Sunday, March 20, 2022

5 am Club - Day 21

 Canva - Designing tool.

Right click, presentation,  poster,

You see number with multiplication in between, its pixcels.

Keep logo we need in png format.,

Here pics are free download, so no copywrite issues.

What you want to do, look for who/what is best in the area: people, books, tools.

Fletcher Method. University on wheels. Life long learning. 

How to become a content writer? 

Gamefy tough thinks and hack it. Have a support buddy, preferably  from home.

Books: Think and Grow Rich, Alchemists,  The Greatness Guide, Law of success

Dolphins Watch : You are here. Convert nature into man made area. Take inspiration from things around. 

Short Videos - mobile phone selfi video, inshot app. Edit on the go.

Observe.  Your potential problem will help you find opportunities. 

Freedom of time, travel, Confidence, Money, opportunities to explore  other area. Benefits of passive income.  

Accept what we cannot change, control what we can. Leverage nature. 

How to create start up with ideas? Implemented ideas are currency. 

Tips on Time Manage: Priority based activities. Plan. Result providing activity. Before sleeping every night, visualize  how you want your next day to be.

What is the problem you face in life, do you think there is a solution for that? There lies your business opportunity. 

Have a meaningful goal, make a difference.  May whatever you touch be a success. 

Greatness consists not in the holding of some office but in doing great deeds with few resources, as well as in accomplishing large goals without having things handed to you. To be great at all, one must be great here, now, wherever you live. Those who give to their cities better streets and sidewalks, better schools and more colleges, more happiness and more civilization, and more of God, such people will be great anywhere.

We are human, our minds will wander and mindlessly we will compare and want to have and be what others are. When this happens mindfully come back to you. Affirm that, “I am grateful and happy for who I am and I am open to receive abundance in all ways. “ Do not strengthen negative or comparative thoughts. Reframe and redirect. This is powerful. This is to reconnect with that beautiful unique you.

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