On Vishu day, Jalaja chitta, and all from their house had come home.
Next day, i.e. Saturday, when amma & me had gone to Chalakudy, Sindhu cheechi, children, their relative, Rajan & Sulekaha, had come home, then Raghu cheetan brought saree for amma, and shirt for achan. At night, Remanammi, ammavan, Rajesh & Binesh had come, they too brought shirt and mundu . Rajesh gave Dakshina to ammuma, Arvi uncles amma (ammai ) she was very happy.………
God willing, and courtesy to many, we had a wonderful Veega trip/get together..On Saturday, the day before the trip, Sreerag called and said, it would be good if we book some vehicle, say quails, as next day it was Easter and there would be great rush in the bus. So started looking out for it, and finally achan arranged for the same. First Shalu reached, then, Deeru & ammu reached, then Raghee & Sreerag, then Manu & Santhu, and finally at night Suji. the night before the tour, Shashiman called on Dheerus mobile....and he spoke one by one to all....u know even to me......He asked me, tour is by u.. I said no amma & Thara, he then called on landline and spoke to amma and asked about u too..... but amma dont know if was sleeping did not speak :-( So good if there is love and peace everywhere...always......
Next day morning i.e. 16th, we left home at 9.0 clock, took a shirt for George Kutty, as he had been giving so much of free passes, and discounts….Boys brought T shirts and trousers from down, before entering the park, collect tickets at 10.30, and got in by 10.45. First all of us went to the dry rides section, which is on the top, started with caterpiller ride, and then to Kuttusan kotta (Balarama village ) Its a new attraction, based on that story.http://www.veegaland.com.html , everybody did not get onto all the rides……we had chocobars, and then luch at 2.00, at 2.30 saw the musical fountain show, and then when we started enjoying the water rides, the group of eleven got separated….kept things in the locker., and enjoyed water rides till 6.45. then again all met, played at wonder splash, had tea, got a top of you and left at 7.30. Boys changed near the quails, and by the time we left veegaland it was 7.45. Yes indeed, the trip too was G.W. good. with no elders around.... Hey!!! But now we r not children, right………I got down at the hostel. Suji and Santhu went home, as they had to go to office the next day. Raghee left to Trivandrum, others had dinner at Jancy aunty I(Godu/solus house, as it was easter) and it being hartal, even on the next day till evening all were at home. But it was worth the happiness that was seen on each persons face.....There is no greater joy, nor greater reward than to make a postive fundamental difference in someones life............
Also it was Vasumans house warming on that day, and at night 10 pm. Janu ammuma reached home. But since we had Veega tour, and I got down at hostel, could not meet them.
Pro: Happy get together….All happy………..
Con: For me no much salary still Leave , + Time……lost……
Need: Unity, Happiness and Cooperation - this togetherness always!!!
Definitely muttachen would have been happy to see all his grandchildren together..Thanks to my achan, who says for parents and grandparents happiness children should get together and forget quarells...someone on that day said, together-only all children!! Though now grown up...
God, forgive them who do not know the important of relations made by God, and wants to break them!!!
Good to hear postive remarks, am sure everyone had enjoyed it, and instead of things improving from then, nothing happened?? Was it because of brainwashing?? Or what went wrong??...when there are some who, leave alone doing things for other around, boost of how often their kids have visited these place, and when their ammavan took them, had brought dress for them.........What do they want to convey?? We didnot buy dress? Or they had to buy?
Kuch pana hey thoo kuch khona hey…….
Good one meera.....
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