We can share others sorrow, but can we share the pain that they suffer because of ill health? Why do good people suffer?
It is adversity that takes you to God….We do not choose to be born, live, suffer, or die…Though there may be some who boost to do so….
Mind has a great effect on body.. Desire what you can. Achieving good health includes not only physical culture, but perhaps even more important, mental culture.
There is a science called psycho immunology. The findings are the early fruits of a combination of psychology and immunology. It discovers the mechanism that links a person’s emotional life with the ups and downs of the immune system, the body’s line of defense against bacteria, virus and cancer….
The more we learn about mind and body as a unity the more difficult it becomes to consider them separately. What’s in your mind is often quite literally or anatomically, what is in your body. Anything that offers hope has the potential to health…
Illness worsened coincident with the diagnosis. When the newly diagnosed patients are together with persons who have come through similar illness…The specific evidence that recovery is possible acts like a tonic and actually enhances the prospects for effective medical treatment…
The desire to get better is very important and is needed in order to build up real faith. How you feel can make a great difference in how you live….
Exercises are fine, take medications when prescribed. But always add the mental well being principle. Always think healthy…Desire only what you can, God may not be able to give you all that you want, and when you ask for more, it would be difficult for him…
As I type these, I am reminded of my Grandfather, who lived a very healthy life until he was 77, of whom there were written appreciations, of being an active person, and having diagnosed stomach cancer immediately died, within 1.5 months, in 2002, who was denied medicines, as it would only create further disorder, and of some one dear to heart, who earnestly wanted to be a mother, but the modern sciences not only could help her, but took a toll on her life, at a very tender age…The chemical reactions…. Then there are those who suffer from mental disorders periodically, and the educated, who take on to drug, and is determined to deteriorate themselves…
Mental illness is something intolerable too…Don’t know why and how people loose the mental balance, and its so sad..Leave alone the big illness, even a common cold is so annoying.
Health is one of the ingredients that make you Happy! We need you! You be Healthy! You Be Happy!!

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