Saturday, February 02, 2013

The Card Reading....

A month of the void......

Thanks to the Angels already knew of the other question as the reading addresses both points

The two of water signifies your emotions. The picture shows a merman and a mermaid swimming in the water with a blue whale. The card reads: a relationship that continues to grow closer, Forgiveness, The positive resolution of a conflict. I think this relates to your father and yourself. You had a lovely opportunity to spend time with him before he left this planet and you grew much closer. You need to forgive yourself for not being there when he passed and you need to forgive him for leaving. Only then can you start to move on.

The five of air show's a gathering of unicorns standing in a circle all together 'chatting' and supporting each other through life. The air sign signifies the intellect and I think you are trying to reconcile what has
happened, to justify it in your mind. To learn what you can from it.

The four of air, also a card about the mind, shows a unicorn asleep at the foot of a tree whilst a white unicorn and a brown unicord look on with love. Almost as if they are taking care of her whilst she sleeps. The card reads: Time to rest or take a vacation, Allow more time before making a decision, Meditation may provide answers :)

I think if you look at the reading as a whole, meditation may be the vehicle that helps to heal the void. I definitely think you should pursue it. Talking and communing with others can only take you so far, the answer is within yourself and meditation wil help you to hear that still small voice within.

With love and bright blessing!

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