Two years in a row, the second runnerup...had a nice time explaining the team, Thanks to the motivation form Biju sir...and the team work...it were long days, making the floural carpet, cutting the flowers, keeping together the accessories..
In 2008 it was: Athithee Devo Bhava and in English
In 2009 it was courtesy Jomon, the malayalam+ narrated when in Veegland...
.. those flowers
The remark: 'I think your words gave life to the pookalam and thus the prize!'
“Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary”
True: ‘Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. ‘ It was later reprinted together with other essays in the book Parkinson's Law: The Pursuit of Progress (London, John Murray, 1958). He derived the dictum from his extensive experience in the British Civil Service.
S&C brought to us, our 1st event of 2010…….”Republic Day Celebrations @ OPI”.
Here is what S&C has planned:
1. Republic Day Quiz-
How much do you think you know about India’s history……? Try it out!
The link was send on 25th Jan for your participation.
2. “Express your thoughts”- “I am an Indian”……we have used this phrase a 100 times before. But what does it really mean to us? “Being an Indian- what does it means to you?”………express it in your words (not more than 2-3 sentences). Thoughts to be mailed to S&C-Kochi by EOD 25th Jan or dropped in the Box kept at the reception
And what was submitted ; dedicated to the crazy 4 is:
Born onto her, nourished by her heart, and willing to die on her shoulders, she is my Mother India, and I am her daughter…I am an Indian…
She is getting older, but the most beautiful of all, willing to accept everyone as her, loving and caring, I am her’s…I am an Indian…..
Hail to my Mother! Hail to my Motherland!!
Also one of the memorable event was the lunch to the team sponserd by Sreeram Sir...in July/August..
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