Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Experience your Good Now! : Learning to Use Affirmation

Experience your Good Now! : Learning to Use Affirmation is an incredible Audio book, narrated by Louise L. Hay of Hay House Publishing.
Affirmation is a solution that will solve every problem, say All is well and I am safe.
It is our Thoughts and beliefs that shape our life. Be aware and do something to change. Do not share your affirmation with others, but keep it to yourself. et others say, wow what a change, how did you bring this?
Every word and every thought are your affirmations.
Think happy thoughts; no matter what others are doing.
Feel good right now.
Don’t waste time on blame, sad, grumpy, greed, jealous, anger; Don’t waste your thoughts on negative thinking that sucks.  Blame is just another negative affirmation.
Your cells are aware of all your thoughts, can feel.
Say I have or I am; think in positive, present affirmations.
Love fills my life; I am discovering talents that I was not aware of.
I can do it, I can make positive change,
Good health comes from Love. The more you learn, the easier it becomes to create good health. Body is the mirror of inner thoughts and belief. Let Water be your favorite beverage.
Forgiveness: Thoughts of bitterness can never create joy. Forgive self and others, and release from the prison of the past. Consciously choose rather than react.
Forgiveness is not same as acceptance. It has nothing to do with other person. It is simply an act of releasing oneself from negative energy, by letting go. It is the most loving thing you can do.
The door to my heart open inwards, the past is over, the thought of this movement creates my future, there is no use of being a victim. I give myself freedom from past, and move into the joy of present. I forgive them with Love.
Prosperity, do not dwell on poverty or negative thoughts on money.
Be Honest, whatever you give you will get back, you steal when you take things from office, robs others time and respect. Affirming, allowing,  I prosper whatever I do, I have been constantly increasing my income. I am a magnet of money. I live in an abundand universe. I trust life, and it provides all that I need.
Say: I am open and receptive to all the abundance in life.
Creativity: We all create our life every day. You need not be an artist to be creative. From choosing your attitude of your self, being a cook, being kind, are all creativity. Continue doing new everytime, there are a million and one projects that you can do.
 Be a Happy Person, they are attractive, no criticisim, no choosing to be feeling lonely, no complain. Feel Love. Love what you see, rejoice in love that is encountered daily.
Job Success: Love your job, co-worker, location, boss, and everything else. Acknowledge, Encourage, Appreciate. Don’t have or give faith or fear. Whatever I give out comes back. There aren’t problems without solutions, be willing to release anything that is in your part, that has contributed to the problem. Express gratitude to what you have.
  • Before you go to work, give time to breath.
  • Write: My Job is a peaceful heaven, I put love in every corner, I am at peace.
  • I only give out what I am to receive.
No person, place or thing will have power over you. Feel good, Be Joyful and bring more joy.
I am centered and focused. Stress is only fear, I release all fear, and make positive change in all area.
Self Esteem, is merely feeling good of your self, which develops confidence.
Release your affirmations to the Universe; Believe, have so much of positive believe, that you deserve to prosper/achieve your affirmations.
Positive Affirmations are the beginning point of Change

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Moors of York here I come......

The moors of the York, had always been calling me, but in the wildest of my dreams, I had never imagined, I would be there.

I have often thought of going around Austria and the home of 'The Sound of Music', but never thought that I would visit the Bronte Museum. Do not know why?

Ah finally I could be into York and have a real view of were the Bronties lived as well! Thanks a Ton to Sharyn, without whom this would not have been possible.

If it was Dunja waiting for us in Germany, it was Sharyn waiting for us in York, with her Lilly, ready to carry all our luggages at night, far away from her home, around the castle and through two rivers, we followed the beautiful full moon, into a world of art, music, books a museum by itself that was her home!

The castle of the York would have attracted many to her, but it was Vanessa living there and the moors that attracted me to her. It was indeed another dream come true, to see how Vanessa and her little Nicholson just 3 months old, were waiting to welcome us in the traditional Indian dress, and the gift was shocking to me.....It was nice to see her house and know how Nicholson had his own room, and slept all by himself, from such a small age.

And from there, off we went to the moors.

For those who do not know; it was 'Wuthering Height's; which introduced me to the moors of York. It is a novel by Emily BrontĂ«, written between October 1845 and June 1846, and published in 1847 under the pseudonym "Ellis Bell." It was her first and only published novel: she died aged 30 the following year. The novel is about Cathy and Heathcliff - a tale of love and revenge on the Yorkshire moors.

It is interesting to know how the three Brontes sisters and one brother, Children of a Pastor neither born great, nor having greatness thrust upon them, could nitch a name for themselves, and attact so many foreigners to them, even after they are no more.

It was also great to meet Sharyn's family; her mother and daughter, three generations and Ginnie; wish we could have a picture of all three together, but the meeting was at different time and place.

Thanks to those who made this possible!!

Monday, April 08, 2013

Hypothermia Vs hyperthermia

All in a day's time, from Hypothermia to hyperthermia from the state of being Frozen to the state of evoprating

Though it is spring in the west, still it is snowing and freezing cold, while in the East especially in India, it is exceptionally hot in the south, as it would be in the deserts!!! It was burning hot as I got out of the airport, Goshh.....

As we were walking from Hotel to office at Bonn, Veba said it was warmer in Germany when compared to Moscow, while for us it was very Cold (Though the temparature was higher than in London, we did not feel it to be severe as there was no Wind, like in London).

Also was wondering and had even asked Farida, why the water in Thames would not Freeze?

Indeed it is because of the deeds of human being!

Normal human body temperature in adults is 34.4–37.8 °C (94–100 °F).[8] Sometimes a narrower range is stated, such as 36.5–37.5 °C (98–100 °F).[9] Hypothermia is defined as any body temperature below 35.0 °C (95.0 °F).

 It is subdivided into four different degrees,
mild 32–35 °C (90–95 °F);
moderate, 28–32 °C (82–90 °F);
severe, 20–28 °C (68–82 °F); and
 profound at less than 20 °C (68 °F).[10]
This is in contrast to hyperthermia and fever which are defined as a temperature of greater than 37.5 °C (99.5 °F)-38.3 °C (100.9 °F).
The difference between fever and hyperthermia is the mechanism
Why so much of extremity in the climatic condition?

Ocean Temperature & Sun

•Virtually all the ocean heat comes from the sun. A minute amount comes from the earth's interior through gas vents at the ocean bottom.

•Because the equatorial areas are more faced toward the sun, the amount of heat absorbed per unit area is larger than at the poles. This causes the temperature to be higher at the equator than at the poles.

•The area of higher temperature shifts southward and northward with the season.

•The change from warmer equatorial areas to colder polar areas occurs largely in the form of fronts (=large transitions).

•The maximum mean monthly temperature is approximately 30 degrees, while the lowest temperature is less than 0 degrees.

•Antarctic ice is in white through out but the change in ice cover from summer to winter.

•Note how the warm water off the east coast of southern Africa in summer penetrates southward, while off the west coast colder water bulges northward. This causes significant temperature differences between the east and west coasts (at the same latitude). The same is seen off South America.

•Similar east-west temperature differences are seen off North America in the northern summer.

How does temperature change vertically?

•Because of the heat input (from the sun) at the surface, the surface layers of the sea are warmest (> 20 degrees), and the temperature decreases with depth (to < 5 degrees). This is especially the case in the equatorial and temperate latitudes. In the polar regions the heat input at the surface is low, so that there is not a large change in temperature with depth.

•The minimum temperature (at the sea bottom) is between -1 and -2 degrees. Shouldn’t sea water be frozen at such temperatures?

•Typical profiles of temperature show that the decrease in temperature with depth is not linear, but that the temperature undergoes a significant “jump” at a depth of a few hundred meters. This sharp decline is known as the thermocline.

•Between the surface and the start of the thermocline the water is very isothermal. This is referred to as the mixed layer, where the surface waves continuously churn the water. The higher the wind speed, the larger the waves, the deeper the mixed layer.

•Maximum temperature at the surface can be as high as 36° C (e.g. Persian Gulf).

•Normal sea-water freezes at -1.9° C because of the presence of salinity.

•The average temperature of the sea (over all depths) is (only) 3.8°C. This means that a thin layer (a few 100m thick) of warm water (say, > 15° C) overlays a deep, cold layer several kilometres thick.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation

A New Interpretation of the Classic Hermetic Manual The Kybalion by Doreen Virtue. (

The original teacher of this Divine magic was an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus. His teachings, called “Hermetics”, were only taught verbally or in very cryptic writings. In 1908, three Hermetic students wrothe this down in a book called The Kybalion. Yet, this work, was still difficult to understand because of its archaic and confusing language.

Here is an overview of the Seven Sacred Principles that the Hermes gave us.

1. Mentalism: “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental”

Mind means infinite and unerring intelligence, wisdom and creativity. Since The All is everywhere, Mind is everywhere. You live inside this omnipresent Mind of The All. Your true Mind (Your higher self) is an extension and a creation of the Divine Mind.

2. Correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

The Hermetists divide the world into three planes: physical, mental and spiritual. Each plane operates by the same spiritual laws. So if you understand the laws governing one plane, you’ll understand how the other planes operate. By applying this understanding, you can elevate your consciousness and life to higher planes of existence.

3. Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”

Even inanimate objects vibrate. The difference between the varying planes of existence is merely in their vibrational rate of movement. Hermetists apply this principle by accelerating or decelerating the vibrational rate of objects or situations that they wish to attract, change or banish.

4. Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites, like and unlike are the same; opposite are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

This principle says that every experience and choice is the same in truth. What appears to be opposite is actually the same, but with different degrees of the same ingredients. Prosperity and poverty are not opposites. They are merely ends of the same pole, vibrating at different rates. Each situation in your life has such a pole, with extremes at either end and vibrational increments in between.

Hermetists use this principle to transmute unwanted situations and emotions into something more desirable, merely by changing their vibration to the highest end of each pole.

5. Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides, all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

Universe operates in precise and predictable rhythms. If you allow these rhythms to master you, then your moods and life will fluctuate up and down. However, by mastering the rhythms, you become immune to downward turns in emotions or life experiences.

6. Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law”

This is a perfectly ordered universe, and nothing happens by chance or accident. There’s always cause behind every Effect. Life mastery occurs when you become a conscious cause of the effects you desire, instead of being carried along by the wills or desires of others. You can use this principle to effect healings and manifestations.

7. Gender: “ Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

Not just human body, but energy in each person. Everyone has both these energies within them. These energies are equally powerful and interdependent upon each other to form creation. Female energy is magnetic and attracting. Male energy is electric and creating. Banishing (releasing) and attracting are the basis of Divine magic. To manifest, you much either attract your desire or create it. To enjoy a steady flow of abundance, understand and work with the steady flow of giving and receiving, as this principle teaches.

As long as we live on the material Earth plane, matter is real to us. Matter isn’t less real to us just because we understand the scientific truth about atoms, or the Hermetic teachings about the mental nature of the Universe.

We can control matter by applying higher forces. This is better than pretending that matter doesn’t exist. The laws of nature are constant, and we can’t escape them. We can, however , overcome the laws by applying higher ones.

The universe and its laws and phenomena are real, so far as humans are concerned. The Universe is also ever-changing and transitory, so it’s unreal in the Absolute sense. However, we must live and act as if the fleeting Universe and matter were real. In the material world, Mentalism, the power of your thought, is the greatest natural force.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

The London Bridge is not falling down....

Thanks to Jude, Cynthia’s cousin for dropping us at Elstree & Borehamwood station; we did not have to trouble ourselves in finding our way to Farida’s house, from where on Ali guided us through London. Was so tired, did not know when and how I went off to sleep the night we reached London. From Heathrow, the roads looks as though on fire...Fire moving around. helped us find places.

There was a mix of snow and rain, the next day morning, but we three managed to get out of the house, and sorry that Ferzana had too...Thanks to the underground, that we could see places and move around.

Day Two:

And it was all in this order

1. Bukingham Palace – Green Park: where queen Elizabeth 11 lives. Official home of British Kings and Queens since 1837. There was the statue like foot guard, wearing old fashioned red jacket and tall furry hats called bearskins.

Could see around The Plane trees without leaves and The Daffodils.

2. Big Ben – Is the huge bell inside the clock tower of the Place of Westminister.

Parliament-The Palace of Westminister, where laws are made and kings and queens are crowned in the Abbey is the home of the British Government.

London Eye-The largest ferris wheel in Europe. It turns slowly to give passengers time to take in a spectacular view of London spread out below them. Because of the mist and rain, did not get onto it.

3. Borough Market- is a wholesale and retail food market in Southwark, Central London, England. It is one of the largest and oldest food markets in London, and sells a large variety of foods from all over the world; did buy and have something form there....Enroute saw the The Shard-Tallest Building in London or is it the Dockland tower of Canary Wharf?

4. HMS Belfast – A cruiser used in the second world war is a huge Warship near Tower Bridge.

Globe Theatre – This is a replica of the building where Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. The plays are still put on each summer, and there’s a tour of the theatre all year round.

Tower Bridge- Bridge that opens in the middle to let ships through. The road across is often shut several times a day so the bridge can be raised. It took 8 years to build and was completed in 1894. Ferzana’s friend got married on top of the bridge.

We walked through the tower Bridge through a beautiful garden and castle.

Could see Swiss Re Building or also called ‘The Gherkin’ because of its shape.

5. Covent Garden – Ah! So many things to shop. Ferzana brought for us Fudge from there. We were. We did hear a lady singing sweet song there; but was wearing different colour socks in each leg. Also we could see the Big Egg Hunt. The colourful and imaginatively decorated eggs around covent Garden which was on show from 22nd March to 1st April. Ferzana took us to McDonalds for a cup of coffee; introduced us to M&M, Harrods etc.

Lenchster Square: Red Carpet

Picadelly circus: View was amazing, the roads of London.

We could find around:

• The Union Jack: The British Flag

• The Royal Mail Red letter Box.

• Pubs

• Double decker buses

• Metropolitan policeman

• Red Phone Box

• Traditional black taxi cab, with sign on top lighting up, when driver is looking for a passenger.

• Ofcourse, the ‘Underground’ station signs; there are around 270 stations, of which look out for another section.

Day Three:

6. We have walked from under the Thames in Island Garden

The Thames is more than a highway between Greenwich and London. It has shaped Greenwich more than any human hand. Greenwich or Grenevic means ‘greenfield next to the river’. Greenwich is on the south banks of river. In 1884 an international agreement put Greenwich on the map as the world standard for 0 degree longitude. In 1997; Greenwich became a world heritage site. Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to the future generations.

7. Saw the Cutty Sark built in 1869 and one of the three surviving clippers (fast sailing ship); used to carry tea from China.

8. Greenwich Garden: The 24 hour clock, the Meridian line zero degree longitude.

9. From Greenwich we could see the loss making Millennium Dome exhibition venue in South East London which is now converted into the profitable music venue The O2

10. Canary Warf: The place where modern buildings and offices are located. Did some Shopping from Tesco supermarket here.

We did give up the below places:

Missed Trafalgar Square station : Pigeons and the often seen place in movies lke Nelson’s column, surrounded by 4 Lions, National Gallery, 2 Fountains, Church called Saint Martin-in-the field.

Museums: British Museum

South Kengsington: National History, Science museum, Victorian museum

Regents Park and Canal: Which is amazing and beautiful in summer.

Madam Tussauds London @ Marylebone Road, near Baker Street; which is also the place often mention in Sherlock Holmes. It has 14 exciting interactive zones featuring over 300 wax figures, of stars, Warhol, premiere night, sports, royal persons, cultural personalities who have changed the way we think, music megastars, world leaders, the murdering madmen in sceam, Behind the scene on our history and how the figures are made, spirit of London taxi ride through London’s amazing past, marvel super heroes, the interactive movie experience; shop and cafe .

Mohamed Alfaid’s: Harrods.

On a day before return, when we were going from York to Colchester, we did get down at St. Pauls Cathedral. Its dome is a national landmark. Inside is a huge gallery where the faintest whisper can be heard all around its curved walls.

A statue of the Duke of Wellington stands in the nave (main hall). He’s riding on Copenhagen, his horse.

Parts of the ceilings are decorated with mosaics, which are pictures made from tiny pieces of glass.

The ball and cross on top of the dome weigh the same as seven cars. A huge brick cone hidden inside the dome stops them plummeting through the hollow roof.

Two bell towers stand proud at the front of the cathedral. The right tower houses the biggest bell in England, called Great Paul.

We brought some gifts from the shop below the Cathedral, and then went to the Oxford street to do some shopping before meeting Radhi again at Liverpool street station, who took us to Colchester, enroute the Olympic stadium @ Stratford.

Thanks to Radhi & Rakesh, for driving us back to the airport, with a wonderful B'day surprise, how funny, to be introduced to Rakesh in UK, when he had been to Potta & Kakkanad as well...and it was lovely to see Ishaan always in action....

There were so many London Bridges, and London would not mind, if a bridge would fall down, but I had been falling down, with the weight of the luggages that I had been carrying through out, oopsss Travel light.....

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Team Away Day....

Finally all flights were booked and we could be @ for the Team Away day from 18th March 2013 to 20th March 2013. Hurray!!!

Having landed at Bavaria on 17th March 2013, Dunja was waiting with her arms open, and her shoulders to lean on. How caring and concerned. She had with her, her son Juri; and off we went to her home and her new eco-house under construction. She had so much to do, with kids school day, cousins visiting home, new house under construction; yet wanted to take me around too.

Next day morning she took me out for a cafĂ© and cake (Mohn Kuchen – Poppy seed cake; Apfelkuchln-Apple Cake); and then off we went by cable car on top of the mountain in casuals being a mountain area / outdoor / weather being cloudy, approx. temperature night -1 / day 5 C).

Ah! Was it a dream? Were those three days, just a long dream?

With so many different people of different colors; Yellow, Red, Blue and Green. We had

• The helping, young and energetic by heart Horse MH

• Tadpole and cat loving, strong but with a heart BF

• Bubbly, energetic, MIL of all, owl

• The Traveller dog, looking for red

• Petrified Panther, the fashion lover

• The twins; Blue Dog & Fox

• Lead by the Eagle

We indeed missed so many of them, but especially the lion-ess.

Day 1 (18th March 2013); We had the Mashmallow Challenge and a typical traditional German – Mountaineers Dinner Fondue (Kase/Fleisch) Mit Salat Mud Brot- Meat pieces in broad or cheese to dip.

Day 2 (19th March 2013) was the Insight Day : Take away being;

• Our personality depends on which colour we are

• Difficult to change others,

• How we look at thing is based on our perception

• We can deal with people knowing how they are

• Here is what Dunja had to say about the snowman

“ The snowman will not be able to get a girlfriend or wife, because by the time he has made his decision he is probably part of the ocean”

He is for all human being in the world a symbol of winter, and he is very peaceful. Also he is very international, as everybody would create him similar. Basically a snowman consist of three balls of snow, a carrot and some piece of coal.

The snowman is also to me a sign of change. When I was about eight years old you saw them everwhere, while in these times you don’t see them often.

The snowman is a species, which might not exist in 50 years from now, anymore.”

Day 3 (20th March 2013) we had further discussion on Generations and how they differ

• Traditionalist: 67+ (1928-1945)

• Boomers: 47-66 (1946-1964)

• GenXer (Generation X): 31-46 (1965 -1980)

• Millemnials: 18-31 (1980-2000)

And then finally the video on the TED Talk: Choose to be happy.

From there we went into Munich office after the event but why was the meeting with Eva again too short? We had to fly to Bonn; stayed at Maritime hotel and walked to office the next day.

21st March 2013: Visited DPDHL office; the 40 storied building, with a view to the whole of Bonn/Koln; on the banks of river Rhein. This was the erstwhile capital of West Germany. Indeed Beautiful!

On 22nd March 2013; flew to London; bidding good bye to Germany.

Had typical German lunch on both the days; not sure what they are called. One was potato and onion mixed cooked/fried; with apple. Next day fish and French fries.

Do not know, why there was not a bit of excitement, to be flying to London, instead, was sad. Was it ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel - Dunja that made me sad, or was it just a state of mind?

Trees without leaves, snow, I would see in London too, and I should have been excited to be going to London, but not a bit?

Veba Garetson gave me a Russian coin, which would help one to decide when required.

I had to remind myself to be happy.