Saturday, October 05, 2024

Enlightenment - Ekam - Sri Krishnaji


On 2nd October could attend the Enlightenment session by Sri Krishnaji chanting Humsa, soham, Ekam,  MC was Dr. Harsha.

She said March 7th. World oneness day told about Shakti Kshetra, Lokha Krishna, Lokha foundation,  Krishnapuram. Dr Rajeev took us through Soul sync meditation 🧘‍♀️ from Relaxation to expansion, eventually taking us to Ekam- oneness.

Krishnaji through Deeksha meditation helps in Enlightenment and transformation

Was blessed to meet and listen to  Devan Ramachandran, after lightning of the lamp.

Programme started with cultural events like  Kalaripaitu,  Mohiniattam, Katakali, a very beautiful dance depicting various art forms of Kerala.

Peace is not about worrying about past or future, but is about present.  One of the most beautiful state we can be in is that of peace. Today peace is very important especially when we speak about war between Israel and Iran. This war should not escalate. We can create a strong intention. One minute intention.  Solution is we in us. Address not from Anger, fear or verupu.  But from peace.

Enlightenment is not lifestyle but innerstate.  When your interstate change world changes. We are in Oneness age. Agriculture,  Industrial, computer,  AI Age -  4 of these external ages- we are working on internal  oneness age. We are working on transforming the inner age.  When small phase of the population change whole population will change. Target is 80k people.

There was the release of the Malayalam version of the book.

What is important? Happiness, fulfillment and peace is what all want. Oneness Path:

1. Become Conscious.  OF YOUR thoughts, actions an how its impacting others. Today most of the world is unconscious.  Are we conscious of the consequences of our act on others?

2. Awareness - understand what our state is when we interact with others. All of us have only two states

1. Suffering  state- Anger, fear, .......

2. Beautiful : Love, peace, courage, gratitude

We are in either of these two states. There is no third state. What is the state you are speaking in.

Learn to live in a beautiful state

3. Transformation - Heart is comming alive.
Where you are actually present.

When we are in suffering state we make others too suffer. We have three brains all three connected  - head, heart and gut.  Neurons are dead when we are in suffering state our heart is dead. Transformation is when you are able to think of others and help others.

🐜 Ants follow line - human being while driving, why do we not follow the line? We have heat attack every 5 minutes. Studied ants who go in line. Because they are together s one family and not selfish. We don't worry about others, we want to be first. We should be fully available for family.

 4. Awakening
 Now feeling expanded is the state of awareness. Heart expanding for mother earth and not for self alone. That state is unbelievable beautiful.

5. Enlightenment
Oneness - Transcend all forms of division that exist. To realise we are all one. We don't exist without our relationship. Whatever you pray will be answered. Whether it is for you or others. We get stressed today, we need to be in a state, where nothing can impact you. Understand if you want anything,  your state has to be a beautiful state. Without a beautiful state, your life cannot be beautiful. We need a beautiful,  joyful life

For this we have a process, then the journey of teacher - Deeksha process:

Sit straight with eyes closed.

1. Dharana - Panchabutha - Embody what is told to you - Earth, fire, air, water, sky - touch different part of body. - end top of head, crown chakra

2. Chant mantra - I am the divine, divine is me, we are one. Humsa,  Soham,  Ekam

3. Cyclic breathing -  Parikrama Pranayama

Breath deeply inward and exhale immediately without any gap.

 Important is no gap.

This will go in loops.

4. Kundalini dormant in muladharachskra, rise and go to shirishdarachakra, when all these happen you are ready to get deeksha.

Your mind will change and you will experience great peace that you will take home.

Not about past or future. Let peace enter you
Health, wealth,  relationships,  divine blessings.

Many attended the event

There was welcome to attending Oneness program.  Become enlightened.

 Impact your family & world

Met Kannan G Kalakaran, Sheeba and Kishore

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