An Ayurvedic doctor, with interest in neuroscience and neuropsychology. She helps people reach new heights, by rewiring the neurological patterns. She believes that any disturbance in any aspect of our lives can lead to DIS-EASE. Wellness is holistic. It is a 360 degree transition. To live a life of fulfilment is our birthright.
Success is progressing in every area of your life.
Understand your subconscious mind.
95% of our subconscious mind is developed under the age of 7 years. The information your receive from your surrounding forms your assumptions about yourself and the world. These are called beliefs. There are two kinds of beliefs - self proving and self improving.
Self proving beliefs:
- I am good at relationship but poor at finance
- I am good administrator but not good at negotiation
- It's difficult to manage work and home effectively, I can choose only one
- Woman have to compromise
- I can't have it all
Hey Me God Bless you,
You have come a long way, and from here, you are only to go
You cannot discover new oceans until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
And this became my 96th of 2021
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life" - Robert Louis Stevenson
It covered :
- The Evolution Theory - Explains our brain with ant story - Neo is our neocortex or frontal lobe which governs our conscious thoughts, Lim is our Limbic brain, chemical brain or emotional brain and Cere is the cerebellum or the reptilian brain. The eagle represents amygdala, a small part of limbic brain that gets hijacked by any perceived danger. The ants represent billions of nerve cells that form networks within our brain. Neo's five friends refer to our fie senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory) and food refers to the stimuli and neural connections we are forming and meanings we attach to the stimuli.."Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."- Napoleon Hill. What stops us from achieving? Self-limitations. Because of insecurities, shyness, guilt, regret or repression. Growth doesn't happen unless we take risks, open ourselves up for new challenges, and learn from our mistakes. Cause and effect is applicable everywhere. If you are not happy with the effect, then we must change the causes that created them. Results/current Reality = Action+Emotions+Thoughts+Beliefs+seeds (10% conscious , 50% to 60% subconscious and 30% to 40% is unconscious mind) If you compare mind to a computer, Conscious Mind= Keyboard Monitor, Subconscious mind =RAM and Unconscious Mind =ROM. To change your reality, first, you must know it clearly. Your thoughts influence your reality. If we want to change something, we must first know what to change. Story: A king, could see only green - he painted everything green in kingdom, and asked all to wear only green, when he could have used a green spectacle himself. Clarity on reality is the first step to mastery. Change is tough in the beginning, back breaking in the middle, and magnificent at the end. If not tough, its not real change.
- The Blueprint : With practice we become expert in doing what we are doing. Energy flows where attention goes! "Every human being is hypnotized to some extent, either by ideas he has uncritically accepted from others, or ideas he has repeated to himself or convinced himself are true. " - Maxwell Maltz. Your view of yourself is shaped by your blueprint of life, which comprises your unique thoughts and beliefs. Self esteem is how you feel about yourself, and self image is about how you see yourself and how you believe others see you. If you have a poor opinion of yourself, your self-esteem will be low. We often are a victim of our own past that prevents us from becoming the hero of our present. "We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are." -Talmud. Most negative emotion is Fear. The success blockers.
- Success blockers - Fears which are Freedom blockers are fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, We are not logical. We are biological. Our emotions decide our state of mind. So Results = Seeds + Belief+Thoughts+Emotions+Actions. Memoris are a kind of record. Scenarios: 1) Unconscious Feedback Loop: Unresourceful state + Unhealthy Behaviours +Unwanted outcome+Sabotaging Actions. The wound is where the light enters you - Rumi. Energy + Motion = Emotion (Emotions are energy in motion) "Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life." - Tony Robbins. Emotions have frequencies and vibrations. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations. "-Nikola Tesla. The law of Vibration is the foundation for Law of Attraction. "Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. - Albert Einstein. Taking risk and action is a vital part to getting from where you are to where you want to go.
- The power of beliefs - A core belief is what makes a thought seem real even though it may not be. Your thinking doesn't create your circumstances, but the emotion and core belief attached to your thoughts influences the outcome of your situation. Thoughts+Actions/emotions = Outcome (life crash or take off). Beliefs -)Thoughts-) Words -) Actions -)Habits -) Values -) Destiny. M. G. Wheel of life -) solar System ) Centre is you - surrounded by Body/Finance/Environment/Spiritual/Purpose&Passion/Relationships/Emotions/Career - You are giving and pulling out energy from each of them. Habit is the key to making any changes in your life. Habits are formed when actions are tied to a trigger by consistent repetition so that when the trigger happens, you have an automatic urge to take action. The habit loop is the neurological loop that governs any habit. It consists of three elements: A cue, a routine and a reward. Habits are formed through constant and consistent repetition. Make one positive change everyday. SDU 30 day challenge. 1) Pick one small, positive habit which will take only 5 to 10 minutes 2) Come up with a plan on when and how you will implement it. 3) Do the habit immediately after the trigger. 4) Build in positive feedback - enjoyment, game, healthy competition. 5)Play to win.
- Questions that shape your life - Ask the right question. Evaluation is power. "It's not the events that shape my life that determine how I feel and act, but, rather, it's the way I interpret and evaluate my life experience. " Right question have the power to cause a complete mental turnaround.
- Transformations - with courage, and by not tolerating what is happening, and taking every possible opportunity, we can transform our lives. Get ready to be comfortable by being uncomfortable. Seeds for the transformation are the blueprints of your life.
Changing seeds means changing the meaning you have created for certain events form the past and present. It means changing how you feel about these traumatic events. I means cleaning the cobwebs of your life. It means functioning to your fullest potential each and every time. Two powerful tools for transformation of seeds: a)Having a burning desire b) Following role models.
- Momentum - Rewrite your story. - The root, the soil, the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the fruit, the seeds need to be taken care of. Values guide our daily decision in life, and provide us the confidence that we are making the right decisions and energize us to act accordingly, keep us in check and ensure we don't compromise in the path to success. Emotions are the honest communications we have with ourselves.
- Optimize - Stop dreaming, start doing. Create your compelling future. Big goals require big energy. Goal setting is like climbing a mountain. The peak is your destination, you cant see it clearly and you do not know the obstacles en-route. The closer you get, the better the clarity. You need to set intent for the journey. When you set your intent, you are directing your reticular activation system (RAS) to stretch towards your desired goals and future and to also enjoy the journey getting there. When you set your intent, you are marrying your subconscious mind with your conscious mind an that will make it happen in reality. Set your intent everyday when you wake up. Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines. ACT - I - ON : "Persistence will give you what you want, but consistency will allow you to keep it!" Rewire your DNA for massive success.
- Celebration and gratitude - Celebrate small wins to achieve big goals. Gratitude, is the rocket to catapult success into your life. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. -Eckhart Tolle.
- Success stories of people who dared to dream.
Car – Ferrari – unable to drive?
- · Drivers skill
- · Unclear of direction
When you drive in slow lane, you criticize and put yourself
Even though you are in
a situation like this, there is something that is happening in your
innerspace, and you are unable to fix it.
Success is the outcome of playing at excellence.
Think, feel and act – your results are a sum total of these
It is difficult to change the habits in your life, but not impossible.
Results are outcome of what is happening in your space. Where you are? Mediocracy or in excellence?
Where do you stand in your life?
You need to set your expectation.
Goal setting is a conscious process, and achieving goal is an unconscious process .
You need to continue to work on this reviewing, until your
mind is reformed. One question you must ask yourself is, how many of your are
interested and committed?
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