It take years, efforts and lot of people, to nurture and grow something - and each one of us are unique in who we are, how we do things, and what we expect. If this is true for an individual, an organisation, how vast and cumbersome it would be for a nation like India? Our country has come a long way, freed or relaxed from the clutches of slavery, poverty, unemployment, with the efforts of lot many people. With a mix of people, from various ethnic group - we find unity in diversity, all around. It was indeed an uphill task, to have such a country managed, not that we are the best but neither are we the worst; we have significantly worked very hard and have come a long way.
How pity it is that when whole world is fighting against corona threat we Indians are fighting over Arnab Goswami Sonu Nigam Islamophobia hinduphobia.Everyday something communal is trending.We talk so much of Ramayana and this's what we learn #ArrestAntiIndiaArnab #ISupportArnab

Goswami's communal rant on Republic Hindi on the Palgarh lynching was hurting. I think he needs to see a shrink. No sensible person will approve the lynching just as no sensible person will endorse his filthy abuses. Was so agitated when I saw him blaming Sonia, and before going off to sleep had mentioned to a friend, if he is gone insane, to shout like that; morning she sends a petition for me to sign saying, sign this petition - investigate the attack on Arnab Goswami to save freedom of press and freedom of speech. Mr. Goswami was maliciously attacked by two miscreants on a two wheeler in the night of 22nd April 2020, when Mr. Goswami was returning from his studio in Mumbai in his private vehicle, just a few hours after his live show where he spoke freely against the Indian Congress Party and their alleged role in the recent killings of Hindu saints in a nearby region of Palghar, just 75 Miles north of Mumbai. About 500 meters before their residence, Arnab’s car was allegedly overtaken by bikers, and hit. He and his wife Samia was in the car. When ink was thrown on Arvind Kejriwal, Arnab Goswami ran hashtags “Ink Drama”. So it’s funny to see him hopping mad like he has faced deadly terror attack when ink was thrown at his car For a man who fought VVIP racism including security cover from 'tax payer' money, and out of turn midnight hearings by courts, it's amazing that he enjoys Y security and his case is being heard by the highest court within 24 hours. Good some press is respected, when we had the like of Gauri Lankesh killed and no action taken. Arnab Goswami Moves Supreme Court Seeking Quashing Of FIRs Over His Comments Criticising Sonia Gandhi by Swarajya Staff. Sonia is not innocent. If yes, she would not have survived in Politics this long. But when some incident occur, how can you call names on an individual, and ask that person a question, when that person is neither the PM or HM?? At least two FIRs (First Information Report) have been filed against the Republic TV head Arnab Goswami for his alleged derogatory remarks against Congress president Sonia Gandhi and for deliberate inflammatory statements.gical fact is, if somebody is insecure or speaking something which is false and claiming it to be true, tend to over act and be loud to camaflogue their faults and simply accuse others.Not just that. He has a tendency of being uncivil, keeps saying "shut, shut." These are not what people are taught to behave. If we begin to like that type of conversation, we are slipping up as a human race. Simi Garewal was a marvellous anchor in her time. It's really inspiring for a new generation. Can we have the likes of her ever again?
We all are childhood friends, we are mature enough, we respect each others point of view,and we should ,this attitude brings us close to each other .....Ruthna manana hota hai ,hamara hakh bhi hai but itna bhi nahi ke hum ek ache khase dost ko kho de ....lets again all cheer up ,dance ,enjoy ...because these days will not come again ...again hamara group hasta khilkhilata rahe ...hum sab sath hai ....sath mein rahenge ,kisiko piche nahi chodege ..; fact all are wonderful in their own aspects ..but humare dost humse khafa ho ye nai ho sakta ...We had created a school group, and it was agreed that since there would be unknown people - a check of the people admitting to the group had to be done. Since one person could not do it, more admin's were added to the group - to check the validity of people in the group. Suddenly one day - one person come and say - we have decided that we would remove people who are not active - Fair enough. Some people thought it to be cool, as it's unfair, to be just there and not write, or wish people, many people were removed. Was their consent taken before removing as a matter of courtesy; or were only they removed who were never active? Soon after people started asking to be added in the group, which were done. Was there a sense of respect towards them? A couple of days later, when inquired about another person at around mid-night, as I could not recollect, I said so, and suggested that we could call and check the next morning, as it was too late then. A couple of minutes after this, the girl messaged saying, someone removed her from the group, and asked that she be added back. On telling the person to add her back, she said - she would add her later, it was a shake up exit! Now what does that mean? Some people just like to shake up everything. We need to check peoples validity, people might be busy, we have work from home, not all will be able to participate in group activities, it looks rude deleting people. Just because they don't participate don't mean they are not schoolies. Every one is part, you cant pressurise and make decision, if person is not active, call them find the issue. I feel it's getting into bullying and bossing, am sure many who are not in group would want to be part of it. Hope all understand! For this the response was, firstly it's not about activities, it's about overall participation in the group. Not even a singel Hi or atleast an emoji. Secondly I am not working from home, I go to office with all the household work also. You might find it rude but there are also many people in the group who agree with us. So please think before accusing people of bullying.. presurrizing, we as friends were trying to wake up schoolies. I could have responded saying - unnecessary chat is unnecessary emission of carbon black, causing environmental hazard, working for home, working from home, going to office, all have its own pros and cons. I did not accuse anyone. I just said "I feel it's getting into bullying and bossing" ; every word has it's own meaning, and how it is interpreted vary. Well who is this we, who have made the decision? A separate decision making body? A secretive sub group created within the main group, who took upon themselves the entire admin rights without even consulting the whole members of Admin team? And ha if the desire is to shake up the group, and waking them up, that was not the purpose of creating the group, it was to bring all together. When the purpose no more exist, there was no question in my remaining, and I quit with message to her saying, if anyone ask why I left the group, say if non active members can be removed without verification, active members can quit without intimation. Please don't add me. Got a response saying Sorry, she would not say anything in the group. It seems as desired, Sunday there was hungama in the group - as per the desire of those who wanted to shake up the group. And for me, it was a blessing in disguise, as I had always been for peace and resilience. Also it helped me to have some me time, social distancing, the task PM asked us to do, and also to know who really cared and were true friends. There were messages and call, and to every one I just said, need a break. This helped me know, understand and ponder on how people differ, what priorities are and who real friends are.
The verdicts are still pending. Groupism, nagging, blaming are all bad. We need to stay united, especially during these trying times. .All are gone nuts. Even during these trying times, people fail to realise priorities, and get involved in petty Politics, religion without realising we are all one. God Bless Mankind. Wishing for safety, joy, happiness and peace, Always - Everytime, everywhere, every one. It feels good to know that at least a few of them can understand. Life has become so unpredictable, all we have to do is just be nice. Some mortifications are after all self-inflicted
To Quote Poet George Meredith:
.....In tragic life, God with,
No Villain need be! Passion spin the plot;
We are betrayed by what is false within.
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