Monday, August 20, 2018

Kerala Flood

Last few days was so engrossing...forgot the death of the legendary Ex-PM. As a child my sis was Nick named after him Vajpayee. Born 1924 died 2018. And what a coincidence...both the years, after the same span; Kerala witnesses two disastrous flood. - Discovered by Sangeeta Gopinathan

Dams being open; heavy rains/depression/pressure; landslides all happening together. First with warning/making us a fool and reoccurring with greater intensity.

Thanks to one and all who withstood the tough time, who had been supporting the people here in whatever way. Indeed small drops made mighty ocean; first creating flood and with rescue measures. Thanks to social media for being one of the control rooms to deal the natural calamity. A big salute to all my brothers and sisters who are standing firmly with Kerala The Defence, The DMS, The Fishermen community Who were amazing, The KSEB; The mobile network providers; The police; The innumerable social workers and charitable organisations from across the globe and the budding youth community both from office, in and around and every nook and corner you guys prove that future is in safe hands. For countries across the globe for aiding funds to rebuild the shattered dreams. Thanks all for working tirelessly to support kerala to stand. Thank you ...

Have been meeting, discussing with people and understand what we need is proper distribution, at some places we have surplus while others don't get. We need to ensure funds reach the right people. We have work force from other states who have no one to support but every measure is taken to ensure that they reach their home town; there are people from effected areas who take their loved ones outside of the places. One need to ensure that they do not return untill places and things are sanitized. I know it is tough to hold back. Everything is contaminated and we would be short of fresh water; provisions; garments; carpentars; electricians; doctors. Pray there is no outbreak of epidemic. What we need is that. Volunteers for that please and let's pray that funds are used to reward them too generously. Apparently, some people have disappeared from camps and other places in the aftermath of the floods. Theses are highly suspicious linked to human trafficking. Most people, might be of poor families and might have been abducted with promises of money and other things to rebuild their homes. We need to find them. Majority of the people effected are from well to do families who have lost millions and many are with ego unwilling to accept help or take used items, though not all. Also like every place there would be the not effected ones trying to claim and get things. Every place and people are different. But there is a huge task ahead of building the state back. My heart goes out to one and all who is helping to do it. As I keep praying Heartfelt....Gratitude...Love......And overwhelming emotions....Thank you.... Forever Grateful...A time of Divine Interventions.

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