Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Stress, Anxiety, Depression

 Let the eloquence of your achievements speak louder than the whispers of your plans. Share results, not intentions, and let success be the resounding testament to your strategic silence."

Stress is because of inaction. If your take action, and get things done, you can overcome stress.

Depression is when the past keep worrying you. Realise you have no control over the past. 

Anxiety is when you are bothered and worried about the future. 

Let the past not bother you, nor the future worry you - Live in the present, and make best use of it. Take action, and keep your mouth shut. 

Make your life and your happiness your own priority. 

Why do you read, ride, travel and interact socially? - Because it gives you Happiness!

There will be people who do not want you to be genuinely happy, who want you to be their puppets. Beaware. Follow your heart. 

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