Sunday, January 07, 2024


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. – Marcus Aurelius

Once upon a time Marcus Aurelius said this. 

Our understanding of events and situations is filtered through our personal biases, experiences and interpretations. This reminds us to question and seek a deeper understanding, rather than accepting things at face value. 

The older I get the more I realize that everything really is deep. Yes everything.  Nothing should be taken lightly.

Mind you not serious,  not intense but deep. You are the average of the 5 people that you surround yourself with. It happens knowingly or unknowingly.  Cause it gets deep . It could be your family, friends, relatives, schoolmates, Co travelers,  people you confide in, your colleagues.  

What you watch, what you eat, what you consume,  what you wear, all of it have a deep impact on you. What you do with your mobile, in your free time, how you keep yourself busy, what you read, where you travel.

It's all very deep, you agree or not and should not be taken lightly. 

All these effect our health, wealth, living, life.

This hit real hard recently when a friend's son committed suicide. 

We most likely all have some understanding, at least, of the meaning of the concept behind the saying "perception is reality". However, how many of us are truly aware of "how" this "perception vs reality concept" actually plays out in our daily lives? Perceptions strongly influence our thinking, attitudes, decisions and actions and an idea of the importance of ones "perceptions" in the scheme of things can be gleaned by the use of the word "everything" that Marcus Aurelius chose to use in the above quote. It seems Marcus Aurelius was a fairly smart individual and some things have not changed from that day till this. Your perceptions are in fact your reality and your perceptions do in fact influence everything!

Often in our busy lives we run largely on auto pilot viewing the world before us through our own set of personal filters (our filters are made up of our experiences, beliefs and values and filters are what create our perceptions) and we see things the way we see them because that's the way we see them! And, the way we see things effects our thinking, attitudes, decisions and actions! Now, if this is starting to sound like "goblty gook" then understand that hidden within the "goblty gook" is the answer of the perception vs reality riddle.

You see, as a business coach I often work with business owners just like you to help them "see things, people, situations, problems, opportunities, decisions, ideas etc, etc from a different point of view". This change in view point creates a different perspective... which enables a different perception... which creates a different understanding of what might be the reality... which affects what we might think and or decide to do next.

Next time you are grappling with something or stuck or unsure or frustrated try shifting/changing/altering your point of view and try looking at the problem or issue from different ways/angles/attitudes with different outcomes in mind or in specific ways etc - you will be absolutely amazed at how your view of reality will change when you change your perception by changing your point of view.

In the tapestry of existence, let us hold these words close. Let us approach information with discernment and cultivate an openness to alternative viewpoints. Let us seek not only the comfort of our own beliefs but the broader panorama of perspectives that shape our understanding. 🌅🌐

In a world brimming with information, let us navigate with a discerning eye and an attentive ear. Let us embrace the idea that our perception is not a fixed reality, but a dynamic interpretation shaped by our experiences and beliefs. 🌠💡

As we journey forward, may we carry with us the understanding that the truth is often a mosaic of perspectives and that wisdom lies in our willingness to explore and question. It is an invitation to approach the world with curiosity and humility. 🚀🌟

While on campaign between 170 and 180, Marcus wrote his Meditations in Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. The original title of this work, if it had one, is unknown. 'Meditations' – as well as other titles including 'To Himself' – were adopted later. He had a logical mind, and his notes were representative of Stoic philosophy and spirituality. Meditations is still revered as a literary monument to a government of service and duty. 

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