Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Start Today ~ Warikoo

 Someone is tired of their job.

Someone hates their boss.

Someone feels they are in the wrong relationship.

Someone wants to startup but is not sure if it's the right move.

Someone wants to move abroad, but isn't sure which country.

Someone asks if they should move out of their hometown or not.

Not a single day goes by where I don’t receive such an email.

They graciously seek my opinion on it.

But I am no one to offer that.

I do not know.

I cannot.

Instead, I ask them my favourite question:

"What do you want to do?"

Most people reply with what they think they should do.

What they think should be the right answer.


My question was - what do you WANT to do?

If everything was indeed possible, what would you WANT to do?

Once they come to that point, my next question is: "What is stopping you?"

This is when reality hits hard.

More often than not, it is our own mind.

We have convinced ourselves that we should not pursue what we want to do.

Because it is too risky, because people will laugh, because we might fail, because the world may criticise us, because we may not get a chance to recover.

But you know what?

A year from now, you will regret not having started today.

Start today, my friend!

#job #beginnings #learnings #warikoo

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