Tuesday, March 08, 2022

5 am Club - Day 9 - 9 to 10 minutes meditation and Our Circle


·       21 minutes ritual – 1 minute Mission & Values, 7 minutes – 7 goals, 6 minutes Vision board, 4 minutes bucket list, 3 minutes Affirmations- Aspire dream, Mindset

·       10 minutes guided meditation – https://youtu.be/dvq8TGMJfoQ

·       Four Circles – C1 – Very close always with you, C2 – close who come and go, C3 – know but not close, C 4 – Don’t know

·       How are we in relations – don’t judge

·       Fear of Failure and Fear of criticism – because we think what others think of us.

·       Circle C1 & C2 is our actual world – C1 blessings, C2 suggestions. Do not compromise C1 relationships

·       Three types of personalities in each of them –

o   with some we feel like we keep talking to them – Energy Givers

o   With some you can speak only for 10 minutes and energy will be lost – Energy suckers

o   Neutral

·       If you have Energy sucker in C1, we need to convert ES into EG.  Think how are we to them? EG or ES? – Spend more time, genuine efforts.

·       Understand them, find their deepest desire, what is the context in which they behave like that?

·       Your growth with be unstoppable if you have Energy Givers around.

·       How are we behaving in our circle? Are we energy givers?

·       Song for the day: https://youtu.be/M1isvrDYyRg

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