Saturday, November 16, 2019

Space To Achieve Endless Possibilites

Space is beautiful! Space is Needed! Space is Possibilities! Space is Powerful! Space is meaningful!

Space is for everyone! Space is to be given! Space is to be respected! Space is your friend!

It's there.

The possibilities are endless.

There are times when an abundance of space is by accident or unintentional or done for convenience or done for money or time constraints.

But that doesn't mean that it is wasted space. An abundance of empty space can be used to create a sense of calm, peace, inaction, or stillness. It can be cold like snow or marble, or creamy like milk. An abundance of empty space can also imply wealth or luxury. Space can also be clean, sacred, or infinite.

And on the other hand, too much space can be lonely or imply poverty, theft, or someone or something lost or missing. There is a lot of meanings that space can take on.

There are different kinds of space, most namely, passive and active space.

A simple example - how comfortable would you be riding or driving, when there is someone sticking onto you?

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