Thursday, October 21, 2021

Essential Quality Embodiment - Thaddeus Lawrence

Do not outsource - three things: agency, authority, approval.   To make your life monumental. Live in your true power. 

When you have nature as your classrooms and mountains as your teacher, committed for your growth, who will power you up? You. 

In the summit of your life, you need to be there - or there would be no you in the summit. 

If you are going up the mountain and is distracted you might loose your life, you will miss the beauty around. 

Centering process: Centre you in the here and now - with eyes open. Not retreating with eyes close. 

Stand in full dignity of who you are, recognize that your groundedness is holding you up. 

Sense of purpose, why do you do what you do?

What is it you are committed to in your life? What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

Allow the purpose to be your guiding principles.

Why is the centering process so important? - What or who is it in your life that requires your attention?

What happens in life? One way in which we live in life is:

Do -) Have -) Be

We get caught up in the doing space. Doing might not end up in having, and sometimes when we have, we don't stop to celebrate your success. So you don't Be - You are stuck. 

Have -) Do -) Be

When I have time , success, money, 

Be -) Do -) Have

Success is not what we peruse, it is what ensues because of what you become. 

Growth of you. What kind of person you want to be? Don't copy someone else. No. 

This way of being, your essential quality of you is within you. 

Bring forth that essence of you. That person that you want to be more of - The true you - Your quality. 

Commit to the summit of your life. 

Boil it into one or two words - loving, aliveness, pride, conviction, courage, gentleness. 

This is the fundamental quality you need to embody. 

We are not human thinking, we are human being. 

Embodiment practice will help you face life challenges. 

Embodiment practice.

Show embodied state - of an athlete, - You are expressing the quality and it evokes that quality and allows you to express. 

Allow yourself the freedom to move. 

As you embody - how's your length and your breadth? 

Are you moving big or small? How would your movements be from this position. See if you can find the strongest sensation in your body. 

Do you find yourself more warm or cool? Does it have a color? What are you feeling?

Have mind, body, spirit connection. This is what power or embodiment is .

Your being will shape the doing and having. 

Or you will keep repeating the same things over and over again. 


How would you describe your

  1. Length
  2. Width
  3. Where was your movement?
  4. Where did you feel the strongest sensation, and how did it feel like?
  5. Overall as an experience what was your interpretation of self and world?
Three pillar - Long term practice, every day, a minute - 5 times  a day get into the embodied state. 

This is what Super Growth is all about. Go and stand in the summit of your mountain. 

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