Thursday, October 07, 2021

What next?

There are people who started business on night, and took it to IPO too. Most of us would have had these feeling, at one point in time or the other?

Once the "new job honeymoon" is over, people have a reality check and realise that:

- they risk burning out due to the long hours

- there's no structure in their work

- office politics

- they're not growing at all

- can't fit into the team

- they are thrown work outside of the JD

Or they simply find something that's paid more or sounds exciting, etc...

The problem is they go out of the frying pan 🍳into the 🔥.

No one deserves to be unhappy in a job.

So here's what you can do:

1. Before you leave decide how you want to serve others.

2. What skills you have that can help you do that?

3. Create a plan - what's the 1st, 2nd and 3rd job you can take to that? Then align rebrand your CV and LinkedIn to align with that path.

It's productivity guilt. When you start the day you think you've more time, but when it's already night without accomplishing much of what you planned to do, you suddenly decide to stay late at night and do more - 2am  and after a while you think you are good at working late hours - not all the time, of course.

It's good to know that such things exist, is common and many other people are going through. This helps us understand ourselves better and know how to address the challenge properly. 

The Secret of Change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. 

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