Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Folded Earth - Anuradha Roy

After the death of Michael on one of his mountaineering expedition, Maya abandons their Hyderabad home and the Deccan to move to Ranikhet, in Himalayas. Maya's father wanted her to be an industrialist and had not approved of her relationship with Michael, so she had left her house with her mother's blessings. 

At Ranikhet she is a tenant at Diwan Sahebs home, where she also meets Charu her grandmother called Ama, and Diwans main visitor Veer. Maya takes up a job in a pickle factory along with her job at school. When there she gets to know that her mother passed away, She keeps dreaming about water body with skillsk in it.  Charu leaves the house and Diwan Saheb dies. That is the first death Maya witnesses and soon after the truth of Veer is unfolded. 

Twice Maya mentions what it would be like if she was inside out. Once it's flood and drought, and then it's Frost and hailstone.

(especially with reference to songs or poetry) a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian temperament.

For some it is the mountains, For some the waves, For some the sand dunes.

They all move up and down. Like Life!

May be that is why people are fascinated about one or all of them, reminding them of life's reality? These thoughts lead me to 37 of 2020, The Folded Earth by Anuradha Roy.

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