Lord it is so hard for me to see all the thoughts and plans you have for me, but I will put my trust in you knowing that you need to set me free…..
Had the opportunity to be once again in Chennai- Living the home away from home, hostel Ashyana in Kakkanad…and the wonderful opportunities, was back to Mylapore, presumably the selected role, in the stage of world with Jayasree, Krishna Thara and me, all elder daughters from families of two girls.
At that juncture two things were in my mind, the Tamil movie, 12B and The road not taken….
At prime we were not being taught but groomed…so teaching were not confined to the usual subjects but even beyond…
Inspiring words were inscribed like:
Ø Even Einstein asked questions.
Ø Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.
Ø Words have a little life of their own, think before you speak…
Though the classes are over still few words echo in our ears.
1. Catch up with events like blood donation annually.
2. Visit orphanage, old age home, and govt. hospital at least once a year. Share their sorrows. Take care of your own ones and others too. Don’t be like those, who once married forget their parents. Take up responsibilities.
3. At home give others (underprivileged) the opportunity to enjoy what you have.
4. SMOKING??? Keep burning Rs. 3/- why do you hurt two souls?? During corporate meetings you have to run to the toilet often, and hide it when others come in front of you. So many times you burn this money, when there is so many in need of the same.
5. When you are demotivated remember, people are remembered not for trying to hit the target but for hitting the target. Performances are rewarded.
6. Career is branded; it is build brick by brick. In the profession opportunities are unlimited. You need to keep your image high. Act with ethics.
7. Speed matters a lot, in all walk of your life, be it exam or otherwise.
8. 8 paper – 8 battle – 1 war; 1 paper- 6questions- 1 war. No matter you loose one or two battles important is winning the war. Your maturity is in doing others even if you have messed up with one and not giving up.
9. If you have failed earlier, it is because of reasons specific to you, others need not understand that. Don’t allow past to affect you. Failure teaches you much more in life.
10. Have courage to accept criticism, become strong.
11. Never think, as soon as you pass, education is over.No. There are dramatic changes happening around you. Pick up additional courses.
12. Build up a quality of finishing up things… Execute. Don’t be just a starter.
1. Rule 3+5 (working+Holiday) hours Read daily.
2. Do not omit any portion.
3. Specialize in 1 or 2 subjects
4. Do not divert you attention, concentrate.
5. Have confidence.
6. Concentrate on one book. By continuous reading, in exam the page will come in front of your eyes.
PATTABHIRAM – ‘Please take down this for whatever be its worth.’ Free flowing teaching…Incredible, unbelievable…
Their inspiring books like Advantage CA, and Getting the best out of college is simply wonderful…
1. Many things will look important now, two years from today; it will be of least importance. Nothing matters; in life there are things far more important. Even if you take the case of Rank holders, top 10- 15 ranks really do make a difference, for others, the day would make difference.
2. In life it is not important how you do in comparison with others, the minute you stop doing this you will be happy. Comparison should be with you. Constant benchmark should be yourself.
3. When you do something no need to be aggressive. Every work that you do, understand and do. Practice. Organizations will recognize you. If you don’t appreciate the trade off, things won’t work.
L. SIVAKUMAR – Simple living and high thinking….
1. Have patience and passion to learn new things. What we know is only handful, don’t be demotivated.
2. If you ask someone who know, they will say ‘ YOU DON’T KNOW EVEN THIS’ and others may really don’t know. Establish contacts, clear doubts.
3. Don’t over do. Meditation is continuous concentration.
4. Having applied for the exam, sacrifice and take care of your health.
5. Having applied for exam, don’t give up, go and write. Even though you feel you don’t know, you go and write the exam.
1. Habits die hard, take away H a bit remains, take a bit remains, take b it remains…..
2. Exam links: R-Reading, C-Comprehension, R-Retention, E-Expression.
3. Face is the indicator of mind.
4. ‘I can do it’- Confidence; ‘I only can do it’- arrogance.
5. For success, have vision, dedication and plan for next step.
6. Be a trendsetter and not a trend follower, booming industry today are hotel, airports and shipping.
7. Difference between obstacles and opportunities is attitude.
8. Non-understanding leads to misunderstanding.
9. In life always communication should be complete.
10. Where to invest:
i. ‘S’ –Safety FD
ii. ‘L’-Liquidity FD
iii. ‘R’-Return Mutual Fund.
iv. ‘E’ in MV- Erosion in money value – Gold, real estate.
Introductory day… At Mylapore fine arts club began with…
Future belongs to those who dream…..
1. Sincere, straightforward, hardwork. Confidence…
2. Decide what to study and what not to study…..
3. WWW/WWW – Know what went wrong and what will work……
4. Believe in yourself and not luck….
Neena Johns…Inspiring talk…
India is shining are your ready for it????
Macro view…LPG- Liberalization, Privatization and Globalizations….
1st only back office – now more than that…Intellectual labour- voice mailing
KPO- Knowledge process Outsourcing…
What do Employers look for??
KSA- Knowledge, Skill and Attitude…
Skills needed are: Literacy, numerical/Analytical; communication and Emotional…
Organizations are only as good as employees….
Personally Ethics are important, Lack of corporate ethics has brought about events like Enron and world com…
The illiterate of this century is one who cannot learn…do not keep pace. You will be on a wayside….
What India has gained today is due to large English speaking population…
You need to invest in yourself…nobody else can do that…
Learn more than what is in the syllabus…
Who are the leaders in photography?? No more Nikon, Fuji or Kodak…Now all use Nokia, Samsung, Motorola…
Invest 3% on your income in studies…Build the bridge, but talking in knowledgeable language….
Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude….
Start studying for yourself….
World is competing at personal level, corporate level and national level.
Face next tryst with destiny…
Only you can do it. Get ready, invest in yourself…
On 1st Feb 2007, MR. BADRINATH, Ex student of Prime and present Vice President of Citi Bank….One shot to getting a rank is joining Prime Academy….
In comparison to MBA this course is more about performance and not perception…
Indian market is now just at a Nascent stage…there are wide variety of products yet to be introduced like range approvals, reverse debts, and market peak…..
Talk on what to expect and what is expected from us….
Future is in Bright hands…
Insight into global happenings:
World has seen fast change today…..the change in last 100 years is more than the changes in last 2000 years….
Russians conversion from communist to capitalist was difficult, In Germany everything was fantastic but today you find pesimisam there….
US have got the wonderful culture of reinvesting. Now due to outsourcing though the usual jobs have come down, and there was a trend for joblessness, they are into research….
In general Earth today is a better place, the only dark spot seems to be Africa…
India- 9% growth in real term GDP.
Most important is aspiration, confidence, vision, the ability to execute………
1. Inflation: 2% GDP – 350 billion dollar required or 8% will become 6% Need to vote for people who will do….
2. Education:
3. UPA Govt: Inclusive growth: Means need for rural growth…Engines and Wagons speed should be same.
Need a pull and push factor…Get three things right…
Ø Labor reform
Ø Difference between haves and have-nots.-
Ø Problem of health care..
Lessons to be learnt by You and me……
Ability to say ‘no’ when you see wrong.
Not getting tempted when you see wrong.
CA is the first real test of hardwork. The most critical factor for success is hardwork. No one has succeeded successively, over a long period without success. Past karma will give only temporary success…
Learn to respect other peoples view. Whether it be seniors, juniors or other team members, or people will not respect your views. It is said give respect and take respect.
Adjust and take others with you…career is a marathon…. We need ENERGY for the next forty years plus enthusiasm.
5. SMILE & ENTHUSIASM are the two qualities needed even when things go wrong and are not in your way.
6.We need to have the COURAGE of a warrior…
Ø To overcome doubts
Ø To find solutions
It is not important as to how many times you fall but how and how quickly you get up is what matters… and for it Courage should come from within…. That is the true and self-motivation needed if you want to win.
· Learn to say no…
· Make changes when required.
Have a winning culture…Winning culture is the real sustainable, competitive advantage.
7. SACRIFICE: Road to success is lonely; we need to pay price in blood. There are no substitutes, no shortcuts. We need to go mentally beyond the pain barriers. Top place is only for one person; we need to overcome self-doubts and make decisions.
Be a nice person a good human being, whether or not you are successful. If you reach the top remember, today you are there, tomorrow somebody else will be there. This too will pass away.
Do make God a part of your daily life. Without Gods grace nothing is possible.
Life is a process of continuous learning…. Life is the greatest teacher. We learn not from our experience alone but also from that of others. Therefore there is still much more to learn, as there are miles to go before I sleep…It is like sports, you don’t know who will be the winner or looser, you need sportsmanship, and need to play hard.
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