Monday, January 09, 2023

OpenAI - ChatGPT

OpenAI is a research organization that has developed a number of artificial intelligence models, including a large language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3).  Chat.openai refers to a chatbot or other application that uses GPT-3 or another language model developed by OpenAI to generate responses to user input. 

New best friend, a written form of Alexa. ChatGPT is the latest buzz in the world of Artificial Intelligence. Bots that write out essays, gives opinion on anything, does your research for you, an advanced version of Google search if you may say so - a combination of search and consolidation of the results in an essay format.

This helps provide book reviews, solutions to your life problems, suggestions on your purchases, travel etc. Now is'nt it interesting?

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