Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Inspired Living - Inspired Mission - Dr. Dave Tuck

Relationships - Social, Family, Partner : 

Career/Money/  - Service, Wealth, Mastery 

Health -  Chemical (what you put in your body), Physical, Emotional (Learning to manage your emotion is the foundation to manage your life)

Identity - Is the Intersection - with Values, Mission, Authentic expression - Foundation

We have had experiences, opportunities, stresses - learning to balance and flow, maintaining your value, mission and authenticity - and creating amazing areas in your life is the key. 

Each of us have our own story. There are no mistakes in what we attract, only learnings. Understand what to carry into your future, to get a different results. 

If you don't learn your lesson, with the first experience, it will keep coming to you again. 

Passion of loved one, falling sic, loosing job, failures and successes are examples of experiences.

You can't mess this up, here is why:

  1. Learning tool to see the balance in life/Law of Polarity: - Every experience comes with positive and negative. There is equal amount. What you perceive, is the polarised state of emotion. Sometimes you need to go to the event couple of times, to understand it. You create emotional baggage in yourself, that stops you see the event and both sides to it. It creates fear in the future. Ask question and learn to ask questions - Once you realise learn you can changes stresses into gratitude. Feedback mechanism, will help us correct our perception. Best from your own physiology. If you focus only on negative, you will be angry. 
  2. Nothing to forgive/Seeing life's synchronicities :- If you go back and see events, that has caused pain and feel someone needs to ask you forgiveness, go back and look at the event. There is no forgiveness but only a 'Thank You' for teaching the lesson. There is nothing to blame, nothing to forgive. There is present in each movement. Are there people in you life whom you are angry on? Goal is to remove baggage from your past and capitalise on that. Don't let anything stop you from living the full expression. All of us have had unique life experiences. Because we all have different sets of values, thinking, drives, mission. It's what makes you unique. Each judge and filter experience based on their values. In relationships, we have stress. That is why relationships are for. Filter world through values - you will be authentic. As you ask these questions of the past, carries something, that helped you pull nuggets of your wisdom, which helped you create your vision and mission. The patterns in your life have a connection. There is synchronicities, that help you move into the future. Dig it and release the baggage. You will feel lighter, clearly, and healthier. Fan of asking opinion. More inspiration and less desperation. If you don't learn the lesson first time, it will repeat and it will take more time for you to correct. See full quantum of events and move with grace and poise. It will help you going. You will be less sad, angry and emotional. 
  3. The importance of dissolving emotional baggage/asking quality questions :- Fix body - nutrition, mind and body connection, if you don't have emotional stability, it will have physiological issues, that will manifest into diseases. Body's feedback to what you carry around. It effects, what you feel and look. Aging process is faster. Dissolve emotional baggage and your physical illness will go away. 
Go through experiences of life - turn negatives into positives, be Thankful, dissolve emotional baggage. When you learn to do that, your vision open up, there is brain voice, you will cut off future anxieties and fears. Own your past, and fear of future will start dissolve, as you will understand, every experience will have both sides, and learn from it, dissolving fear and anxieties. Possibilities you have for your life becomes greater. You will know which path to follow. What comes to you will serve you. You will take ownership. Be confident of your self. You will navigate, gather data, take time, see them asking quality questions for full quantum. As you move into the future, you will have more energy to attract thing you want with confidence and clarity. As you dissolve your past, you have better vision for your future. 

You will have more balance in each area of your life. If you have a clarity of you who are in the middle. You do this you will have your identity, will help find your mission which is unique. You can flow through life. Learn to navigate through life, by being in the present and knowing each moment serves. 

There is a free Synergy call you can have with Dr. Dave Tuck, if you need some help. 

This is your life, take control and be your captain. Question is do you like your life? There will be people who get in and get our of your life in this journey. Be yourself. 

Life Dance: The area dividing the brain and the soul is affected in many ways by experience. Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted. 

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