Sunday, September 22, 2024

On reading and writing


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was an erudite liberal jurist appointed by President Clinton to the US Supreme Court.

My only grouse is that she should have retired during President Obama's second term, when she was suffering from cancer.

Her death in September  2020 allowed President Trump to appoint right winger Amy Barrett...

and tilt the balance with his 3rd egregious appointment to the Supreme Court during his 4 year term..

Well explained,  as received from Shobha at Cochin Book Club .

"I read many books in my life, but I don't remember most of the information I got from them. So what's the use of reading so many books?" A student asked his teacher exactly this question one day.

The teacher was silent about this, he did not answer on the first day.

After a few days, the student and the teacher met one day by the river, the teacher showed the student a pot with a hole and said - "Go, take the pot from the river and bring me a pot of water", the pot fell there on the ground in the dirt.

The student felt a little confused, it was an absurd advice, it was not possible to fetch water with a pot with holes, but the teacher's advice could not be disobeyed, so he picked up the pot from the ground and ran to the river to fetch water.

He filled the pot and came up with water, but could not go far, after taking a few steps the water filled all the holes and fell.

He tried a few more times, but he failed and became frustrated.

After several more attempts like this he could not reach the water, he was very tired.

Then he went back to the teacher and said - "I have failed, I cannot bring water to this vessel, it is not possible for me, forgive me."

Hearing the student, the teacher gave a gentle smile and aimed at the student, he said - "No, you have not failed. Look at the pot, it is clean now, it looks like a brand new pot. Every time the water falls through the holes, the dirt inside the pot is removed." Cleared outThe same thing happens to you when you read a book, your brain is like a vessel with holes, and the information in the book is like water. So when you read a book you cannot remember everything. But whether you read a book and remember all its information is not that important. Because the ideas, knowledge, emotions, feelings, realizations and truths you find in reading books clear your mind, every time you finish reading a book you undergo a spiritual transformation, every time you are reborn, thus becoming a purer human being. . That is the main purpose of reading books."

Happy reading….

(Credit goes to the original owner of the post)

Two gifts I received from my parents have come in handy in my writing life — a sense of wonder and curiosity from my dad, and a need for planning and discipline from my mom.

Of course, they instilled a love and respect for the written word, as well as languages.

"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." ~ Haruki Murakami

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