? No. Why? Because - as child you are used to - Your Reticular Activation System is used to it. 

You might have constant intention to change your habits. Trillions of cells are more powerful than habits, that is connected to the personality. Same personality cannot create changed results. How many thoughts do you remember that we had yesterday? If your thoughts create your reality and you do not remember them , how are we going to change it? 

Transformation is not easy. Only person who like change is the baby in the wet diaper. Everytime you fight you are releasing your A&C. Based on habits, you miss your opportunities. 

We pass out from same place, but get different results. High mark people may not be successful. Why?

Same opportunity, different results?

Answer is who you are is important, rather than what you are. 

1930, first experiment done on Luck.  100 people - 50 successful, and 50 unsuccessful told to find word lucky in a paper. 50 people found.  You see only what you want to see. If your focus is on problem you only see that.  FB set of word, write three words you find - It's the exercise of what's in your brain. 

Opportunities we do not see with eyes, but with RAS - like how we do not see things right in front of us. Based on opportunity you see, you make your decision. 

Decision - Action - Result 

Let's take one are : Money. Write how it is 
  • Current
  • Savings
  • Loans
How do you feel about it? Think about it, the emotions that come when you think of it. 

When it is said, don't focus on your pink elephant, we keep thinking of the pink elephant. Money is a magnifier. 

The blocks can be the same for Relationship, health, or any other area - they are like weeds in the garden, that spoil entire garden

No.     Block                                                        Action

1.      Not so Important                         Mismanagement, avoid looking at financial details
2.     Never have any extra money        Never able to do anything more than you do to earn more money
3.     Investments are complicated        You will never take efforts to invest money
4.     Sales and marketing is cheap        Hesitate to sell your product and services

You are the product in the market - you are selling yourself. If you are not able to market for what you do, you will not get the right salary.  If you are parent and have this block. Politicians win election because they are able to sell. Parent are able to influence children because they are able to sell ideas. 

All the products and services we use, are sold by someone. 

Selling is serving. If you don't do it, someone else will do it. May be their intention is not right. 

If you are a good person and have good intention, make sure you are selling your product and ideas. 

Biggest resistance come in your life from your own family members, because you are not able to sell and market them. 

These blocks are like monkey traps. Don't be stuck in your life holding on to peanuts. 

People don't earn what they are capable of earning, they earn what they are conditioned to learn. 

We do not learn from past experiences, mistakes and failures.  Our brain don't let us take the risk. It says, milk is hot, butter milk is also hot. 

Scientist created four blocs, electrified one block and asked a dog to go to each of the four block starting from A, they electrified A - dogs rushed to B, and went to other three. Next time they electrified B , dogs did not go to A; because B was electrified, dogs came out, next time did not go to A or B. This happened. Last time they electrified only D. Dogs went to D block only, did not dare to come out, stayed there and died. 

Emotional trauma, blow, depression, strike in which will start killing you.

Mindset that created the problems cannot create the solutions. 

Anything that is shared is not to impress, but to be impressed. 

Ultimate Success Champion. - 3 day live workshop. 

Revive RAS, Release DOSE, have balanced life. 

'I want.'

If you are forgetting things, it's not a problem - because as a child nobody was paying attention to him. Started feeling neglected. Started hiding things. Released past triggers. 

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