1. Positive Thinking still works
• Nothing is impossible when two people are in love.
• Wrongdoers are often clever and sometimes they get away with their crookedness for a time.
• The thought is ancestor to the deed. It is the spark that ignites the action. And success or failure depends on whether that thought is positive or negative.
• Don’t decide things emotionally.
• Pray, and decide, which is thinking in its highest form. For then your thoughts are in tune with God, who sees a lot further down the road than you do.
• To sum up:
A monumental event can happen any day. Be ready for it.
Beyond positive thinking is positive believing.
A thought can ruin you. But a thought can also make you.
2. Be a Believer=Be an Achiever
• Philosopher F.W. Robertson wrote: “To believe is to be happy; to doubt is to be wretched. To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy. Belief is power. Only so far as a man believes strongly, mightily, can he act cheerfully, or do anything that is worth the doing.’
• Raise others above the standard. Tell them, “I will not let you fail.” Today all over the land, educators are raising standards, teaching accountability to their students, demanding hardwork and getting it.
• You are somebody, Never build a case against yourself.
• How to become a believer:
Unlearn being a non believer.
Say to yourself, I am going to be successful.
Have constant reiteration, constant assertion, and constant affirmation of the believing attitude.
Have the guts to take a risk.
• To sum up:
Believe in people-don’t use them.
Replace negative attitudes with constant affirmation and optimism.
Have faith that what you need will be given to you.
Get rid of low self –esteem-believe in yourself.
3. Knock the T off Can’t
• Marcus Aurelius: ‘Our life is what out thoughts make of it.’
• Gautam Buddha: ‘Mind is everything. We become what we think.’
• Professor William James: ‘The greatest discovery of my generation is that human being can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.’
• Thomas A. Edison: ‘The principal use of the body is to carry the brain around; and the brain is what we are.
• Believe that you can, you can, you can. Success is lucking in your mind, let it out. Let it come to life.
• To sum up:
We become what we thing.
Be self-confident, have faith, and persevere.
When we make our minds amendable to God’s will we can accomplish miracles.
To cancel the “I just can’t” feeling, affirm the fact “ I can, with God’s help, I can.”
And then go on and do it.
4. Do You Have What it takes to be Happy!
• Spiritual Experience
• Inner Peace
• Serenity
• Joy
• Excitement
• Struggle
• Health
• Love
• Money
5. Things may look Bad…BUT…
• Difficulties and problems can be handled if you become tougher than they are.
• To every disadvantage there ma be and usually is a corresponding advantage.
• Stop thinking only of yourself as a priority.
• Drop that ‘making it big’ goal as your great objective.
• To sum up:
Don’t ever despair. Many successes have been born from seeming failure.
Always see your assets and possibilities.
Remember the power of the three-letter word: B-U-T.
6. Get out of Yourself!• The one person who most blocks you from a full, happy and successful life is you. Yes, you yourself!
• Loud, incessant talks of people are a cover-up for the true feelings, a form of whistling in the dark.
• HOME: Helping ourselves means education.
• Each of us can expect astonishing results when we seize the opportunity to help someone else. And in the right spirit, it makes us feel good.
7. Running on EmptyIt is on the solid foundation of faith in God…the other principles must be build….
And be a success in life!
It is on the solid foundation of faith in God, the other principles must be build.
8. Turned On to a Joy-Packed LifestyleAccepting new responsibilities are difficult. But God knows, what is best for us, much more than we do….
The rewards of joy and satisfaction are well worth it.
So stop fighting the truth…and discover untold joys…..
9. Let Go of Fear and Affirm Faith
Highly respected mental health clinic: Blanton Peale Institute was established.
Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. Anxiety is the great modern plague. Only faith can save it.
When making a decision, think it out, then pray for God’s guidance, then believe, you will have the guidance, make the decision, and put it in the hands of God, and forget it.
When you keep your thoughts high and pray, for God’s guidance, that day is never far-off….
Things can be better, and not far….you would say “THINGS ARE BETTER”
10. More about the Healing Power within the mind
Incredible things can happen to anyone who mentally takes charge, constantly sending healthy thoughts circulating, vibrating and pulsating through the physical system. The general rule seems to be-and for a fact is- think right and feel right.
Condition your life so that you are able at all times and under all circumstances to preserve your tranquility and peace of mind.
Also more on this in the Health is the first of life, and Wealth is the next of life….
• To sum up:
Remember the healing power of love and forgiveness
Cultivate good will over hate and resentment
Healthy-mindedness and care for our physical well-being much work together.
11. Your Comeback Power
When things start going wrong, analyse inner conditions. A good, sharp, honest analysis will often reveal the truth. Ask ‘What am I doing to make these things happen?’
Take moves of ourselves doing the good and bad period and compare them.
‘The critical thing is self-esteem, If that’s intact, you can weather any storm.’
Be a maximize. When you want to do something that seems impossible your biggest obstacle may be a low self-esteem. If you have an inferior feeling about yourself, you are a minimizer. Never be a minimizer. Always be a maximiser! Every one has greater power than we ever realize.
The optimist almost invariably has an edge over less enthusiastic colleagues.
• To sum up:
Believe that you have it in you. Never doubt it.
Your comeback power is always there, ready to work for you when needed.
Just be a believer, a real believer
Remember this…when things go wrong, especially, this will give you courage..
12. The old, Ever New Secret of success
Each of us have a thought factory inside us. Take a look at your products. Fear, Worry, impatience, anger, doubt. Your factory is capable of taking the raw materials of experience, mingling them with faith, love courage, and compassion, and thus becoming a plant worth operating. Your thought factory should produce positive, self-confident thoughts which naturally lead to positive, successful results.
As per Henry J. Kaiser…Here are five rules to be successful:
i. Know yourself and decide what you want to make out of your life. Then write down your goals and a plan to reach them.
ii. Use the great powers you can tap through faith in God, the hidden energies of your soul and your subconscious mind.
iii. Love people and serve them.
iv. Develop positive traits of character and personality.
v. Work! Put your life’s plan into determined action. Go after what you want with all that’s in you.
The sure way to success is so simple, but it requires character, guts, persistence, the mastery of lower jobs to be ready for the better one.
Do every job well, plus think, work, study…
Change your thoughts. Open your mind to new ideas and see how your life changes for the better.
• To sum up:
Ask yourself: ‘How can I expect to succeed if I have a negative self-concept.
List your assets when you’re feeling hopeless or inadequate.
Do every job-no matter how ‘small’- with care and enthusiasm.
Go after your goal with faith-and image yourself achieving it.
13. Your Censor Knows-Trust it
Do only what you know to be right if you want to gain real happiness.
People, who think that they can have an easy, bendable moral attitude and get away with it forever, always find otherwise. Adherence to a proven moral code does not guarantee sweetness and light. But it does promise an enveloping feeling of rightness much more surely than when we bend the laws for pleasure.
Remember the story of the boy, who was afraid to pick the snake, but took it, when the snake said: ‘I will treat you differently. If you do this for me, you will be special. I will not harm you.’ The boy took the snake. And after its purpose was served, the snake bit the boy. And then said: ‘You knew what I was when you picked me up’.
There are people who stick to their words come what may. It’s just so reassuring to know that there are people in the world who are as good as their words…’
‘…..neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.’
‘Stand porter to your mind.’
14. Living is Believing-Positively
Listen to God and Obey! Life is full of hazards and traps. But if you keep yur eye on the pin and follow through with all your might, you’ll be champion at everything you do, even if you don’t win every time.
Mentally prepared to win is believing.
Thought stopping is an effective response to self-defeating thoughts and emotions. Each time a negative thought comes to mind, say Stop.
The freedom of America, the emphasis on the potential in the individuals, create a historical climate of thought in which believers thrive
How ordinary people become extraordinary is by thinking, believing, working, falling, picking themselves up, and trying again and yet again…
To every disadvantage, there is a corresponding advantage…
I Believe + I Can +I Will = I Did
• To sum up:
Belief gets results.
Belief works even under the most difficult circumstances.
The answer to difficulty is to be a believer. Believe in God. Believe in yourself.
Believe in the future. Believe that you can. Believe in people.
Believe and keep on Believing.
15. Get the Fire of Enthusiasm Burning
A person wishing to cultivate a better way of thinking may act ‘as if’ he did possess it. And if that individual continues persistently to act ‘as if’, then he or she will, in fact become as acted.
Whatever you do, keep the fire of enthusiasm burning. And remember what Thoreau said so well: ‘None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm…
Always think positively and believe enthusisastically..That’s living…
A wonderful gift from Prafoooo