What do you think is the greatest Discovery?
If this question is asked to each of us, there would be nearly one crore answer....I remember once a sir saying, it was agriculture...
So it is a matter of Perception. Again remembered the story at office yesterday. Parasivan forwarded a mail with a boy crying, one girl smiling, and one semi smiling, and had named them, Processor, Manager and Team leader. Our BB resend it, rearranging the boy crying to be in middle naming him the Team leader, the one smiling to be the Manager, and the third, processor. The Managers perspective would be still different.
Kali asked Kalidasa: Ask for a wish.
Kalidasa said: Grand me anything, except one thing.
Kali asked: What is that one thing.
Kalidasa said: Dont put me in an unfortunate place where people will not understand me or my poetry.
Each of us on earth has our own task to do. Talents differ, all is well and wisely put.
We need to do our duty with utmost sincerety, work with excellence...If you sweep the street, sweep it so well as no one has done before. Everybody should remember you for that. Roses, bees, never doubt their capacity or ability. Cuckoo is never tired of singing and ants of working.
Its always wise to turn your hobby into business. There should not be conflict between your work life and things you enjoy outside work.
Each of us, can make use of our tremendous capacity, of the brain cells, discover ourself, find out our dormant mind.
The moment you are satisfied and aspire no more, you die. - Pondichery mother. (The most esential thing air)
You aim for the skies only then, you can reach for the stars. The world is reacher for those who aspire to ever and ever reach higher and higher.
I Can! I Will ! I Shall!
We Can! We will! We shall!
Having written so much about all this, the noble price, etc....it would be incomplete not to put forth that, all great people may not be rewarded or get awards or noble prices, but they would always be remembered for their gretness, deep down in the hearts..
The greatest example being none other than our Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda etc....Moreover, Familys love is indeed lifes greatest blessing.
Speaking about Gandhi, one would always remember:
Truth & Ahimsa,
Simple living & high thinking....
But there is also the 7 sins that he spoke of:
1. Politics without principle.
2. Wealth without work.
3. Commerce without morality.
4.Knowledge without Character.
5.Pleasure without consciousness.
6. Science without humanity.
7. Worship without sacrifice.
This brings me to sacrifice...
Sacrifice is letting go of something that you are holding on to, or are attached to, which gives you pleasure for something bigger that would bring good. Sacrifice brings strength in life. Life without sacrifice is stagnant. Sacrifice gives you the quantum leap. It takes you, to a higher pedestal. Often, people think sacrifice makes life dull and joyless. Infact, it is the sacrifice which makes life worthliving. The amount of sacrifice in your life brings out your magnimity and helps you to move out of misery. A life without sacrifice is nothing. Zeal, enthusiasm, strength and joy are all connected to sacrifice.
This is the reason why, all the greatest persons, including our parents, are all having a story of too many sacrifices behing them.
The beginning and the end seems to be quite contrasting right. But in it is the beauty of life...How beautiful would be a garden, if there was only on kind of flower, or the world, if there was only one colour??
So do let me know what you thing is the greates discovery?? Do put it in the comment...It would be nice to read it...
വളരെ നന്നായി എഴുതിയിരിക്കുന്നു. കൊള്ളാം... ഇനിയുമിനിയും എഴുതണം.
ശേഖരിച്ചുവച്ച് ‘വ്യക്തിത്വ വികസനത്തിനുതകുന്ന’ ഒരു പുസ്തകമായി മാറ്റാവുന്ന ‘സ്റ്റഫ്’ ഉണ്ട്.
മീരയ്ക്ക് ഭാവുകങ്ങള്...!!
Clothes are the greatest discovery by human beings!!??
greatest discovery include technology, medicines, agriculture, textiles....
Chakra....or the wheels...which make most of the things bossible...agriculture, travel, modern warfare, machinery....no wonder Krishna always carried it in his hands....
First fount of life, is that which happens when a thought takes shape in words.
Breaking of barriers.
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