Wednesday, January 01, 2020

2020 - Another Year/Decade

365/366 days, 12 months, 10 years!

What's ahead?

Only time can reveal.

But our actions do have a great role in shaping our destiny.


Video 1:

Lessons from the above video:

1) "Impracticality is the vocabulary of mediocre who do not want to take the responsibility of implementation"
2) Italian proverb - " Let all your miseries be as short lived as your resolutions"
3) Greatest tragedy is to fall in your own eyes. "Self Belief"; is the most important thing, and will help you reach heights. Every promise you uphold, it goes up; every promise/resolution you break, it comes down. Our commitment level boosts self belief.
4) Man is the co-author of his destiny. How he start a sentence is important, God will help to complete the sentence.
5) What you do on a regular basis, even if imperfectly will give far greater result than doing somethings perfectly but only at times - Dhinacharya.
6) Law of Life: That on which I invest time grows, Think - Step forward only in directions where you can give time.
7) Unless I live morally right, I do not have the right to tell others to do so.

Video 2:

1) It does not matter where we come from, what matters is where we go to.
2) We should not discount the minority.
3) Most often our heart tell us what is right, listen to it - As much as to head.

Make a Difference.

*1st day of 2020 is here, a few common sense HEALTH TIPS FOR All*

*A. Two things to check often:*
(1) Your blood pressure
(2) Your blood sugar

*B. Three things reduced to minimum:*
(1) Salt
(2) sugar
(3) starch (Carbohydrates)

*C. Four things to increase:*
(1) Greens
(2) Veggies
(3) fruits
(4) Nuts

*D. Three things to forget:*
(1) Your age
(2) your past
(3) your grudges

*E. Three things to have:*
(1)True Friends
(2)Loving family
(3)Positive thoughts

*F. Four acts to stay healthy:*
(1) fasting
(2) Laughing
(3) Exercise
(4) Weight loss

*G. Four things not to wait for:*
(1) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep
(2) Don't wait till your tired to rest
(3) Don't wait till your friend is sick to go to see him.
(4) Don’t wait for problems to pray to God.


“A New Year, A New Start, and Miles to Go. Wish You all Successful and Glorious New Year 2020”

Regain clarity about and passion for life.

Give - Kindness, Acknowledgement, Gratitude

A New Year -

One Resolution -

Be positive!

From the Secret Scroll Message:

"Being positive means that you will look for the positive things in people, circumstances, and all things.

Being positive means that if any negative words come out of your mouth, you will stop mid-sentence and immediately turn the sentence into a positive one.

Being positive means that you will have fewer negative emotions, and even if a negative emotion arises you will be positive about it too by allowing the negative emotion to be rather than trying to push it away.

Being positive means that you will automatically focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Being positive means that you will become an attractive force for what you want.

Being positive means that negative thoughts and words will begin to fall away.

Being positive means that you will begin to feel happier and happier each day.

Being positive means that you will have fewer problems.

Being positive means that life will go smoothly for you, everyday events will fall into place, and things will go your way.

Being positive means that you will feel good! "

Positive 2020

Just Be, and Enjoy Being!

In-Joy; In-Self.

Renewed Hope,
New Opportunities & Adventures
New ways to Give and Love ❤️

Prayers for Health, Harmony and Happiness Humesha!

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