Monday, December 06, 2021

Learnings from 2021

How important it is to be rich? - When a poor man has issues caused by the rich man, it is covered up, and when a rich man has issues - he should be pardoned. The farm law politicians case and SRKs son. I always thought chasing  money was not good. Now I realise how important it is to be rich and successful. 

Irrespective of the power of position in which people are in, the basics will remain the same. Even a PM can mock ladies calling Deedhi-O-Deedhi. 

"Absurd to blame Modi, for what is being done, as it is copied.

Absurd to say terrorism is Islamic, it is even outside.

Violent acts happen all over the world. Your Nation is not defined by these violent acts. Your Nation is defined by how you respond to these violent acts."

One thing is clear, its neither the Muslims nor the Christians, but biggest haters of Indians are Indians, each dynasty killing, tarnishing the previous whether it be Surya, Gupta, Maurya,  Chola, Nehru or Sangh...

Instead of looking forward, learning from the past mistakes, some are trying to recreate or correct the past and implement  much older thoughts and ideas , when thigs are moving forward at a lightening speed.

Had close ones passing even before, but have not seen so many deaths in a single year as this, and particularly in the month of March. 

Grief isn’t a force “out there” to be tamed or conquered. It is a part of us as much as any joy, or passing sadness, or hunger. It always returns and makes a home within us. The key is to recognize that the goal of reflection and acceptance is not to diminish this grief to the point it dissolves, but to exist and grow around it.

Like trees in strong wind, we strengthen by resilience—not by avoiding the pain and sinking back to the familiar ground.

Accepting yourself means accepting these losses as they are—a part of our story.

Ask, for what you want,  and it will be given to you. That is the basis of the law of attraction,  and even some scriptures.  Seems  God is now in a mood to listen to all the prayers for rain. 

Act. Ideas without actions are useless. And there are some, whose ideas are like seasons, in a cyclic form it keeps repeating.  Never acted upon. There is no harm in having no dreams and being content.

Happy the man whose wish and care, few paternal acres bound, content to breath his own air, on his own ground. 

Earl's Strangest Secret - And why and how people are behind the same things which is already discovered before, how many people have gone behind it, and how few people practice it and therefore Strange. 

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