When there are only nuclear families around, and the families are not interested in joint family or in coming together, it is indeed a matter of great pride to have such a day.

As usual the day began with the prayer, formal meeting and address and special highlight of this get together was the release of the Thottappilly family member’s directory, the Thiruvadira kalli, and the group song, and the year quiz.

Then there was the Monoact by Pournima, kavitha by Gopika, Graceful dance performances by Neeraja S. Menon, and Neeraja Madhu. Group dance from Vaishnavi and kalyani and Thiruvadira Kalli by Neeraja, Krishnendu, Sharniya, Sharika, Sujatha, Jayashree, Sarasu and Latha. Individual songs, from Vaishnavi, Ravi Ekm., Hema, Anjana, Rajeev, Vaishak, Karthik, Anjana, Radhika, Bharat, Krishnendu, Sujith, Lakshmi and Sarath.
In the sports, it was only book balancing. Then there was the open Anthakshri, and the open quiz through out, and the two games as last year, Family tree and Bombing the city. Lucky man, women, and child was selected by the draw of lot and they were, Hari from Bombay, Saraswathi from Annanad, and Lakshmi.
There are ways to avoid responsibility, and nobody can thrust anything upon anyone. It is easy to make excuses and stories, but difficult to take responsibility. Anything that comes right from the heart simply excels and stands out. And world would be such a lovely place if each of them did what they ought to….but then …All for the best! The time wasted and most boring even is deciding people/committee members for the next year. They were, Valsan, Uma, Madhu Palakad, Sujith, Adv. Ani, Devdas and Hema Valsan.
We all know that Prema Cheechi is a very busy person, yet she did it, for the last three years and kudos to her. Especial mention need to be given to Prema Cheechi and her family, who did coordinate it well with their heart and soul into it, bringing more and more active participants in a diplomatic way amdist her ill health, classes and busy schedule. Indeed, where there is a will, there is a way.. Three cheers to her, and though she is not a member of the executive committee, we will continue to have her participation in the future too, with prayers that may this last long…..and the 10th will not be the end…but a better and memorable one……
Even parents would love to see their children together always, and I don’t know if at all there would be any parents who want their children, not to be talking to one another. In a life full of care, and misunderstandings, a day like this helps, and it would be good, if people take the open discussions in a positive way, and not just make a big issue of little things.
This would be the greatest gift and pleasure for Late Parukutty Amma and Late Raman Menon.
Change is mandatory and a necessity, to move forward in life. But isn’t it true, that when we get new, we should not forget the old? Is it right on the part of men, to forget, their Mother and sister, and to be indifferent, to the sibling family matters when they are in trouble?

With the directory At least now the people cannot grumble that they do not know the number of those whom they ought to be taking care off?… Though it’s a fact that not knowing the number is only an excuse, when you don’t want to call…..You get the number of people somehow, if you really want to call them. And then there was the people, and the necessities, even before there were houses, and phones...If you dont want to do...you can definitely find excuses....
Its so good to be in a country, where it is family first still...though there has been deviations of late....
1 comment:
Good to hear of the get together, even we had ours on the same day...Some this so good...
There are some people in our family too who dont want this to happen and try to brainwash their children and the near ones too.
But am sure, they are the people who are either jealous, or dont wasnt some truth or realites to come out, and want not to be in our India, but in a nuclear and selfish world/family. And then some just demotivates others from such activites taking palce....
Dont heed to that, keep going, keep the tradition.....All the best...
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