Monday, December 02, 2019

Being respectful - Civility is the need of hour

What you want to be? Your actions determine it.

Be civil. Incivility is a bug and it is contagious. You can catch this anywhere - at home, around us. It takes our energy.

Looking to get ahead in your career? Start by being respectful to your coworkers, says leadership researcher Christine Porath. In this science-backed talk, she shares surprising insights about the costs of rudeness and shows how little acts of respect can boost your professional success -- and your company's bottom line.

Respect and result, is the key. Will help reduce stress. Help achieve goal.

Smile, care personally - even when you challenge.

Be Competent, Friendly and Smart.

What do people want most from their leader - being treated with respect. More important than appreciation and feedback.

Thank people, share credit, acknowledge others, listen attentively, humbly asking question, and smiling has an impact.

When you are withing 10 feet away from people smile and make eye contact; when you are withing 5 feet away, say hello.

Be Tough minded, but tender hearted. Make people feel valued. Be agile and mindful.

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