Wednesday, September 11, 2024

US Presidential Election Debate

Hand shake, hand of help; how she began was a matter of discussion. 

Microphone was muted when other candidate was speaking, but Harris had her way of looking at him smiling, but intimidating him, she looked like she belonged to the stage. 

She spoke to voters, took notes. Trump was clear, and did not have anything to write. 

With less than two months until Election Day and just hours before Alabama starts mailing early ballots on Wednesday, according to an AP report, the debate provided a revealing glimpse into the tumultuous presidential race.

In their first and possibly only debate before the election, Kamala Harris made a vigorous case against Donald Trump, challenging him on abortion, immigration, Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine wars, and American democracy, indicating their sharply contrasting visions for the country. 

The Diplomatic Editor of the Indian Express writes about the five key takeaways from the Harris-Trump Presidential Debate.

1. The style and atmospherics: Smiling Harris, angry Trump

Harris was calm and assertive, bringing out her natural prosecutorial skills to charge at Trump’s past — his criminal convictions, the January 6 Capitol Hill attack under his watch, and the fact that world leaders laugh at him. Trump was provoked, and he was angry, almost yelling, trying to counter them.

2. The domestic economy and politics debate: ‘Marxist’; ‘tired old lies’

The economy, abortion, immigration, and health care were among the top issues that were discussed during the debate. Harris criticized Trump’s past actions and policies, while Trump dismissed her arguments as 'Marxist' and 'tired old lies.'

3. The foreign policy debate: Russia, Gaza, Afghanistan

The candidates sparred on the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Hamas war, and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

On the Russia-Ukraine war, Harris sought to paint Trump in Putin’s corner. Trump said he would talk to both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, but refused to say that he would back Ukraine’s victory in the war.

On the Israel-Hamas war, Harris said she backed Israel’s right to defend itself, but also committed to a two-state solution and referred to the plight of the Palestinians — trying to walk a delicate balance in the diplomatic minefield. She reiterated that all need security and dignity. 

China was mentioned a few times — Harris accused Trump of being a sell-out, while Trump said that China, Russia, and North Korea were scared of him. Trump skilfully brought up Biden’s disastrous troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

4. Strategic messaging: Harris backs Biden, but says she isn’t him

Harris tried to distance herself from the unpopularity of Biden, and instead stuck to the fact that she was different from not just Trump, but from Biden as well. Her messaging was sharp and clear: she is not Trump, she is not Biden either. 'Let's turn the page', she kept saying repetedly. 

5. For India-watchers: silences that brought relief

There was no mention of India during the debate — either in the positive way or in a negative way. That was a relief to many in South Block who were tracking the debate early on Wednesday morning.

The fact that China was part of the discussion — mostly in a negative tone while talking about the chips industry or that China was scared of Trump — is an important takeaway for many in the Indian foreign policy establishment. That the political debate between candidates viewed Beijing as a rival and a threat clearly came out during the debate by both candidates.

There was no mention of high tariffs on goods and services from India, or a potential clampdown on legal and skilled immigration.This also reflected the innate domestic focus of the debate — primarily about America alone.

Few key points are:

We stand out for our rights. 

Border Czar - People comming all around the world. People are getting prosecuted. Sign a Bill to close the border. Horrible negotiator. 

Dictator - Trump is and like only dictators. They can manipulate Trump with flattery and favour. 

We have a nation in decline. 

Trump still feels he did not lose his last election. 

Will he win the upcoming election? What do you think?

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