Monday, March 18, 2024

Choice, Change

Hate has 4 letters…

…But so does love. 

Enemies has 7 letters…

…But so does friends.

Lying has 5 letters…

…But so does truth.

Failure has 7 letters…

…But so does success.

Sad has 3 letters…

…But so does joy. 

Negativity has 10 letters…

…But so does positivity. 

As you go through your week this week you will be faced with all kinds of challenges. 

Some might be really small. 

But others might push you to the edge.

You have zero control over the random things that happen in life. 

All you can control are your thoughts and your actions. 

You ALWAYS have a choice on how you respond.

You ALWAYS have a choice on how you choose to think about something/ someone.  

The question is what are you choosing every day?? 

What you focus on the most will usually determine what you get more of in your life. 

When you start to own your choices and change your focus, you’ll start to own your life and change in ways you never thought possible. 

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