Monday, March 14, 2022

5 am Club: Day 15: Digital/Mobile


·       21 minutes ritual and 10 minutes meditation

·       How much of mobile do you use daily?

·       What is consuming you?

·       Create a producer mindset – ‘The best known, beats the best’.

·       Create your own identity. – CAI – Consistency – Authority – Identity.

·       This will convert into business.

·       If we post into social media on a regular basis, you will start getting enquiry.

·       When you start creating video, you will need preparation, that will help you grow.

·       Are you ready to do it? - I am ready – to be a producer (IAR)

·       How to be a producer

1.       Create your content – video, text, image, audio

2.       Will you be able to create content for yourself?

3.       Will I be able to create content for others?

4.       Influencer

·       If you are unable to find your niche, experiment, and you will be able to find it.

·       Look how others in your interest is doing.

·       Mindnode – paid tool and mindmesiter – 3 free and 25 dollar

·       Become a producer

Song for today:

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