Monday, November 30, 2015
Talk Less. Talk Sense.
Yet again, just after a year; time to rethink and reiterate on what was written then - Communication is the link pin of every relationship - personal or professional. We need to ask question when required, seek for help when needed, KMS - Keep our mouth shut at the appropriate time. Most important of all, know when to do what!
1. Introduction: Do not use unnecessary adjectives when introducing others. Be specific and to the point. Ensure that there are no casual remarks.
2. Feedback: Do not give unsolicited feedbacks. As a boss you are bound to give feedback to your team members. In case you have to give a negative or bad feedback, be calm, and give it in a sandwiched fashion, adding some good points and tips for improvement. So also when you take feedback. In case you do not agree, ask for clarification, don’t argue. Be polite – and you could just say – “Thank you, but No Thank you.”
3. Confidentiality: This is the most important thing to remember. Whenever someone confides in you some confidential matter, ensure that you do not discuss it with any one. Remember, even wall have ears. If you breach confidentiality, your relationship would go for a toss for ever.
4. Hierarchy: In professional life; there are no friends, only colleagues. It is important to respect hierarchy. It is good to appear to be friendly with people at all level. But in case you talk about anything negative about your direct reports to the people reporting to them, it would be of great risk. Also we should not try to ask them, what our direct reports think about us bluntly as it would create a feeling of our lack of confidence. We need to ask it in a diplomatic manner as to ‘what do you think is the feedback about me on the floor?’
5. Problem: When you need to communicate problems, remember your boss or team members would be happy to hear about probable solutions, and not just a blunt problem statement. Ensure that you have some tips to overcome a problem, when you deliver it.
If a pen is mightier than sword; action speaks louder than words. The man of few words, have lesser risk of creating enemies. Why not try to be one?
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Weight Loss Tips in 19 Simplest Ways to Lose Fat
Weight loss cannot be achieved in a day or two, it takes more time than we can imagine. It’s a process, and your body needs to adapt to the changes that you make to your routine, exercises and to your diet.
1) Get enough sleep:
Not only healthy dose of sound sleep will normalize your metabolism, which is one of the essential "ingredients" of healthy weight loss, but also, good rest will reduce your stress levels and prevent you from "emotional" eating
2) Eating more often, but smaller meals can boost your metabolism, helping you lose weight almost effortlessly.
3) Not only healthy breakfast can supply you with the boost of energy in the morning, but also, it will help to keep your hunger at bay later during the day, so that you will snack less. Go for the mix of fresh fruits, protein and whole grains, when preparing your breakfast
4) Exercising can efficiently help you to lose weight, but what can add even more of a boost to your working out routine is a good, rhythmic, energizing music.
5) Avoid drinking soda and other sugary drinks, because they are packed with plenty of calories and sugar, that you don’t even notice.
6) Reduce the size of your portions of cakes, pasteries, chapathis, doshas and rice.
7) Exercise: jogging, walking, step aerobics, swimming, bicycling, elliptical burner, dancing, zumba and house cleansing.
8) Don’t skip meals
9) A 7 days healthy diet plan can definitely help - make sure to include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains into your list.
10) Include freshly made soups into your diet
11) Using smaller plates is a psychological trick that can help you to eat less and, therefore, shed extra pounds.
12) Limiting your calorie intake can definitely help you to lose that extra weight; for this purpose you would probably need to plan all your meals in advance, based on your daily calorie needs
13) Drinking a glass of water before eating can help you feel full quicker and this, with less food.
14) First of all, never go grocery shopping hungry. Second, avoid going to those areas of the grocery store, where you can be tempted to buy cookies, chips, ice-creams, sodas, pizzas and other unhealthy, fattening and processed foods.
15) Going to restaurants on a regular basis can tremendously increase your weight, therefore, try to cut down on restaurants or be prepared to make healthier choices when you order: chose lean meat or fish with a salad, instead of pasta or pizza, and have a fruit salad for dessert, instead of an ice-cream or a cake.
16) If you feel hungry between your meals, snack on fresh fruits, berries and fresh vegetables. These healthy snacks will help boost your metabolism and nourish your body with vitamins, healthy nutrients and fiber, helping you lose weight the healthy way.
17) Water is a very important “ingredient” of healthy weight loss, not only it can help boost your metabolism, but also, water can provide you with the feeling of full stomach. Often, when we feel hungry, we are, actually, thirsty. Therefore, make sure to drink, at least, 8 glasses of water every day, especially, if you are serious about shedding those extra pounds.
18) Stop eating at least 3-4 hours before going to sleep.
19) Weigh yourself every 3 days (but don’t do it too often though), it will help you to monitor your weight loss and stay motivated.
Stay beautiful and treasure yourself!
5 Lessons from Aisha
What a way to start a sunday - Listening to an aweinspiring video talk by Aisha Chaudhry, daughter of Niren Chaudhry who heads YUM Restaurants in India (parent compan that owns brands like Pizza, Hut, KFC & Tacobell) Aisha passed away at teh age of 18. Sad but hugely inspiring story of her life can be heard at
Due to illness, life full of challenges, she would feel like she was in the middle of a shipwreck.
1. Believe in Miracles - Good things that are unlikely to happen. Believe in them, and they will happen.
2. Always live in the moment - Think of the things that you could do & do the things you can. Don't keep worrying of the things you can't do.
3. In every difficulty one can always find an opportunity - Enjoy that.
4. Never forget to dream - The power of the mind is limitless - All things happen twice, ones in the mind, and ones in reality.
5. If everything else fails, get a dog.
There is always someting in life to be grateful for. My soul would not have rainbows if my eyes did not have tears.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
What is Wrong with the World?
As we have more, we want more. Or else how could we describe what is wrong with the world?
“Three-BHK flat Sheena ko mil gaya hai,” were the first words that Indrani Mukherjee uttered after murdering her 24-year-old daughter Sheena Bora in cold blood.
Was Aarushi murdered by her parents?
What is the real story behind Diana's murder?
Incidents like rape, murder, riots, have become part and parcel of most of the society. 'God's own Country' is also not spared.
Soumya, a 23-year-old woman commuter of Ernakulam-Shoranur passenger train (56608) found in an unconscious state in woods near the Vallathol Nagar Railway Station on February 1 between 9-30 p.m. and 10 p.m. She succumbed to injuries at the Thrissur Government Medical College Hospital on February 6 around 3 p.m. On February 3, the police took into custody Govindachamy, 30, of Virudhachalam in Cuddalore. According to the prosecution, he tried to rob Soumya in the women’s compartment, smashed her head against the wall when she resisted, pushed her hands into the gap of a closing door and threw her out of the train. He jumped out of the speeding train, walked 200 metres to find her lying in a pool of blood. He carried her to woods near the rail track and raped her.
Is this the truth?
Can rich buy anything?
All this in a span of 6 hours.. Across the globe:
Lebanon: Twin suicide bombing, about 30 killed, few injured.
Paris: Under attack, explosions, at least 26 dead, 60 held hostage.
Japan: Powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake has struck off the South West cost of Japan, a Tsunami warning.
Baghdad: 18 people killed, 41 injured, in suicide bomb attack on funeral.
Heavy rain in places which has scanty rainfall - with no name or chance of stopping.
No we cannot buy everything. If at all people would realise this. Our mother earth has sufficient for all, if at all, we would realise it. If at all we would understand and enjoy living in the borderless world, and really do so in peace.
Though was brought up in a small flat, in a metro; we always had some or the other members from our extended family with us; in our nuclear family; and with father always telling us stories of his childhood, and mother wanting to visit her parents and native land; it was my childhood dream to find a job in our native land when grown up. It was a time when there were not many job opportunities in Kerala, and people used to go out of Kerala in search of job. When my mother would ask me how will I find a job in Kerala, I would say, somebody has promised me. She was pussled and wanted to know who it was? On lot of persistence - I finally would say, well 'G' has promised me. So the discussion would continue on who the 'G' was.
Our family was large, both on my father and mothers side.
My father had 7 siblings, he had brothers - one elder and one younger than him, and 5 sisters - 2 elder and 3 younger than him. Between them they had 21 children. His youngest sister, and elder sisters daughter were almost of the same age. My mother with her 4 siblings - was the first to have child in her family; so I was the darling of my maternal grandparents. Especially on my mother’s side my grandmother was very close to her eight siblings, and therefore with her. Their father had passed away when they were young, and it was their mother, who had no siblings, brought them up. They were very closely netted family. Between my grandfather and his three siblings, there were again many relatives who lived around their small house. My normally stern grandfather, was a terror but very loving. So also my Paternal grandparents. Very interesting. My grandfather had his siblings in Ernakulam, and he worked in forest. While grandmother had acres of land. It was fun to go around the places, litting dried coconut leaves.
Not from a very rich family, we had our tough times, but days went on, with fights and reconcilations being part of daily life. With passing time, we moved to Kerala. I completed my studies, and got a job in 'God's own Country', as desired.
But saw the huge families drifting apart. Now as I do not have any of my grandparents around, and even my father I ponder on the life gone by. About the Child who did not have time or interest to have food with his mother even once during her last 10 years, but was there to conduct all her last rituals, of a brother who had to die in an orphanage, and another who was drawned in the village pond. Were these something avoidable?
Why blame others for misunderstandings and quarrels? Cancer is in the body and mind...For the India and Pakistan quarrell is England to be blamed? Is this what I really wanted? What could be done by one singe soul? What is the goal that I could find?
Life Lesson : From Living Abroad Alone!
Travel had always fancied me, but it was always with someone for company during international travells, though in India; I had traveled alone. This year, had the privelage of doing that as well.
Living abroad is going to make you a little more confident and a little less fearful. And if you get a chance to live that life, go for it.
Living abroad teaches you to appreciate what you had back home.You like the fact that India is probably cheaper and you have endless support there. (You might miss the food, but not me).
You will walk on empty roads, fall in love with a local, read a book under the sun, dress up differently. You’ll do things you have never done before.
You will be cautious of your bank balance. You will learn to do everything on your own.
You will stop cribbing about little things. You'll become wise and humble. You will get rid of unreasonable ideas. Most of all, you'll become realistic.
You will know what it feels like to kiss on a street and not have people stare at you. You might want to have someone with you. But Solitude is also addictive. Once you see how peaceful it is , you don't want to deal with people.
You might, just want to come back; or might never want to come back or might want to shuttle. Whatever you feel, you do learn few life lessons, when you are alone, abroad.
Joby Mathew : An inspiring Life
Joby Mathew...great to read about you and privileged to have a friend like you...keep achieving new heights. Having worked as the Guest Relations office at Veegaland, aiming to qualify as an IAS officer, today we have him a physically challenged person by birth with 60% disabilities, a height of only 3 feet 5 inches and severely under-developed legs, which is a condition caused by Proximal Fimoral Focal Deficiency PFFD, has won medals at multiple international events. Various events that he has won medals at both general category and disabled category include arm wrestling, fencing, athletics, and body building
He is blessed with a lovely family - wife a professional dancer and two sons. Joby, who works for the Bharat Petroleum Corporation as a sports trainer.
He has been driving all across in his specillay designed Santro.
He is blessed with a lovely family - wife a professional dancer and two sons. Joby, who works for the Bharat Petroleum Corporation as a sports trainer.
He has been driving all across in his specillay designed Santro.
P - with the alphabet is all you need!
Pappu, Pappa, Parent,
Pant, Panther, Pantaloons,
Personality, Psychopathy, Post,
Piano, Prince, Princess,
Play, Parasail,paraglide,
Print, Pun, Politics,
Projects, President, Preside,
Preserve, Persevere, Perspire,
Pardon, Pals, Put,
Pretend, Pacific, Pacifier,
Paid, Paijamas, Paint,
Panic, Pale, Pail,
Planning, Pageant, Paris,
Passport, Peppers, Patio,
Paddling, Paradise, Party,
Penguine, Pansies, Protect,
Pen, Page, Press,
Potty, Penetrate, Personify,
Park, Partridges, Patter,
Pace, Perform, Pressure,
Pancakes, Porridge, Pork,
Pear, Pagoda, Pie,
Pooped, Perfect, Purple,
Pumpkins, Pig, Puffy,
Parrot, plump, pear,
Pink, Posies, Pretty,
Priya, Playmate, Publish,
Pot, Puppies, Play!
Pray, Prayer, Peace!!!
Pant, Panther, Pantaloons,
Personality, Psychopathy, Post,
Piano, Prince, Princess,
Play, Parasail,paraglide,
Print, Pun, Politics,
Projects, President, Preside,
Preserve, Persevere, Perspire,
Pardon, Pals, Put,
Pretend, Pacific, Pacifier,
Paid, Paijamas, Paint,
Panic, Pale, Pail,
Planning, Pageant, Paris,
Passport, Peppers, Patio,
Paddling, Paradise, Party,
Penguine, Pansies, Protect,
Pen, Page, Press,
Potty, Penetrate, Personify,
Park, Partridges, Patter,
Pace, Perform, Pressure,
Pancakes, Porridge, Pork,
Pear, Pagoda, Pie,
Pooped, Perfect, Purple,
Pumpkins, Pig, Puffy,
Parrot, plump, pear,
Pink, Posies, Pretty,
Priya, Playmate, Publish,
Pot, Puppies, Play!
Pray, Prayer, Peace!!!
While your eyes speak volumes of how you feel, the very shape of our eyes can reveal a lot about you?
“Eyes are the windows to the soul…” The face is the portrait of the mind, the eyes-its informer
1. If your eyes are bigger than the rest of your facial features, you have big eyes. They not only look appealing but also are the mark of someone who is receptive to the conscious and subconscious. You have an open mind and approachable personality. It is easy to open up to people like these. They are warm and welcoming.
2. If your eyes are samll You are precise and love details and observant and love to gain expertise over matters that interest you. You are farsighted and focused. You don’t trust people easily and can often be misunderstood as cold and arrogant.
3. Almond eye shape looks exotic and holds deep mystery and appeal. You are warm and compassionate, but you keep your cool and don’t let emotions out of control. You stay composed and attentive at most times.
4. People with Round eyes are very creative and artsy. You stay lost in imagination and have Strong ideologies. You are dreamy and moody and can border on impracticality. You often get carried away by your emotions and find it tough to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Your charm is such that even though you can hurt people with your sharp tongue, they are attracted to you again.
5. People who have close set eyes are staunch believers in customs, history and traditions. They respect the old world beliefs and can sometimes be very stubborn. They are focused and hard working but can be very resistant, even stressed because of even little changes in their lives
6. Peope with wide set eye are extremely adventurous and experimental. You love trying out the latest trends, be it fashion or lifestyle. You love freedom and cannot easily stick to a routine. You find love and success in areas where there is a lot of freedom and liberty allowed.
7. If you have deep set eyes that seem to be a bit sunken, you are intense and captivating. You are passionate and romantic and have great analyzing skills. You like to keep things private and are a keen observer.
8. People with eyes that bulge out a little like to stay protected in a circle of close friends. They are sensitive but very approachable. They love meeting new people and are warm. However, they get worried easily and stay stressed. Pessimism is also one of their negative traits.
9. People with upward slanting eye/Cat eye are Ambitious and witty, determined and focused. You like to achieve what you have set your eyes on! Your company is fun and interesting as you are a great conversationalist, but people may see you as an opportunist and maybe slightly selfish.
10. People with downward slanting eye have a closed circle of friends, you don’t trust easily and can get pessimistic. Your self-confidence is dwindling and is easily dominated. You can’t say NO easily and can get very needy and brooding. However, you make friends for a lifetime.
Search deeper and the biggest mysteries of mankind will unravel themselves for you!
This blog ‘What does the shape of your eyes say about your personality?‘ was originally published on LimeRoad Blog.
“Eyes are the windows to the soul…” The face is the portrait of the mind, the eyes-its informer
1. If your eyes are bigger than the rest of your facial features, you have big eyes. They not only look appealing but also are the mark of someone who is receptive to the conscious and subconscious. You have an open mind and approachable personality. It is easy to open up to people like these. They are warm and welcoming.
2. If your eyes are samll You are precise and love details and observant and love to gain expertise over matters that interest you. You are farsighted and focused. You don’t trust people easily and can often be misunderstood as cold and arrogant.
3. Almond eye shape looks exotic and holds deep mystery and appeal. You are warm and compassionate, but you keep your cool and don’t let emotions out of control. You stay composed and attentive at most times.
4. People with Round eyes are very creative and artsy. You stay lost in imagination and have Strong ideologies. You are dreamy and moody and can border on impracticality. You often get carried away by your emotions and find it tough to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Your charm is such that even though you can hurt people with your sharp tongue, they are attracted to you again.
5. People who have close set eyes are staunch believers in customs, history and traditions. They respect the old world beliefs and can sometimes be very stubborn. They are focused and hard working but can be very resistant, even stressed because of even little changes in their lives
6. Peope with wide set eye are extremely adventurous and experimental. You love trying out the latest trends, be it fashion or lifestyle. You love freedom and cannot easily stick to a routine. You find love and success in areas where there is a lot of freedom and liberty allowed.
7. If you have deep set eyes that seem to be a bit sunken, you are intense and captivating. You are passionate and romantic and have great analyzing skills. You like to keep things private and are a keen observer.
8. People with eyes that bulge out a little like to stay protected in a circle of close friends. They are sensitive but very approachable. They love meeting new people and are warm. However, they get worried easily and stay stressed. Pessimism is also one of their negative traits.
9. People with upward slanting eye/Cat eye are Ambitious and witty, determined and focused. You like to achieve what you have set your eyes on! Your company is fun and interesting as you are a great conversationalist, but people may see you as an opportunist and maybe slightly selfish.
10. People with downward slanting eye have a closed circle of friends, you don’t trust easily and can get pessimistic. Your self-confidence is dwindling and is easily dominated. You can’t say NO easily and can get very needy and brooding. However, you make friends for a lifetime.
Search deeper and the biggest mysteries of mankind will unravel themselves for you!
This blog ‘What does the shape of your eyes say about your personality?‘ was originally published on LimeRoad Blog.
My First English Movie in the theater: SPECTRE
The 24th movie of the James Bond series, and my first ever English movie - that I had been watching in a theater - Is'nt that a good choice. That too at mid-night. Is it me?
Well, I had been travelling across Mexico’s famed Day of the Dead parade, Rome’s cobbled streets, Swiss Alps, dreamy Tangier and to a lit-up London (just reminding me of being there a couple of months before - Westminister Bridge - and I did walk over that, at mid night, viewing the wonderfully lit London city). Wanting me to go to the Himalayas and the Thar deserts of Rajasthan even more...Movie takes us through all the past Bond movies, the pretty ladies, villains, and the cars....retuned in 'One piece'. An all inclusive recaping Bond movie and a softer Daniel Craig. In Spectre, there is the introduction of a personal history element to Bond, rumoured to be his last film. Dr Swann (Lea Seydoux) is more sugar than spice, unlike the other Bond girls.
The James Bond series focuses on a fictional British Secret Service agent created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who featured him in twelve novels and two short-story collections. Since Fleming's death in 1964, eight other authors have written authorised Bond novels or novelizations. This have been made movies as well beginning with Sean Connery, and going through George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, James Bond movies,
It all began with 'Dr. No' which was the first 007 film produced by EON Productions. Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the death of MI6 agent John Strangways. He finds his way to Crab Key island, where the mysterious Dr. No awaits. Also was born, the series of Bond Girl beginning with Honey Ryder and her breath taking entry, unforgettable.
This film also introduced the criminal organisation SPECTRE, which would also appear in several subsequent films.
James Bond followers know that Specter is not new. In the 4th movie, Thunderball, Emilio Largo, the Number 2 at SPECTRE, has stolen two nuclear warheads. He threatens to destroy a city in the United States and England unless a large ransom is paid. Bond is sent to the Bahamas to investigate.
James Bond films are known for their iconic theme songs. From the twanging guitar of the original instrumental theme, to Shirley Bassey's strong vocals, many of the songs have been successes in their own rights. Even this one had a charm of its own. But nothing to beat the original.
Well, I had been travelling across Mexico’s famed Day of the Dead parade, Rome’s cobbled streets, Swiss Alps, dreamy Tangier and to a lit-up London (just reminding me of being there a couple of months before - Westminister Bridge - and I did walk over that, at mid night, viewing the wonderfully lit London city). Wanting me to go to the Himalayas and the Thar deserts of Rajasthan even more...Movie takes us through all the past Bond movies, the pretty ladies, villains, and the cars....retuned in 'One piece'. An all inclusive recaping Bond movie and a softer Daniel Craig. In Spectre, there is the introduction of a personal history element to Bond, rumoured to be his last film. Dr Swann (Lea Seydoux) is more sugar than spice, unlike the other Bond girls.
The James Bond series focuses on a fictional British Secret Service agent created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who featured him in twelve novels and two short-story collections. Since Fleming's death in 1964, eight other authors have written authorised Bond novels or novelizations. This have been made movies as well beginning with Sean Connery, and going through George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, James Bond movies,
It all began with 'Dr. No' which was the first 007 film produced by EON Productions. Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the death of MI6 agent John Strangways. He finds his way to Crab Key island, where the mysterious Dr. No awaits. Also was born, the series of Bond Girl beginning with Honey Ryder and her breath taking entry, unforgettable.
This film also introduced the criminal organisation SPECTRE, which would also appear in several subsequent films.
James Bond followers know that Specter is not new. In the 4th movie, Thunderball, Emilio Largo, the Number 2 at SPECTRE, has stolen two nuclear warheads. He threatens to destroy a city in the United States and England unless a large ransom is paid. Bond is sent to the Bahamas to investigate.
James Bond films are known for their iconic theme songs. From the twanging guitar of the original instrumental theme, to Shirley Bassey's strong vocals, many of the songs have been successes in their own rights. Even this one had a charm of its own. But nothing to beat the original.
Sunday, November 08, 2015
Rani Padmini

Nothing much in the script, but Rani Padmini brings into light, how wonderful our country is...You need not travell outside India, to view snow cladded mountains and beautiful peaks.The movie is about Padmini & Rani's adventurous journey through the northern India and the scenic locations. Padmini a traditional girl from Kerala moves to Delhi after getting married and meets tomboyish Rani in the bus, when she is on her way to find her husband Giri who is participating in a car rally in Himalaya.
The "flying" moments of Rani and Padmini with their wet eyes show how happy one can be with a pinch of freedom in their life. Somewhere the movie has traces of 'Queen' as well. If you watch it with too much of expectation, there is nothing much in it,but if you would love to view the locations, go for it.
It definitely took me to Delhi and Schliersee Germany.
Songs are soothing - not many.
01. Varu Pokaam Parakkaam
02. Oru Makaranilavay
03. Puthu Puthu
04. Mizhimalarukal

The Child artists- though only in the first song, were awesome, and so were Ramesh & Suresh.
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

His problem is Colonel Cathcart, who keeps raising the number of missions the men must fly to complete their service. Yet if Yossarian makes any attempts to excuse himself from the perilous missions that he's committed to flying, he's trapped by the Great Loyalty Oath Crusade, the bureaucratic rule from which the book takes its title: a man is considered insane if he willingly continues to fly dangerous combat missions, but if he makes the necessary formal request to be relieved of such missions, the very act of making the request proves that he's sane and therefore ineligible to be relieved.
Yossarian is furious that his life is in constant danger through no fault of his own. He has a strong desire to live and is determined to be immortal or die trying. As a result, he spends a great deal of his time in the hospital, faking various illnesses in order to avoid the war. Yossarian is placed in ridiculous, absurd, desperate, and tragic circumstances—he sees friends die and disappear, his squadron get bombed by its own mess officer, and colonels and generals volunteer their men for the most perilous battle in order to enhance their own reputations.
Catch-22 can be found in the novel throughout the characters’ stories, —for instance, the ability of the powerful officer Milo Minderbinder to make great sums of money by trading among the companies that he himself owns.
A number of secondary stories unfold around Yossarian. His friend Nately falls in love with a whore from Rome and woos her constantly, despite her continued indifference.When Yossarian brings her the bad news of Nately's death, she blames him for Nately’s death and tries to stab him every time she sees him thereafter.
The novel draws to a close as Yossarian, troubled by Nately’s death, refuses to fly any more missions. He wanders the streets of Rome, encountering every kind of human horror—rape, disease, murder. He is eventually arrested for being in Rome without a pass, and his superior officers, Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn, offer him a choice. He can either face a court-martial or be released and sent home with an honorable discharge. There is only one condition: in order to be released, he must approve of Cathcart and Korn and state his support for their policy, which requires all the men in the squadron to fly eighty missions. Although he is tempted by the offer, Yossarian realizes that to comply would be to endanger the lives of other innocent men. He chooses another way out, deciding to desert the army and flee to neutral Sweden. In doing so, he turns his back on the dehumanizing machinery of the military, rejects the rule of Catch-22, and strives to gain control of his own life.
A concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that are real and immediate is the process of a rational mind.
In addition to the theme of sanity in insane world, two of the other main themes of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 are its obvious anti-war messages and its view of heroes and heroism. Cowards become heroes (Aarfy, Milo Minderbinder) and heroes are labeled as cowards.
Probably the best examples of Heller's anti-war stance come when Orr finally succeeds in bailing out and sailing away; and when Yossarian discovers Orr's success and decides to try to duplicate the feat. Persevere and Perspire to achieve what you want.
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